The Key to Success That You Must Know And Have: Starting a business is a big decision

in #mindset7 years ago

Starting a business is a big decision! Not many people have the courage to decide to start a business. The first consideration is risk! Yup! Many are afraid of the risks that will be faced.

But not with you. You are one of the few people who have courage. You dare to make a big decision to start a business. Young age, lack of experience, and lack of capital do not stop you.

You've been falling many times. Many times you have failed. However, you continue to rise and struggle. You are great and deserves thumbs up!

Hmmm, but ... Wait a minute! What did the author say? You've fallen many times? Have you repeatedly failed? And, you never made it?

Very weird!!!

Do-not, there's something wrong with your strategy! You should know it immediately.

Now is the time for you to contemplate and think why your business always fails.

In this paper, will be discussed one thing that you must know when starting a business. This one thing is very important! Regardless of this, you will have no control over your actions in running a business.

When you have no control over your actions, you will not be aware when they are detrimental to your business.

Then, what is one important thing? He is MINDSET!

What is a Mindset?

Mindset is the same as the mindset. The mindset is the thoughts, beliefs, and beliefs that are used as references and references in thinking. The way people think with a pragmatic mindset differs from the mindset of someone who has a hedonist mindset.

A pragmatist judges something according to its usefulness.

For example, when purchasing a mobile phone, a pragmatic person does not consider much style. What they are considering is the functionality of the phone. Good phones according to them is a phone that is affordable, durable, and has features that can be used to help him in daily communication.

Well, on the contrary, for a hedonist, style (style) is more important than the function of the phone itself.

When purchasing a mobile phone, consider them is whether the phone helps her improve her prestige. Or, if not, for fun like playing a game.

The way people think with a result-oriented mindset differs from the way people think with a process-oriented mindset. According to those who are result-oriented, the most important is the result. However, how to get results is not important to them.

Conversely, for people who are process-oriented, the most important yaachieve-successng is the process or way of getting results. They are not too focused on the results to be achieved. Their focus is on the process.

Well, the examples above are examples of the mindset and how it affects one's attitude.

The Importance Of Mindset In Business
When you start a business, you need to have a mindset that can support your business activities. This business mindset is very important. It will be a reference to your actions regarding the business.

Failure often occurs because you apply a mindset that does not support your success. For example, you have the confidence that you are impossible to earn 100 million rupiah per month.

That belief is not kidding!

It is said not to play games because your actions are always in accordance with that belief.

When you are sure that you are not able to earn 100 million rupiah per month, then your actions will reflect that belief.

Perhaps, now, in your heart, you say that you are capable of making $ 100 million a month, but as long as your beliefs say the opposite, the words in your heart will be ignored by the brain.

Conscious Beliefs and Subconscious Beliefs
In the brain, there are two layers of thought. The upper layers are conscious beliefs, while the lower layers are unconscious beliefs.

Subconscious beliefs can be formed from repetition alias repetition. This means that the formation of the unconscious belief does not necessarily. It takes time to shape it.

However, not infrequently also unconscious beliefs are formed immediately, through traumatic experiences.

The formation of subconscious beliefs with reps is exactly like the formation of habits. Habits are formed when we repeat them regularly.

For example, initially we do not have a habit of getting up early; We always wake up late.

Well, if you want to get used to wake up in the morning, then every day, we have to get up early. When we are heavy to open our eyes, we must force ourselves to open our eyes.

Likewise, the unconscious belief. It will be formed when we repeat it every day.

For example, you initially believe in ghosts.

If you want to form a belief that the ghost is not there, you have to repeat that belief in your heart. You have to convince yourself that the ghost is not there.

In fact, you need to make it verbally or verbally. You also need to repeat the pledge every day until finally the conviction that the ghost does not exist actually form in your subconscious mind.

Although the formation of the unconscious belief (through repetition) takes a long time, but once that belief is formed, it is very difficult to remove.

It also applies to customs. Habits are very difficult to establish. However, once formed, it is very difficult to remove.

