How the "Art of Happiness" audio could improve your life as it improved mine (example 1 of X)

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)

As my first post ever on Steemit I'd like to share an audio that I humbly hope will spark an improvement in some of your lives the way it has in mine, or in other ways.

Of course I wish it would do that for all who may want it or need it, but there will only be a chance if you give the book or audio or text a chance, and not all will, which is fine. :)

If this text, audio book and site indeed does inspire and improve some readers lives then that will make me feel great for being a tiny spark in that (if I would ever find out, so please let me know).

If it fails to inspire and help you to improve your life or I will never know then I can still allow myself to feel good about giving it a shot and write this instead of going to the hotel pool, because even just trying to do good things for others can be very positive for how we feel about ourselves even when the goal of helping the other one fails.

Watch an animated video review of Art of Happiness here:

(this is not my channel and I don't know who's it is, but I will start sharing more of my own original content in my following posts, I just find this valuable and would like to share the value with others)

Animated book review

To know that I'm once in a while unselfish enough to try to help strangers or small things like smiling and being kind to strangers makes me feel a lot better than when i was 24 and mostly just thought about myself and what others could help me with. But I don't suggest that you overdo it.

I suggest to find balance between helping yourself and not forgetting to try to help others. A balance I still work on myself, sometimes overdoing it in both directions.

And back then everyone noticed that I was asking but not giving except myself.

And that right there, is one of the many lessons that I learned from playing the Art of Happiness audio book so much that made me happier, that happiness can be created on how I honestly feel about what I tried to do and actually offering good things to people, rather than just if they accepted the offer and if it was a success or not.

Sound a bit too easy? Does appreciating a failure take some self discipline in how we think?

Yes. it did take some practice and changes for me, but if I can do it I think that so can you, because I am not known to have a huge amount of self discipline in all areas.

And another thing.

Just like we can still create happiness from a failure, we can also create suffering and depression from both failures and successes depending on how we decide to deeply feel about the failure or success.

Part of how we feel is a decision, but part of it is not up to us. If we for example hurt someone we can choose to feel good about it on one level, but there will always be some annoying voice inside that doesn't let us feel so good about ourselves, for almost all of us at least.

My favorite chapter in Art of Happiness audio book that usually pops me out of bad mood and makes me smile is Chapter 9 "Self-Created Suffering (and change)".

This explains that when we want to reduce our suffering from both physical pain and from our life we need to separate the actual suffering of the wound/situation and the usually much larger suffering that comes from how we chose to over and over again THINK about our life or about the wound or injury, financial limitation or heart-ache.

This chapter truly improved my life my life so much and I wish I could link to it but at this time I only found the first half of the audio book online.

Listen to the first half of Art of Happiness of here:

(this is not my channel and I don't know who's it is, but I will start sharing more of my own original content in my following posts, I just find this valuable and would like to share the value with others)

And I collected more audios and videos about happiness here

And did my "" site change the world so far?

No, it is in that way a solid failure that is not even mobile friendly and still took hundreds or maybe thousands of hours of my time.

In other words I could wallow in embarrassment and curse myself for wasting all that time.

But instead I try to apply the basics of happiness:

To appreciate myself for trying so hard to solve world problems even if it may be called naive and impossible.

To realize that what I learned from the other videos and from the failure made me go to Los Angeles and Asia and pursue new dreams that improves my life.

To be thankful that I actually see some percent of the anonymous visitors in the stats spend some hours on the site and to think that maybe the site does indeed spark big improvement in some lives.

Remember that a failure is not eternal if we keep coming back to it and try again every now and then in smarter ways and with better resources and connections.

Maybe in the future this failure to improve the world will lead to me meeting and partnering with people and together really improving the world. I see entrepreneurs that I presented the site to use ideas in their own projects, that in turn helps more people.

I guess, what I would love for you to take away from this is:

Don't wallow in regret. Use the things you do regret rather as fuel to do things that are better.


Don't be scared to fail in providing value to people, just try, and appreciate the try, note what doesn't work. And next time, try smarter. And allow yourself to recharge, have fun yourself and care about yourself too.

And.. .

Give some motivational audios a chance sometimes.

See it more as a shower or bath to repeat often, rather than a one time thing, and it will improve your lives.


Don't always use the same shower or bath. Sometimes a beautiful river, sometimes the sea, sometimes your bath room. In other words:

Find loads of great audio that builds you up daily or weekly. Search and you will find either on dtube, YouTube, Facebook, instagram or check my favorites on the link above.

Peace & love!


Picture: Discussing with a child who slept in the streets in South Africa how he could find a way to stop using drugs and get a way out of homelessness. In his case he eventually did, but either way I would have known I tried.

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dtube @essen.vicente on picking up girls & hers and your dreams.
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