Could it be that Biden and team are scared of the US military?
Google won't tell me about troops in DC right now. All the "mainstream news" willl talk about is the pre-inauguration National Guard deployments to DC. OK, Alphabet, let's talk about that. That is your real name isn't it, Google, Alphabet? Does that mean you are some sort of "alphabet agency"?
Anyhoo. Here's the law: The National Guard can be deployed by the governor of a state for emergencies in that state. It can be deployed by the president as commander in chief for a federal mission. For example President Eisenhower deployed National Guard troops to Selma Alabama in 1956 to quell the riots over desegregation. But Congress cannot deploy the National Guard or any other US service branch. Neither can a president-elect before he has been inaugurated. So there is no way that Joe Biden, much less Nancy Pelosi, could possibly have deployed any soldiers or Marines to DC before January 20, because before Jan 20 the commander in chief was Donald J. Trump. A US Marine Corps general pointed that out to Nancy Pelosi in a very forthright, if not rude, manner. Them's the facts.
Here's another fact. On January 20, after the weird inauguration, Joe Biden's motorcade passed down the street in front of thousands of National Guard troops and they refused to acknowledge him as the new commander in chief by saluting him as every other inaugurated president before him was saluted. Many of them not only withheld that salute they turned their backs on Joe Biden. The US Marine honour guards were also videoed withholding that usually obligatory salute. This is not, I can confidently assure you, a trivial matter. These personnel were ordered by their superior officers to withhold that salute. Whether it was officers or sergeants who ordered those in the ranks to also turn their backs I'm sure I don't know. But none of this behaviour was spontaneous, though I'm betting the rankers were very enthusiastic in snubbing Biden.
So is Biden ordering more troops into DC? Why on earth would he do that? Why wouldn't he be ordering them to vacate DC and go back to their respective states? What are these troops supposed to be guarding him and Congress against? There's some sort of Trump-supporting army out there? They must be covered with Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility if they are. Maybe they'll de-cloak like Klingon War Birds? Maybe they're an army of the dead like in Lord of the Rings? No. That couldn't be it. All the dead voters voted for Biden.
I think I'm getting Deja Vu. I wrote almost the same thing when the troops were deployed before the inauguration but after all the supposedly threatening Trump supporters had all gone home peacefully as Trump urged them to do – no, sorry Alphabet, y'all can't lie about that to me, I downloaded the Tweet and the speech. Why are the troops assembling and under whose orders are they and what exactly is the mission? Troops that refused to acknowledge Biden as the lawfully elected Commander in Chief are being assembled in DC. There are Marines there too I bet, of all service branches the most loyal to the lawfully elected president and commander in chief. But it's all under a fog, something like the fog of war.