Remaining Open

in #mind7 years ago


When you align yourself with only following a certain person (or persons); or adhere to just one way of living/eating/exercising; or abide by one set of guidelines you - you close yourself off to so much out there that could enhance your life and jettison your growth exponentially.

Is it worthwhile to have people you admire and look to for advice/knowledge? Sure. Is it helpful in your growth to try their methods and tips and acquire similar skills? Of course.

But - once you start going down the road of ONLY following these people, sometimes dogmatically ("Well, if insert idol's name here doesn't support ****, then **** must be rubbish." - without trying it first and formulating your own view - and "Well Dr. **** said this, so therefore this is all I will ever do."); and by ONLY listening to what they have to say or suggest; of ONLY following their methods - then you start to really cut yourself off from so much.

There is not a single being on this planet who has the absolute right way/answer/advice. Not one. Everyone has their own piece to offer your puzzle. Take what resonates from them, trial a few things they suggest, if it works for you, fantastic. But try to remain open to other ideas and other people. You never know what you may discover.

I have come across some utterly astounding fellow humans in my quest for knowledge and self-growth - and I am thankful to each and every one of them. But I am sooo excited to see who else is going to come into my life over time, to see what else I can learn and grow from. I refuse to stick to one tried and true way of living/thinking; and I will not ever attach my own life and experiences to what someone else is suggesting, because it worked for them. My path is very, very different to anyone else's path. And that statement applies to each human being on this planet. Living your life by someone else's life, is not a life lived true to you. This is why I listen to so many different people over a shamefully massive array of podcasts; and read so many different books/website articles; learn about so many different topics, many of which oppose each other; and why I LOVE using myself as my own experimental guinea pig. Because I am my own unique self and no any one person outside of me, is going to live my life, experience my health/mindset and have the same desires I have. Not even close.

Stay free, stay open minded, stay loving and respectful of other people's paths; and try not to close yourself off to foreign ideas or new methods or different ways of being (which usually boils down to 'fear of the unknown'). Don't give away your innate power - for you are just as unique and capable and incredible - and you are worth more than that.

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