Regarding the Wounds That We Carry All Our Lives…

in #mindset6 years ago

Hi, Steemians!

Whether by the work of accident or the deliberate malice of the people we grow up with, old wounds are an inevitable affliction.
Being so young as we were, we had no means to treat our wounds with care and extinguish their trace. Hence, they remained with us, festering and growing deeper as we grew up.
The pitying tragedy of mankind is that some of us spend an entire lifetime carrying these old wounds.

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Some people even make the mistake of catering for these wounds because they begin to believe that such wounds are a part of them.
Wounds that are left untended fester in time. After a while, they penetrate our hearts and find a small corner of our identity to settle in. Years pass and you cannot even begin to imagine your life without them.
These wounds become a comfort zone of their own. Even though they may be hurt you when you visit them, they create in you a sense of belonging and relief.
But make no mistakes. These old wounds are essentially the source of all our insecurities; our fears, doubts, hatreds, lack of self-confidence, and the emotional strength we require to fight our dilemmas on a daily basis.

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If you have ever been crippled by the emotional weight of your decisions and actions, or have found yourself unable to respond in a proper manner to other people’s emotions, you understand how these insecurities shape us.
If you have ever tried to do something with the utmost strength and passion but failed to keep going or even start out of fear and doubt, then you understand how such insecurities trample on our soul.
Regardless of how you have dealt with them, some of you understand that you have old wounds; pressure points that are ready to pop out in the right time and destroy everything in their storm of destruction.

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And this might be surprising to a number of you, but the best way to deal with these old wounds that we have carried since childhood is to confront them with courage.
You are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit. You are wise, and you are strong. No mere storm can easily cripple you or take you down. Confront your fears and find a way to the light.
If you let old wounds fester, in time you will turn into a carcass of everything you could have been. Do not let these insecurities, these wounds, these terrible forces of destruction, come in the way of your success.
Your life is your own. Seize it and free yourself of your demons!




Please, take the time to read the text below, it can always change in some points and it is it that has made this community understand and help each other. I would like you to pay close attention to what is written in these notes. Try to really follow what I ask of all of you who are a few months old with me contributing meaningful comments and we have built something really good here along with people who have a positive mindset and we have managed to get more people together like that.

Always read this text of notes because I can making important changes in this text like update names in the list and things to the growth and understanding of how we can improve our foundations and how this community was built until here.

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, more and more upvotes each others and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

In the end you will see that I ask you all to sign up for a youtube channel that I created this specific channel to talk about steem and for projects that I am working on steem that soon I will release a video about that channel. It's important that you sign up for the channel and talk to your friends at steem so they can sign up as well.

There is no video in the channel yet but it is important that you are subscribed to this channel precisely so that you can be notified when I launch something there.

I know everyone has a google account or 99% of people, so you just have to sign up for the channel.

I'm counting on all of you.

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: More and More Upvotes each others!


I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.

I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.

You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.


First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more.

But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog. Please do not ask to include you in the list if you are just wanting upvotes because we want here people genuinely attuned to growth and good attitudes and as I have always said with Respect as the basis of all, generosity and positivity!


Feel free if you want to be included in the list of contributors to this community. Just ask at the end of your comment.

@juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @theticket @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @isabelpereira @nulifeiq @royer94 @yaleal @ushmil @nisiryan0522 @reveurgam @certain @kkins @nurseanne84 @robertyan @xtophercruzeu @theureview @anil566 @freedomanytime @clayrawlings @zetacoin @goldheart @artoftherhyme @jiujitsu @don-thomas @arsl14 @vishalmajumdar @thehippierays @kemc @aple @orgoniteog @abrish @zydane @cathynsons @shashiprabha @katebobkova @tramelibre @sanjoea @savedanimals @kshahrck @filmyworld @syedahmed1010 @iknoweverything @hashzone91 @bernard4ve @afruza @fareed974 @leidy3 @xcountytravelers @whyaskwhy @genesisleal @arrozymangophoto @omikhatun @roxacolher @roger5120 @ranggayusuf @simonpeter35 @zanoni @enjoycompany @joshvel @artelita


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excellent post ... that's right, we have to face our fears, because otherwise we will live submerged in those wounds that will consume us because we do not have the courage to put a stop. our limits are mental ... we must love ourselves and not let ourselves be consumed by wounds of the past ..

