Why Do Some People Never Start Doing the Things They Want?

in #mindset6 years ago

Hello, dear friends!

The title of today’s blog post is a question, and I am willing to bet that as soon as you read it, your mind raced with many ideas as to why this phenomenon occurs.

A lot of you are thinking about fear. And you would be right. Fear is a powerful sedative for a seeking mind. It obscures your thought and tramples on your willingness to do what must be done.

We can safely assume that many dreamers have forsaken their pursuit out of fear and dread. But that is not what I am going to talk about today.

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I will make my point by reviewing a conversation that I had with one of my friends many years ago. She wanted to get into journalism and work her way up to becoming a senior editor for a magazine or newspaper.

‘It is a wonderful dream,’ I told her. ‘But it is going to be a long and difficult road.’

She pondered on my point for a moment.

‘I understand. Nothing is ever easy. I am willing to go through the pain if it means that I will reach my goal.’

Months and months went by and nothing of the sort you would expect happened.

You might have thought that she would become some sort of journalist or writer in the many months that followed.

Some of you think that she must have at least taken some steps.

But no, nothing of the sort happened!

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‘I don’t understand why you are still bartending in that place.’ I told her one day.

‘I really want to start working for a publication or magazine, but I don’t have much experience,’

She said, with a hint of guilt in her voice.

‘I need to start writing on a regular basis, but I don’t know what about!’

‘Just write about anything you like. Where were you planning to write anyway?’

I asked her. Silence followed the end of that conversation, and I thought a long while about the thing that she had said to me.

I am never the sort of person to judge someone, but her lack of trying was something that I thought about for a long time, because I knew that she wasn’t a lazy person.

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My friend didn’t know what to write about, but that was never so much of a good excuse to ease my mind into sympathy and support.

I knew better than that. No one ever showed me the way. I found my own way.

I don’t necessarily believe that everyone should work out the way of life on their own. It is true; some people need help and tutoring. But that can also be a problematic mindset, because it gives way to unwillingness.

Why did she not start writing and learning about the craft in the many months that followed our conversation?

She said that she didn’t know where to start.

But if you ask me, it was never a question of knowledge. It was just a matter of unwillingness.

The idea that you may want something, but not enough to put yourself through the trouble of achieving it.

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Some people never start doing the things they want, but that is not necessarily because they are afraid or simply lazy.

They won’t start because they are not willing to do what they have to do.

Starting something without knowledge or a straight path is a wearisome struggle, but that CANNOT stop a person who truly wants to gain that thing.

It is just a matter of priority.

Think about your own priorities.

What are the things that you have always wanted to started, but simply found yourself unwilling to do so?




Please, take the time to read the text below, it can always change in some points and it is it that has made this community understand and help each other. I would like you to pay close attention to what is written in these notes. Try to really follow what I ask of all of you who are a few months old with me contributing meaningful comments and we have built something really good here along with people who have a positive mindset and we have managed to get more people together like that.

Always read this text of notes because I can making important changes in this text like update names in the list and things to the growth and understanding of how we can improve our foundations and how this community was built until here.

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, more and more upvotes each others and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

In the end you will see that I ask you all to sign up for a youtube channel that I created this specific channel to talk about steem and for projects that I am working on steem that soon I will release a video about that channel. It's important that you sign up for the channel and talk to your friends at steem so they can sign up as well.

There is no video in the channel yet but it is important that you are subscribed to this channel precisely so that you can be notified when I launch something there.

I know everyone has a google account or 99% of people, so you just have to sign up for the channel.

I'm counting on all of you.

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: More and More Upvotes each others!


I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.

I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.

You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.


First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more.

But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog. Please do not ask to include you in the list if you are just wanting upvotes because we want here people genuinely attuned to growth and good attitudes and as I have always said with Respect as the basis of all, generosity and positivity!


Feel free if you want to be included in the list of contributors to this community. Just ask at the end of your comment.

@juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @hobo.media @theticket @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @isabelpereira @nulifeiq @royer94 @yaleal @ushmil @nisiryan0522 @reveurgam @certain @kkins @nurseanne84 @robertyan @xtophercruzeu @theureview @anil566 @freedomanytime @clayrawlings @zetacoin @goldheart @artoftherhyme @jiujitsu @don-thomas @arsl14 @vishalmajumdar @thehippierays @kemc @aple @orgoniteog @abrish @zydane @cathynsons @shashiprabha @katebobkova @tramelibre @sanjoea @savedanimals @kshahrck @filmyworld @syedahmed1010 @iknoweverything @hashzone91 @bernard4ve @afruza @fareed974 @leidy3 @xcountytravelers @whyaskwhy @genesisleal @arrozymangophoto @omikhatun @roxacolher @roger5120 @ranggayusuf @simonpeter35 @zanoni @enjoycompany @joshvel @artelita


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Good morning,
it's not only to have a dream, we have to change the dream into a plan and follow and work for that plan step by step and day by day.
The imagination of the goal we
have can help, we can draw a picture or can print it, put it in front of our bed, our notebook, in our car or just as a screensaver on our mobile.
Our subconscious will recognize it and will work for our dream come true.
Have a great day

I am on a journey of enjoying life! Sure everyone has to work to make a living in some way, but enjoy what you do. Sometimes, my corporate job can really take it out of me, but overall, I am extremely blessed with my opportunity that it has allowed me to think on a different level and start accomplishing other things I have been wanting to do, in small stages, but hey, we all have to work to something! Small changes make big differences! Oh, and I don't know how I am not on this list yet... so @chbartist, please add me to the list so I can see when you post all your stuff! Love your work, keep it up.

Ones mind can be the worst enemy. This is the situation I sit in for the last couple of years (it's been so many I stopped counting already) but one of the very big factors is how to mentally accept that the overdue huge capital debts against my name will not be able to be paid back until the best years of my life is over. If you have any tips and advice on how to ride the wave in a scenario like mine it is so appreciated!

Both my husband and i did very well to the point we had everything in excess and budgeting was not a worry.. suddenly thanks to a drought and political nonsense our business literally went from hero to zero in a matter of a few months, thus losing all our vehicles, house etc.. now we going on around 4-5yrs later and we still have all those huge debts haunting us daily. Truth is that we work our rear ends off daily and we make enough to live and provide for our girls but not more than that..

We have both been taken over by the immense feeling of uselessness and incompetence to achieve anything of real value business wise so that we can finally take the leap and move to the coastline (it's been our dream since we met 14yrs ago) we finally realised that the things you think matter in life truly do not if you don't get to experience it along with your kids and loved ones..

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us!

La vida es una película que no se puede volver a reproducir... Pensemos la triste situación de la mayoría... Muchos pensamos que solo nacimos para morir y en ese lapso solo tener una familia, un carro,una casa y hacer lo que debemos y no lo que amamos qué perdida! La vida es una pelicula en donde nosotros somos los protagonistas... Hay que ponermos a pensar si morirmos mañana qué hicimos el día de hoy? Por ello tenemos que hacer lo que nos gusta lo que nos apasiona te aseguro que si tu realizas tus sueños no estarás trabajando para los sueños de otro
Life is a film that can not be reproduced ... Let us think about the sad situation of the majority ... Many of us think that we were only born to die and in that time we only have a family, a car, a house and do what we we must and not what we love what lost! Life is a movie where we are the protagonists ... We have to think about if we die tomorrow what we did today? For that reason we have to do what we like what we are passionate about, I assure you that if you make your dreams you will not be working for the dreams of another

The things that really motivate us are those that we do not usually postpone, while the things that are not so important, it is easier to make excuses not to do them.

We are often our own worst enemy. I find myself self sabotaging when I start succeeding at times , since this is a path less traveled..

The goals are achieved with effort and dedication. Each one of us must pursue his dreams, no matter what people say, the basis of success is to believe in what you are capable of doing. Really inspiring @chbartist.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with you, All have Dreams but we don't take them seriously because of lazyness, Fear or how other people think about me, some other Surrounding problems.

If we get little bit encouragement from our friends, I think we must Reach our Dreams as soon as possible.

For acciving our Goals first we need Self confidence. If you have that then any Hard Work may convert to Easy things.

I really appreciate your Hard work, Your Articles inspired me a lot.

Thank you very much for Sharing with us.

Posted using Partiko Android

Why Do Some People Never Start Doing the Things They Want?

Its because of human natural inclination and disposition.
Every human being is unique.
Every person is different in some ways.

Some people realize things in later time, a slow learner so to speak.
There are those that are gifted with talents.
Some develop their skills and succeeded.

We all have our own comfort zones, but it may be fair to say that there are any number of reasons. Anxiety, fear of failure, fear of not getting the job we want or that we aren't as good as we'd like to be.

For me personally it was a matter of just pushing myself to do it. Once I got in I just try to stay consistent.

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