3 Mindset Shifts You Can Make Today For a Better Life

in #mindset4 years ago

Mindset seems to be all the craze today - and I really can’t blame everyone.. It’s amazing how much your life can change simply by adjusting the way you think about things and perceive the world. Over the past four years as I’ve delved deeper and deeper into my own healing journey more often than not it always comes down to mindset. The ability to change your thinking patterns while ultimately transform your life.

So today I would like to share my three top tips for changing your mindset today. Of course these practices will need to be just that - practiced. But by becoming aware of them today, it’s my hope that your life will start to evolve in the direction you desire.

IMAGE 2021-03-25 11:55:45.jpg

Start asking yourself “what is this teaching me?” rather than “why is this happening to me?”

Inevitably throughout our lives certain things will come to pass that are not what we planned for, expected or wanted to occur. And over time some of us develop the habit of thinking and saying “things like this always happen to me” or even more in the victim role “why me?”

At this very moment I want you to own up if you’ve been playing the victim. And I am going to ask that you never again sink into self pity. It’s unbecoming and quite frankly doesn’t suit you.

Whenever something occurs throughout your life that you aren't exactly pleased about, do your best to see the situation objectively and find the lesson - ask yourself, “what is this teaching me?”

Because things don't happen to us by accident. Life happens FOR us to lead us where we need to go, life happens FOR us, teaching us lessons along the way.

Eliminate negative self talk from your vocabulary and your mind. This means no more saying (or thinking) things like, “that could never be me, she/he’s more pretty/talented/smart/educated/etc than I am, I suck, I’m ugly, I don’t deserve YZX.”

Negative self talk and negative self thoughts are DESTRUCTIVE to your growth and progress. See our minds believe WHATEVER we tell them - so it's up to us to make sure the words we are feeding our minds are kind, empowering and uplifting about ourselves.

Practice what I refer to as “flipping the script” - this means when you catch yourself having a negative thought such as, “I’m not smart enough to start a business” immediately recognize it as negative self talk and CHANGE IT! Say the opposite, “I am smart and I am learning everything about starting a business” - don’t just say the opposite, but really FEEL into it! Find a way to BELIEVE the new empowering story you’re telling yourself.

Cut the excuses. Your brain will give you every excuse in the book for why you can't and shouldn't work out. Your brain will tell you're too tired, too old, too fat, too busy - and it's all BS. This goes for any excuse you make about any change you’re wanting to make in your life.

Write down your goals. Whatever they are. Then on a separate sheet of paper write down the list of excuses you’ve been telling yourself about why you can't and have not been accomplishing those goals. Then BURN the FKN excuses! Literally light the sheet of paper on fire.

Your excuses must go if you want to change your life in any way shape or form. There is no room for them here.

We are building you a mindset of steel!

Comment your biggest takeaway from this post below and let me know if you want more blogs like this :)

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