[ENG-ESP] Potato millefeuille // Mil hojas de papa
Hello friends, yesterday I made a very powerful dish with chicken and cream, and far from wanting to make a simple garnish, I decided to go to another pump: a thousand potato leaves. It is very simple to do, few steps to follow and few ingredients. I'm going to show you how I did it!
Hola amigos, el dia de ayer hice un plato con pollo y crema bastante potente, y lejos de querer hacer una guarnicion sencilla decidí ir otra bomba: un mil hojas de papa. Es muy sencilla de hacer, pocos pasos a seguir y pocos ingredientes. Voy a enseñarles como lo hice!
First we are going to start by washing and peeling the potatoes and with a sharp knife we are going to cut the potato into equal pieces, I used a mandolin so that they are all the same thickness.
Primero vamos a comenzar lavando y pelando las papas y con un cuchillo filoso vamos a cortar la papa en trozos iguales, yo utilicé una mandolina para que todas me queden del mismo grosor.
In a container we are going to place 3 eggs, a splash of milk, and a pot of heavy cream. Then in a mold suitable for the oven we are going to grease all its interior and we are going to neatly place a layer of potato, season and add a tablespoon of the cream. We repeat with another layer of potato, salt, pepper and cream. So until the entire mold is completed.
En un recipiente vamos a colocar 3 huevos, un chorro de leche, y un pote de crema de leche. Luego en un molde apto para horno vamos a enmantecar todos su interior y vamos a colocar prolijamente una capa de papa, salpimentamos y agregamos una cucharada de la crema. Repetimos con otra capa de papa, sal, pimienta y crema. Así hasta completar todo el molde.
In the upper part we are going to grate cheese so that it is gratin, and we are going to send to a medium oven for approximately 40 minutes. The potato is going to cook in the cream, and the cream together with the egg will coagulate making a kind of "souffle"
En la parte superior vamos a rallar queso para que se gratine, y vamos a mandar a horno medio por aproximadamente 40 minutos. La papa se va a cocinar en la crema, y la crema junto con el huevo se va a coagular haciendo una especie de "soufleé"
And that is the end result! the perfect garnish, we love the potato. Instead of making mashed potatoes or French fries, I invite you to try this recipe!
Y ese es el resultado final! la guarnicion perfecta, amamos la papa. En vez de hacer pure o papas fritas, te invito a que pruebes ésta receta!