What would I do with a million dollars challenge?

When I think of a million dollars I think of Duck Tales; Uncle Scrooge diving into his bottomless pit of gold. Uncle Scrooge was always kind of an unforgiving fellow. Not the character that most of us sympathize with. Maybe it was because his personality reflected the very negative characteristics that most of us loathe. The physical manifestation of money and greed played out in our childhoods, on our Disney screen, for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Disney has always been a genius at introducing the underbelly of societal behavior in his fairy tales.

Why am I ranting about a fleeting, innaucuous memory of Disney and money you ask? Well because my friend @edprivat has challenged me to not only think about what I’d do with a million dollars but to post what I’d do with a million, tax free dollars within the first 24hrs. Challenge Accepted!

Thank you @edprivat for including me in this challenge and forcing me to actually sit down and write a post. For anyone reading this, I strongly encourage you to check out this mans musical abilities.

What would I do with a million dollars in the first 24hrs?


A penny for your thoughts or a million for your soul.

I suppose I’ve never really given this question much serious thought. Should a money elf show up on my door step insisting I take a million dollars, I’d be in bad shape before accepting this challenge. 🤷🏼‍♀️ With only but a tiny bit of thought, I have the realization that my internal homeostasis is too fragile to have money like that at my disposal. Does being rich in fiat mean I’m bankrupt in happiness? Probably not but I can’t seem to shake that notion. The thought that I’ve worked really hard to minimize my environment, evaluate my ideals and restructure my life in a way that serves internal happiness rather than the agendas of another, consumes every idea sparked by this question. So what would I do, then, if I was given a million bucks…

Maybe I would immediately satisfy my student debt. Not because “it’s the right thing to do”


but because being free from the shackles of debt is being free indeed. Still, that would only cover about $42,000. That leaves a lot left to play with.

I could then immediately book our flights to Indonesia. I’ve always been curious about Bali. The spirituality, the unwavering peace, yoga in all of its forms, has always attracted me to that area. I think the first time I can remember feeling organically happy was at 21. I had made a comment to my grandfather that the feeling I had was good and couldn’t remember ever feeling that way before. To maintain that peace, I took up yoga which introduced me to meditation and exposed me to the Balinese practices of spirituality.


My husband and I would spend weeks exploring the island, tasting the cuisine and attempting to assimilate with the locals. I’d finally introduce @dandays to the principles and practices of yoga in hopes that it opens up a gateway of powerful light energy for him as it’s done for me. We’d wake up in the morning to the serenity of the ocean casually washing back and forth waves of enlightenment, my husband would pour the freshly brewed local coffee and we’d silently sip our cups gazing into the glistening of the sunrises reflection on the water. As we look at each other, the tranquility within me would reach over to embrace the tranquility within him and we would know that our blessings are abundant. My husband makes me feel like the richest woman in the world already that this trip would just reinforce my feelings of gratitude for him. However, paying off my student loans and spending a few weeks in Bali still leaves me with a Duck Tales pit of money… now it gets difficult. 🧐

If the goal is to maintain internal happiness then it’s only fitting to reside in the happiest country in the world.

Costa Rica


Shortly after our return home from Indonesia, we would sell all of our possessions and keep only what can fit within two (yes, I said two) suitcases. I’d jump on my phone and book our one way tickets to Costa Rica. Upon arriving in this utopia of bliss, we’d spend a few months spelunking around the country. During this time we’d get a feel of where we’d like to settle down and where we prefer to just visit. Then, I’d make our last big purchase with this challenge money.

A catamaran to sail into the sunset.


I know what you’re thinking… “how cheesy is this @puravidaville chick?” But hear me out:

I’d buy the catamaran and @dandays and I would spend time figuring out how to operate it. I’d also get to know the gally for that’s where most of my time would be spent because once we are confident with the logistics, we’d open up our private couples sunset dinner cruises, Pura Vida Amor Puro Crucero. (I’m still working on the name)

During the day, I’d visit the local produce stand buying the freshest, most organic fruits and vegetables my neighbors grow. I could cruise on over to the market to grab a few staple items and specialty ingredients and return to the boat. From there @dandays would sail us out into a coral dense area where we can uncover myriads of colorful fish while snorkeling. I’d jump back in the boat and whip us up some lunch. Then I would get started on the sweet treats to be served to the couple we are taking out that night.

Everything being plant based, I’d serve them an appetizer of black bean and corn stuffed south western egg rolls topped with a fresh spicy pineapple salsa dusted in cayenne pepper. Because the egg rolls need to chill for a few hours before baking them, this preparation would be done during the day. For their entree, a simple yet yummy seasonally significant stuffed portobello mushroom drizzled in a balsamic reduction accompanied by a lightly tossed kale pesto orzo pasta. I’d pair this with a rich, chocolate, tobacco flavored Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon. And dessert could be as simple as fresh berries dipped in dark chocolate complimenting the bubbles of the champagne or as delectable as
chocolate covered coconut bites served with traditional Costa Rican cafe. Dandays would sail the boat back after the sun sets and both of us would thank our guests as they continue their romance without us. We could live our days out like this at nauseam.

I know, there’s still plenty of money left to be spent… in all honesty these plans I’ve just laid out are not what I’d do with a million dollars, this is a description of the realization of our life in the next year. And so you ask what would I do with a million dollars? I’d give it back. I’d like to think I’d give it back so the money elf can deliver it to someone else who has more important plans for it. The truth is @edprivat asked me to answer a question yet the question I answered was one of upmost importance:

Would a million dollars change anything for the better?


The answer is everything would be exactly the same; my life is perfect without the money. I’m so fortunate to live the life I live. I am blessed daily with the ability to learn, love, grow and to do all of it with my best friend, my souls counterpart. So I choose the life I have over a million dollars. I’m sorry if I messed up the point of this challenge. This is simply where my answer has taken me. The only thing left to say is thank you Ed for inspiring me to take a verbal account of all the things I’m grateful for so I can go to sleep tonight counting my blessings and not my Benjamin’s.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and God Bless every person who has stopped by.

Oh yeah, I suppose I should nominate a friend to make a post answering what you’d do with a million dollars? @carklevicci you’re up my friend. Tell us what you’d do if given a million, tax free dollars? Can’t wait to read it!

Pura Vida ✌️


I would buy a big house. And would invite guests.

I'd love to read about it!

Not a bad way to spend a million bucks. Thanks for sharing my friend.

Damn ! You can write too! How come we don't see you writing more often then?

Too busy "building pyramids" ? :P

I’m so fortunate to live the life I live
you actually grabbed the challenge by the throat and slapped it in the face!
I actually could sense that something amazing would come out of challenging you!

I didn't know about your meditative side, and I am looking forward to hear about you teaching @dandays about the mudras and breathing technique!

The whole story was amazing , and so happy to see that we share the same value!
I would totally eat in a restaurant with the food you described!

Remember that it's an exercise of visualization too, so you never what might really comes to fruition!

@puravidaville is for real. I'm lucky to have the chance to become personal friends and I can tell you that what she exposes here is just a mere morsel of the wisdom that this young woman brings to the table, and yes, she can cook.

I felt lucky to have her choose me to continue the Million Dollar Challenge. I would also feel lucky if you were to read my story.

I began following you @edprivat shortly after my friend @dandays did a drawing for you. Your music is full blown awesome. I'm eager for more. Thanks for sharing.

" mere morsel of the wisdom " what a beautiful expression , I will use it again in the future :)

I am reading it :) right away , thanks for the kind words, I am following too now !

Thank you for all of the nice words @edprivat. My husband said “it’s kind of cheesy but you’re being authentic” so I’m glad to hear you think I grabbed the challenge by the throat. That’s really cool coming from you!

I’ve gotten @dandays to try out Pilates with me once. For some reason I thought it followed the same meditative aspects of yoga- I was wrong! When he draws, I know that it’s very meditative for him, so for that I am grateful.

Now if all goes as planned, @dandays and I would love to make a pop up visit to South Africa and meet up with @lionmom and @edprivat some day.

What you can conceive, you can achieve.

"For some reason I thought it followed the same meditative aspects of yoga- I was wrong! When he draws, I know that it’s very meditative for him, so for that I am grateful."
Both of them are equally important, I really think that a strong body can change our mindset. I am forcing myself cause I got all floppy since the kids arrived hahaha!

we would love to have you here, though we are planning on getting a bigger house next year, with a guest room, and a bigger garden to grow the veggies and weed.
The plan is to get a farm in the next 5 to 10 years . here or somewhere else. Wherever life takes us!

What you can conceive, you can achieve. sometimes it takes actually less time to achieve than conceive!

We are the type that would just hit you up if we are in the country. That way there’s no room for error. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Our minds are so powerful that it’s really important to exercise your mind, body and soul to achieve the optimal balance. It may feel forced in the beginning but all will adapt quickly for homeostasis is where our being truly wants to be. ‘Wherever life takes us’ sounds like us (nomadic gypsies); I love it!

I suppose i will not need a million dollar, some amount from that would do... I will buy some better equipment's for my art work and also will open an tattoo parlour 😊 ....so some amount would be sufficient to fulfill my dream. And the rest amount will give to some another needy person to fulfill his or her dream. 👍

Sounds like a good life my friend.

I would buy a million dollars worth of steem and beable to support myself and many more others on the blockchain!

I like that idea. EOS might be another good one to buy.

I'd blow that shit so fast you wouldn't believe it haha

I read that in a Dr. Evil voice. Ha

damm yer perceptive.


Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 1.13% upvote!
I was summoned by @edprivat. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...


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Victim of grumpycat?

@edprivat, you sure do know how to make someone feel good. Thank you for the vote of confidence and inciting a feel good moment associated with posting. Definitely is encouraging to write more often. You rock!

Everyday when I press publish , whether it's an old song or a new one, I am always scared, I am hesitant to click which is freaking stupid, this is the place right here where we can talk about the good and the bad of life (and make some damn money with it) ,so it takes a little bit of self teaching to be at that place where you can just say " I personally don't care anymore about what people think" , being able to talk about real personal shit, without flinching, It takes some real strength.

It's like a counter Facebook and Instagram with all these empty pretty faces. I love the rawness, I love to be able to talk about cancer, or spirituality, or anything that bothers people, because nobody can censure me.
That's why I thought @dandays experiment was so interesting, because this is the place for those sort of experiments.
We are all studying what it means to be human.

You nailed it. There is a latent insecurity that creeps up as you go to press the post button. We like Steemit for all of those reasons as well. The unsustainable perfection of Facebook and Instagram will have some long lasting effects on our society. Perpetuating rawness is so much more rewarding than peddling ‘real housewives’. @dandays is an incredible person that teaches me how to be a better human everyday. You’re right, it doesn’t matter what people think, what matters is what you think of the message and content you’re putting out. Spot on brother.

Thanks :)

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