The Three Models of Perception by NLP Explained

in #mind7 years ago (edited)


We perceive everything through our minds conditioning which basically means that we perceive everything through what we already know and understand about life. This causes problems such as misinterpretations of communication and prevents growth and change.

Here I will explain the three models of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and explain how each one is strengthening your mental conditioning and keeping it firmly in place.

  1. Generalistation – This is when the mind generalises events, so if we had a bad experience, say swimming, as a child, our minds would expect the same thing to happen again in a similar situation in the future. This is how phobias are created. Phobias are completely illogical fears and they exist as a result of our minds generalising events thus triggering feelings of fear from an old traumatic experience.

Another common problem that generalisation causes is trust issues, especially when it comes to relationships. This occurs because the pain felt is so strong that the individual fears the same thing happening again. If a man cheats on a woman or visa versa, the person who has been cheated on could end up believing that no man/woman can be trusted in a relationship again. This type of belief is extremely detrimental to future relationships. If you tend generalise groups of people be that; race, sex, nationality etc, you are limiting your chances of having positive experiences with these people.

  1. Deletion- This is when we focus only on what matches our pre-existing beliefs and conditioning, such as selective hearing. For Example, if someone who was insecure about their appearance got ten compliments and one nasty thing said about the way they look in the space of a day, they would go home feeling miserable as a result of only focusing on the negative. The reason this happens is because the latter matches the beliefs that they already have and triggers pre-existing feelings of sadness associated with their insecurity.

  2. Distortion- This is when people adjust/distort what is happening to fit their conditioning/beliefs about the situation that is being perceived at the time. This causes people to misinterpret true meanings of communication and can often result in conflict. For example, you could give someone friendly advice or helpful well meant criticism with the intent of motivating them to improve but they could perceive it negatively (through their pre-existing insecurities) and this could result in conflict or resentment from the receiving party. If this were to happen, your supportive intention behind the criticism, along with any chance of positive growth from it, would be lost and their insecure feelings about themselves would be strengthened due to focus and identification with them after they were triggered.

If you found this post interesting or helpful feel free to resteem!


U explained it perfectly! I am Resteeming now :D

The only examples of NLP I know of are where government uses it to re-program or re-frame the mindset of its employees. Notably, child protection services (CPS) have used it to condition their social workers to act in ways that no reasonable human being would act. An example would be the case of the Docherty family:

Are there actually practitioners using NLP as a positive therapy?

There sure is! Tony Robbins, Chris Howard, and Steve Jones are a few big names :)

Thanks! I didn't know that.

Yes as mentioned by @awarenessraiser. Personally i would like to see all programming broken down as it all takes us further away from our natural feeling of well-being and our authenticity. Awareness is the way to go and that is what this post is designed to help with, to help people become aware of beliefs they might hold that are contributing to their conditioning and suffering.

Erm... you do realize that these three "models of perception" are necessary for perception?

Of course, we use these models to learn and understand and make sense of things. I said i would like to see all unconscious mental programming broken down which is just habitual patterns that no longer serve us.

Do we define the word "necessary" differently? Hm.

I'll just be blatant.

:: waves hand ::
These are not the habitual patterns you're looking for.

I agree. Awareness can then be enhanced by means of meditation or just being alone in nature. I don't see any need to ever use NLP and it seems to have caused a lot more harm than good.

You seem to have misunderstood the post, i never said i like to use NLP's techniques. This post is aimed at helping people become aware of unconscious patterns that are affecting their happiness. im not viewing NLP as a whole, i just took these models that i thought would be helpful and explained how they can have a negative affect on people.

I think I understand it now. Possibly the phrase "strengthening your mental conditioning" threw me off at first. In any discussion of NLP I think it's important to point out who is using it and for what purpose.

Are there actually practitioners using NLP as a positive therapy?

Some unknown nobody named Richard Bandler.

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