Myths of Meditation

in #mindfullife5 years ago

There are times when I talk to people and I advise them to start with a Meditation practice, the very next question they will ask me. If I Meditate will all my problems get resolved or will I get what I am desiring. A lot of people think Meditation is a tool to achieve your materialistic desires. Some people also believe that Meditation means an end of all the problems in life, and there are many of such myths.

Meditation is a practice for our Mind, Body and Soul. A regular Meditation practice just helps one to dwell deeper and get a holistic view of life.


So let's see what are the Myths of Meditation

  • Meditation will resolve all the problems of Life - Meditation does not take away your problems it enables you to deal with your problems effectively.

  • Meditation makes you Religious - There is nothing Religious about the Meditation practice. Religions come with all sorts of beliefs, whereas Meditation holds no belief systems.

  • Meditation is not effective if there are too many thoughts or if you can't sit still - This is one of the biggest myth. A regular meditation practice will eventually teach you to quiet your mind and become still, but it takes years of practice to reach the stage. What I always say is, if you have thoughts coming, let them, do not forcefully try not to think cause that will create more chaos. Rather let the thoughts come and pass, avoid staying in them and elaborating them.

  • Meditation gives transcendent experience - You do not have to see some extraordinary things in Meditation, if you do it naturally it is good, but if you do not then too it is good. You are doing Meditation for your own Mind, Body and Soul and not for any visualizations.

  • Meditation helps me achieve materialistic desires - Meditation is not a tool to get anything in life. It's a tool only for reflection within and to center from within.

  • Sitting postures of Meditation - A lot of people believe that in Meditation you need to sit in a particular position. You can sit in any position, the point is to be completely relaxed and comfortable and not sit in any posture that creates discomfort, else how will you do Meditation. It can also be done lying down and even while walking. Being in the now moment, surrendering yourself completely to the present is the best form of Meditation.

  • Meditation means chanting a Mantra or sitting in complete silence - There are many ways in which you can Meditate and not only these 2. You can listen to Music, or do a guided meditation or a gazing meditation. You should adopt a practice that suits you best.

Meditation is nothing but a state of complete surrender. Meditation is just not about sitting with your eyes closed, you can be in a meditative state even while doing your day to day activity. Meditation is all about being in a complete state of awareness and consciousness. It’s not about losing yourself as most people say, it’s about exploring yourself by being in the NOW. When you quiet your mind from all the chaos around you and create an empty space within, you allow the new to flow into your life.

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I like your post. It’s great to be able to set yourself up for a good mood and harmony with yourself.

Thank you. Glad it makes some sense for my readers

So many myths.. love the way you go through them here. It is certainly harder than people think, but also infinitely rewarding. My practice has been poor of late, thanks for this reminder to get back on track.

That's so rightly said, infinitely rewarding. We are so narrowly focused where as the universe is always there with arms open just waiting for us to reach out. Thank you my dear, glad you liked it.

thanks for the reminder! HOW WAS SF4???!

Thank you my dear @eco-alex. SF4 was awesome, I still have not recovered completely hehehe

Thanks for clarifying some of those myths about meditation!
Very well put and an inspiration to keep up with a meditation practise!

Love your post! That's what I wanted to write and make people understand about meditation.
Correctly mentioned some great points!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great I need to do more meditation been slacking a bit recently 💯🐒

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