Is New Year For Everyone ? For them also Who Do not sure about their next step ?.

in #mindset6 years ago

New Year is the time or day at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count increments by one. Many cultures celebrate the event in some manner and the 1st day of January is often marked as a national holiday. All are enjoying this new year Eve but i think ,,it's ok it is time and it will continue you all are enjoying today like coming day you will get a charming life, you are troubles washed out , You will never get sorrow . Like this we are celebrating . Is it right ?
According to me New Year not a special day it just only day of changing calender put out old and paste new one . Because if you don not have happiness , do not have success you are going without charming life So no divine will come in new year and offer a offering .
If you have a settled and happy life , every morning is new year no need to special celebration . In special celebration it looks like that you are enjoying today but a trouble , a sadness is waiting for you . Believe on yourself only you and only you can make your life happy , No one will help you Even your shadow also left you in dark . So live with this hope that only you are creator of your own destiny .
Always think before do anything , Your mindset should be positive , think and apply also it Never give up . If you have will power and determination then every day is new year .
I don't say that do something differ from trend , no always be with community , with your society but you can think different . What you have have and what is your need ? As resolutions is a trend , we also take resolution but sometimes we can not do it and break within one week . So do not be like that take a long resolution and work on it.


I am here talking about community work . We are a family and should help each-other and get boom. When you will upvote to other then sure you will get it back and easily can work together . When we start upvoting to each-other then easily we can get duely upvotes , and they will continue increase .
My warm welcome to all members and humbly request to all please take it positively , it'll profitable for all.
Thanks !


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