Now, if the unconscious beliefs are difficult to form and hard to remove, conscious conviction is the opposite. The formation of conscious beliefs is relatively easier than forming subconscious beliefs. Moreover, if the belief is supported by evidence justifying it.

However, when the conscious beliefs are unsuitable or even contrary to the unconscious belief, the conscious conscious will lose. This is the power of the subconscious mind.

Somehow, it's from his son, our subconscious mind that dominates us, not the conscious mind. In addition, the dominance of the subconscious mind is also because, it contains habits that are NOT EASILY LOST just like that.

Remember! As mentioned above, the formation of unconscious beliefs is exactly the same as habit formation. This means that NO OTHER BELIEF TAKES IS A TYPE OF HABITS.

The formation of subconscious beliefs is through repetition. That is, we reproduce or accustom these beliefs in our mind, every day.

And, we know when the habit is pitted against the will (the will is the activity of the conscious mind), the habit always wins.

We are used to writing with the right hand. When we are willing (willing) to write with the left hand, it is very difficult to do. Because, we are not used to writing with the left hand.

Subconscious beliefs usually form when we were kids. It comes from education, religious beliefs of parents, philosophy, ideology, culture, and experience. Meanwhile, conscious beliefs are beliefs that form spontaneously when we experience experiences obtained through the senses.

So, at the same time, we have subconscious beliefs as well as conscious beliefs. The difference is, the subconscious belief has settled in the brain for much longer than our conscious consciousness. Our conscious consciousness briefly arises when we experience, and briefly disappears.

For example, as a moral person, at the subconscious level, we have a belief that is consistent with our moral values. The belief settles within our brains and becomes the grip of everyday life.

According to our moral teaching, stealing is a forbidden act. Well, the teaching is stored in our subconscious as subconscious beliefs.

One day, there was a theft event. The theft was done by a hungry old grandmother. When we know the event, our conscious mind reacts and analyzes.

Finally, it came to the conclusion that the grandmother was innocent. This is according to our conscious mind. However, because our subconscious beliefs say stealing is a forbidden act, there is a conflict between the conscious mind and our subconscious mind.

Or, if our conscious mind is weak, then the subconscious mind wins. Our conscious beliefs will be ignored by our brains. As a result, in the conscious level, we also assume that the grandmother remains guilty.

Subconscious Beliefs, Mindset, and Mindset of Success

Well, mindset is none other than the unconscious belief itself. Thus, the mindset can be formed from the education we acquire from childhood, the views of life taught to us, the culture prevailing in our environment, as well as the experiences we experience.

In relation to business, the failures that we experience may be caused by mindsets that do not support business activities. Such a mindset can be formed by the experience of our lives.

For example, we are born in the middle of a simple family. Our education is not too high. Our achievements in school are mediocre.

The experience of being a child of a simple family and being a child of mediocrity as above can form our subconscious beliefs.

Because of that experience, we too become pessimistic, seeing that we can not possibly become rich businessmen. The beliefs that settle in our subconscious mind and become the guidance of everyday life, become the mindset of our lives.

One time, a friend suggested that we build a business rather than work for others.

In the conscious level, our mind agrees with the idea. We begin to build business. Unfortunately, our unconscious beliefs are still like before we build a business, that is, we can not possibly become rich businessmen.

Now, because our unconscious beliefs still believe that we are impossible to become rich businessmen, then our actions will follow that belief. Instead of running strategies that advance our business, we take actions that keep our business from profit.

Our actions are controlled by unconscious beliefs that are nothing but our mindset, not by our conscious will.

Well, that's why, when doing business, we need to change our mindset. If our mindset does not support business, we have to change it with a new mindset. Condition, the new mindset must support our business.

An example of a mindset that supports business activity is "I can earn an income of a few hundred million or billions per month" (depending on our wish); "I can lead the company"; "I get a lot of customers", and so on.

Well, that's the importance of mindset in business activity. The mindset is a belief that becomes a reference and a grip for us in action. All our actions are always based on the mindset we have. If analogous, the mindset is like the path we take. When we want to succeed, then we must choose the path to success. If we choose other paths, then we will not achieve success anytime.

Now, have you searched your mindset? Does your mindset support your success?

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