"Dear Brave U.S. Soldier..."

in #military7 years ago

Dear Soldier,

If you’re a tough guy Marine, or some other variety of brave military badass, I have some questions for you. First, I assume that you take pride in your courage, and your willingness to put yourself in harm’s way in order to defend truth, justice and freedom. And for that, I commend you.

But I have to ask, what are the limits of your bravery? Who are you willing to fight, and in what situation, to protect what is righteous and good? For example, while you may be perfectly willing to do battle with people on the other side of the world when your higher-ups tell you to, would you ever be willing to forcibly defend the innocent from your fellow Americans, even from your fellow soldiers? If your commanding officer told you to commit violence against someone who seemed to be no threat to anyone, would you have the courage to disobey such an order? If you saw your fellow soldier victimizing an innocent, would you be brave enough to defend the innocent? Or does your courage begin and end with your ability to follow orders?

To put it more bluntly, are you actually brave? Are you actually courageous and righteous? Or are you just a politician’s thug, mindlessly doing the bidding of the most evil people on the planet, while telling yourself that you are somehow serving your country, or fighting for freedom? Are you only “brave” enough to unthinkingly do as you’re told, but not brave enough to think for yourself, to question what you are told, and to disobey immoral orders?

Sure, the military pays lip service to the notion that you have the right to disobey “unlawful” orders, but you know damn well how those above you, and many of your fellow soldiers, would treat you if you did. You know damn well that those who issue the commands you receive will think that they, and they alone, get to decide what is “lawful,” and more importantly, what is moral.

You also know full well that few if any of your fellow soldiers have the balls to actually disobey an unjust command. Of course, all of your training, and theirs, was designed to make you forsake and ignore your own conscience and judgment, and to act as a mindless robot, doing whatever you are told to do by the military machine. Even one of the most decorated Marines in history eventually figured this out.

Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.” - Major General Smedley Butler

When someone thanks you for your “service,” do you eagerly go along with that lie? Or do you really believe that you are somehow protecting the freedom of the American people? Do you even have the courage to open your eyes and see what is going on—what you are a part of?

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.” - Major General Smedley Butler

Why would you ever imagine that unquestioningly doing what someone else tells you to do is courageous and noble? How long will you keep telling yourself that what you do has anything to do with freedom and justice? How long will you keep pretending that you are not part of the biggest terrorist organization on the planet? The ultimate act of cowardice is to use the excuse of “just following orders” and “just doing my job” to dodge personal responsibility for your actions.

Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right.” - H.L. Mencken

A lot of very good, very brave, very principled people join the military. But once a soldier has seen first hand what is really going on—once he sees that he has unwittingly been used as a pawn by some of the most despicable people on the planet—the only genuinely virtuous and courageous act he can take is to quit the military.

But are you brave enough to face the truth? Are you courageous and badass enough to disobey the commands of sociopaths and tyrants? Or are you just a stupid trained dog, without the ability or willingness to question what you have been told, too scared to listen to your conscience and do the right thing? No matter how noble your intentions may have been when you joined, as long as you wear that uniform you work for the very people who pose the biggest threat to the life and liberty of the American people. As long as that is the case, you are no friend of freedom or justice.


This is one of the best articles I had ever seen. So simple to understand. Yet again I see few comments degending government indocrination. Awakening is slow process...

Sadly they're just guns4hire...

Sad how some times they are just puppets for a greater interest :(
Thanks for posting.

Another neighbor, a patriarchal old Englishman with a white beard, kept a great stand of bees. I remember his incessant drumming on a tin pan to marshal them when they were swarming, and myself as idly wondering who first discovered that this was the thing to do, and why the bees should fall in with it. It struck me that if the bees were as intelligent as bees are cracked up to be, instead of mobilizing themselves for old Reynolds’ benefit, they would sting him soundly and then fly off about their business. I always think of this when I see a file of soldiers, wondering why the sound of a drum does not incite them to shoot their officers, throw away their rifles, go home, and go to work.—Albert Jay Nock

I often wonder how many Dear Brave Soldiers would be willing to go off and fight if they knew the fact that the United States of America (written in proper case) collasped in 1871 when the now bankrupt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all upper case) corporation was formed. It's purpose is to over see the bankruptcy of what had been the country and the real purpose of the US military is to serve and protect the interests of a foreign corporation, the Bank of International Settlements in Basal, Switzerland.

The corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA went bankrupt in 1933 which is why the IRS was created. It is also a foreign corporation and its responsiblity is to oversee the US corporation's bankruptcy.

Maj. General Smedley Butler thought he was serving the interests of US based corporations but he never went any deeper. In reality he was serving the intersts of the bankers in Switzerland. They literally own the lands (BLM) and estates (Socail Security Administration) of all in the US.

Wow, awesome comment! And I totally agree with you.


Too many people are still in the matrix and are not ready, willing or able to wake up.

If people would put their egos aside, quit arguing and work together then humanity still has a chance.

This really is a world-wide battle of good versus evil.

I will have to look into this for research. Any more details you can provide about BALM and SSA?

There has been so much deception, obfuscation of facts and rewriting of history that I really do not know where to begin. However, I will say this. There is no government. There is only governance and those in control were put there through selection and not by election.

The constitution that people say they swore an oath to preserve and protect is NOTwhat they think it is and "We the People" are NOT who they think. In fact the constitution was replaced in 1871 but the coup of The United States Of America (notice the proper case spelling) began in 1812. The Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America which ended the War of 1812 was the beginning of the end for America.

