About My self
Hi, am Abs mikat.
I want...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will never leave my side...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will say ' I l❤ve u ' and mean it...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will watch a Friday night m❤vie with me...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will put me in a happy m❤❤d when i'm in a bad ❤ne...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will h❤ld me when i'm scared...
I want s❤me1 wh❤ will give me there jacket when i'm c❤ld...
I Want ❤♥❤
Welcome my dear
thanks for comment my dear ....
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