The things that make us who we are and our wounds are one of those things. Some of us spend years trying to analyse bad experiences to understand why they occurred and what lasting effect they have had on our lives, our personality and our friendships with others. Often wounds are confounded by the fact that others close to us identify us by these wounds. This can be negative and a constant reminder that we are shaped by these experiences. Even if we move on after embracing this stuff the reminder from others always jerk us back to the past. If only others would look at who we are today and love and respect us for this. Wounds should make us stronger and allow others to recognise this🙏

Posted using Partiko iOS

Probabilmente rispondere in italiano, la mia lingua, non sarà un ottima scelta ma penso anche che sia giusto che ognuno di noi valorizzi la propria identità e le proprie origini, ne esistono tanti di traduttori nella rete che possono far si che di leggerci a vicenda senza per forza parlare la stessa lingua.
Detto questo, il tuo post è bellissimo. vero ed interessante e mi ha incuriosita molto, e come hai consigliato andrò a leggere i precedenti post per capire a fondo il tuo progetto.
Per quanto riguarda le ferite e il coraggio di affrontarle per tramutarle in bagaglio positivo piuttosto che una zavorra pesante, io ho ancora tanta strada da fare ma le tue parole mi hanno aiutato e fatto riflettere, grazie.
Mi piacerebbe molto far parte della lista in fondo al tuo post.
un abbraccio anche a te.

Ciao @claxpsaba come stai? Grazie mille per le tue parole gentili. Includerò il tuo nome nella mia lista, è già incluso nel mio ultimo post. Benvenuti nella famiglia @chbartist. Un abbraccio

Ciao @chbartist, grazie a te per aver risposto, io sto bene, molto curiosa e affascinata dal mondo Steemit e trovare post, blog, rubriche come il tuo è ancora più entusiasmante 😊
Tu come stai?
Vado subito a leggere i tuoi ultimi post, ho notato che scrivi tantissimo ed è fantastico. Grazie per avermi inserito nella lista e non vedo l'ora di vedere anche i video sul tuo canale youtube.
Buona giornata e un altro abbraccio.
Ce n'è tanto bisogno di abbracci a mio parere 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

These wounds you speak of sit as frequencies overbearing other channels in our limbic brain. Very interesting super important topic for taking accountability of our inner consciousness. When these wounds become so imprinted pathways they become personality traits and it takes serious feelings, meditations, other frequencies to dissipate, rewire and fire an entire new frequency. Depression and triggers of states of fear are so connected with the words we speak outloud as that is a crucial part of the healing or staying in that fear state. Let's face it, when we speak out loud we are giving out 10 billion cells a program, . The biggest topic that has been coming around every day for me is the word "want". If you go through the day and listen to yourself random strangers, friends, listen how many times we might say that word in our every day lives. The frequency of "want" is Lack of or Scarcity vibration.. If you speak this word the multiverse and your subconscious only here's lack, and so you bring that vibration to you, you attract it through the power of sound/speech and invoking. I've been re-wiring this word for myself to speak " I intend" instead of I want, need or desire. Switches the frequency to a fear state into a specific conscious action which the brain is designed for.

As usual @chbartist, quality topic and conversation to ponder for the weekend, thanks mate

Happy Spring!

Unfortunately, the wounds are different and people are all different. Another time will heal those wounds that are not sprinkled with salt and the person will begin to live a full life.

Greetings @chbartist!

The experiences that are not pleasant can be remembered and affect our mood in a negative way.

If we can understand how these bad experiences affect us, we can manipulate them to our advantage, combining them in positive experiences that allow us to advance in new difficult situations.

The study of new disciplines helps turn our past into reference material to be successful in the future, so it is advisable to carry out any education activity. A short or medium-time training or course will be enough to help transform those experiences.

The studies help to motivate the change of environment, which may be keeping in a present way the bad experience.

This is a tough one as I too suffer from what I call the “snake bite” effect as part if my learnings in my journey, there are things that I refuse to try again again. For example, I will never go into business with family again. I understand the consequences but it is a mental block that has been built around me.

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Hi I loved your post but I was disjointed that you said we need to confront our wounds. I disagree. We need to comfort our wounds to facilitate there healing. Confronting them might bring temporary relief by creating a feeling that we have defeted them but making a friend of our darker self is the only way to truly complete our growth as individuals and thereby ensure we are in a better place to deal with any hurt from now the past or the future.

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This is deep.

At one time or the other, we have had our wounds. Some got healed while some left scars.

Like you rightly noted, many has given so much attention to the scars that they seem not to see the beauty of other parts of theirs.

It is a choice!between living in consciousness of the scars and moving on.

What worries me more are the scars of unforgiveness. Truly it can only deal treacherously with our health.

Thanks @Chbartist for sharing

I work so hard everyday to unlearn bad behavior and try to evolve and elevate myself upwards .... thanks for the good read - I upvoted and all that jazz ❤️.... have a fabulous day !

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