The Social Security Administration was formed by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (notice the all CAPITAL spelling) in August 1935 as part of House Joint Resolution 192. Your SS number is your account number and linked to YOUR Treasure Direct Account which is where banks get the money they loan you. Since they have no skin in the game, all bank loans are fraudulent and their contracts are void.

Your birth certificate is a financial instrument (a bond) that is traded on the international stock market as a mutual fund. You are one share in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If your Social Security card was issued after 1999 your bond number is printed on the back in red ink. You can go to Fidelity.com or I am assuming any brokerage firm and search your bond to see how much your body and soul are worth.

It goes much deeper and is much more involved than what I mention here.

America died a long before that. The recession was a proof of that. The man who warned about the recession was accused of causing the market panic. The creation of FED, income tax...those were signs too. USSA survived this long in spite of those things thanks to the hard working people and innovation. Just take a look at silicon valley and imagine America without it. Also USSA is one of 2 countires that has citizenship based taxation. The other one is Eritrea

I'm not sure if you have read the entire thread.

Great article. I agree it is much harder to have moral courage than physical courage and I think this has started to be recognised with a recent film about Desmond Doss (hacksaw ridge) who refused to carry a gun, was labelled a coward yet saved hundreds under the worst conditions. I also know from first hand experience that details of Hugh Clowers Thompson jr actions during the My Lai massacre are taught at British Officer courses as examples of moral courage to be admired.

You have to be a special kind of individual to exhibit that kind of courage and I don’t think any of us know if we have it in us until we are put in that position.

There's nothing difficult about this at all. When we joined the military we took an oath that outlined our duties to defend the Constitution and the nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. I ask you what are the first three words of the Constitution... "We the people" There's no ambiguity there. I'm willing to put my 72 year old ass on the line to protect we the people... How about you??? Or do you just write about it?

The U.S. military does exactly NOTHING to defend the lives or freedoms of the American people. Ever. Nor do
"the troops" do ANYTHING to protect the Constitution. (The way to do that would be to invade D.C.) They create wars, create threats, and act as hired thugs, blowing up shit and killing people on the other side of the world.

You have balls made of steel, Larken, to tell it like it is.
People just don't fucking get it and as a result, we all suffer.

The Constitution was a coup d'état on the American people.

Charles A. Beard was more OG.

The first sentence of the Declaration of Independence states "When in the Course of human events, it becomes #necessary for #one #people to #dissolve the #political #bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent #respect to the #opinions of #mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Please comment and let me know what you think this means.

If you view it from within an historical perspective... It means that the people of the incipient US rejected the tyranny of a monarchical government that allowed them no say in their own destiny. The latter portion of the quote means that it is outside of God and Nature's (if there is indeed any separation) intention for mankind and that to ensure that God's intention be fulfilled it was incumbent of the people to separate themselves from British rule.

Look into the seven Hermetic principles and Natural Law for a more esoteric exploration of that last part... Mark Passio gives a succinct and easy to understand breakdown of Natural Law/ Hermeticism

Thanks for posting this. It's hard not to have mixed feeling about the topic but you raise good questions and make valid points. I give you credit for that, up voted and following.

This is a very difficult and thought provoking post. I get the message behind it and agree with it for the most part.

I understand the nature of this post was to be inflammatory in order to bring about discussion and debate.

However (you knew this was coming), I would also be very careful about painting people with broad brushstrokes.

Thank you for your post - I hope to see more like it. Stretching one's perspective is always a good thing.

People in the military are trained to ignore their own consciences and reason, and to blindly follow orders. That may be "painting with broad brushstrokes," but it's also obviously true.

Larken, I was in the ARMY for 16 years, and I totally agree with this post. They would always tell ya, "your not paid to think soldier" and often you are provided with your missions, sent to your assignment and told who they enemy is, they rarely if ever provided any background information.

Now it has even become much more simpler, they only have to run with the same narrative. "These guys are terrorists, they will kill you, your family, and the American way of life, they must be killed"

The young soldier, the Paladin of Freedom will go where they tell them too, and kill who we are told too. It is only later when they think about what happened and they have to justify it in their mind, and they can't is when the pain of war sets in. Call it PTSD, call it what you will.

I like the semantics you use, you are not paid to think.

Wow, that's indeed the truth.

This post is not inflammatory to those who know it to be the hard truth

When you abdicate your responsibility to discern wrong action from Right Action you put your Self (and your soul) in the hands of a priest class ('politicians') and their owners. It's pretty obvious (to me at least) that the democidal self-proclamed masters do not have any qualms with using their attack dogs as pawns in their incessant thirst for Control. Who are they really dying for?

This is multi multi multi layer problem and it's long story how to explain all the issues here. But, in the end it is so simple...what is your heart tells you? That is core of the problem, they detached us from perception from our heart to perception from mind. Mind is that which is delusional, not our heart. Mind believe in divions of whatever, so if you fall in perception of mind you will see division and more easily be manipulated. One of delusions of mind is myth of authority. That state of being when you think you must obey something, in this case pathetic orders, that all is coming from mind delusional beliefs. All the bullshit in this world exist because of delusions of mind. When we come out from perception of mind in to perception from heart everything will change!

Is it so hard to love?

People have been mind controlled through the "education" system to learn not to Love. Most people don't even love themselves (because they don't know Who and What they Really are), hence the intense and ubiquitous pathology we currently see in the world.

You're exactly right. We need to learn to Love ourSelf again and that starts with Knowing the Self.

"Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods."

Delphi Oracle

I completely agree. In the end there is no outside. Everything is projection of our inner state. If you want to have peace, be peaceful. Wars are just projections of our inner disharmony.

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