The sensible life: The mind of the wise appreciates proverbs, and the ear that listens to wisdom rejoices
The Bible constantly repeats to us in its sapiential books that evil is senselessness, that is to say, the incoherence of reason, and foolishness is madness.
The Bible always seeks to teach us the best and most sensible for the life of man. Many men by their foolishness led their people to ruin; and an example of this was Jeroboam, the son of Solomon, who, being unable to follow the wisdom of his father and the advice of the elders, caused the division of his Kingdom of Israel in two. Fear and greed are the worst advisers in the life of man.
But the Sacred Scriptures also present us with opposite cases, that is, the Bible shows us how great men, through the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion), achieved great feats like when David defeated Goliath.
And about this spiritual gift the master of wisdom Ben Sira taught to us:
"You that fear the Lord, trust in him,
and your reward will not be lost.
You that fear the Lord, hope for good things,
for lasting joy and mercy" Ben Sira 2:8-9.
And wisdom, the Bible tells us, is the perfection of the fear of God in man. It is for this fact, that the Bible always gives us an example to follow the wise, because it is the wise, who for his love (Agape) for the most perfect and the highest who sets us the path to follow, when things don't seem clear.
And concerning the wise, the teacher Ben Sira told us something very interesting:
"The mind of the wise appreciates proverbs,
and the ear that listens to wisdom rejoices" Ben Sira 3:29.
And as the wise do, we too must follow their example, if we want to have a full, happy and blessed life; we too have to meditate on the wisdom of the scriptures. Whoever does this, finds a new teaching every day to live better, and especially, to live grateful for God's mercy; God's wisdom nourishes our soul and our spirit, as the sun's rays nourish and give life to all living beings on earth. In a world where madness abounds, the sensible life is quite a challenge.
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