in #mindset6 years ago


No doubt, we have lived in the outcome, results and products of either a positive or a negative mind set of the society.
You are a product of your thoughts and beliefs.

Many of us today envy the outcome of a positive mindset developed by humans like us. Our relationship, business, academic status and lifestyle speaks clearly of our mindset.

Many scholars today have made us know that mindset is a choice towards way of life/living.
In this regard, we have the right of choosing the person we want to be to the society.

The end justifies the means they say, but to me;

Your Mindset justifies your end and who you are.


According to Dr. John Schinnerer on his talk about power of Mindset;

  • A mindset is a choice to adopt a set of beliefs that you know to be beneficial.
  • A lens through which you view the world,
  • A way to simplify the millions of interpretations of the world around you. Source

According to research and opinions, it is clearly stated and digested that it is not just our talent and abilities that bring us success, but a positive mindset coupled with the talents and abilities.

In life, relationship, business, education etc, its very important and neccesary that we know that what shapes us is the right counselling rather than money, talent, ability and brilliance.

In some parts of the world, some areas are known for their great successive status and some areas as under developed. These two are automatically influenced by the mindsets.

If we trace the reasonings of some people vis-a-vis their societal status today, we will see a great contribution from the way they view things(mindset) to who they are.

Therefore, Mindset is a psychological influence to either success or failure.

Psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, affirms that;

“What I am currently doing equals what I am currently getting. If I improve what I do, then I will improve what I get.” source

In this case of mindset as the catalyst of who we are, according to research, defines mindset as;

A lens consists of the ideas and attitudes with which a person approaches a situation. And those ideas and attitudes predetermine a person’s interpretations of — and responses to — situations. Sources

Positve mindset is the key to a successful life.
Dont get it twisted, many researchers and even the Bible at a place says in Ephesians Chapter 4:14 that;

We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
Ephesians 4:14 NKJV

This men(culture, tradition,beliefs, religion etc) target to affect our mindset to make the society what they desire of it.

Positive mindset has many advantages on our health status.

Health wise;

According to, Positive mindset has health benefits;

  • Increases life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. Source

Positive mindset in relationships;

  • In relationsholips, positive thinkers attract Positive Thinkers too.
  • Partners with Positive mindset succeed often.
  • Positive thinkers are always missed by their partners when they are not around.
  • Positive thinkers can manage any challenge in their relationships.
  • Positive thinkers always device ways to help others.

Benefit of positive mindset in business;

Positive mindset finds helps and strategies in problem solving.
It makes decision making easier.
It helps in risk management.

Benefits of Positive mindset in Education;

  • Always see every situation as an opportunity of learning and innovation rather than setbacks.
  • Always see setbacks as useful
  • It helps you to enjoy life no matter what.
  • It helps you to improve yourself esteem at all times.

Finally, the Power of mindset can not be over emphazised in any settings. We are shaped by how we think.
The earlier we start viewing things from the reality of life, the sooner we affect the society positively. Thanks for the time.

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People sometimes do a new activity with the expectation of failing and guess what? they fail! because they werent positive. Great post thank you

Very true. Mindset is like the propeller the moves and shapes us

It's great to know how powerful our minds can be and how great a resource is the human mind.
Thanks @euronation

It's great to know how powerful our minds can be and how great a resource is the human mind.
Thanks @euronation

Powerful piece by @euronation on the power of human mind.

I'm highly impressed by this cliche:
"The end justifies the means they say, but to me;
Your Mindset justifies your end and who you are."

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