Mindgasms Podcast: Adam Hansen, Tim Keefe: Innovation, Philosophy, Culture, Evolution
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Adam Hansen and Tim Keefe are back to talk about innovation, philosophy, evolution, cognitive biases and culture.
Check out my last podcast with Tim Keefe and Shane Kennedy, on Nietzsche’s famous phrase, “God is dead”, Heidegger’s thoughts on it, phenomenology and theology:
Check out my previous podcast with Tim Keefe, on Heidegger: Existentialism, metaphysics, being, time, and nothing:
Check out Tim’s conversations with James Sullivan about Postmodernism on his James and the Giant Podcast. All three episodes are here:
Check out Mixed Mental Arts here:
Check out my previous podcast with Adam Hansen and Alex Bello, on wisdom, ego, humility, confidence and suicide:
Check out my last conversation with Adam Hansen, on Mormonism, Buddhism, evolution, Stoicism, Trump and atheism:
Check Adam out on Twitter.
He’s @adhansen:
Check out his innovation company, Ideas To Go:
Also check out his Outsmart Your Instincts Podcast: