Reflection on the workshop: "write in micro size"

in #microwrite063 months ago (edited)

As we are nearing the end of this incredible journey, it's time to reflect on how far we've come. The two last tasks serve as a reminder of the growth we've experienced as writers. Each lesson has been a step forward, pushing us to refine our skills and embrace new challenges. Let's begin by looking at the final stretch of our journey.

Task 2: Reflect on your experience in the workshop..

Reflection on the #microwrite Workshop:

I will try to answer all the seven questions asked by the team of @joslud & @solperez in this task - Write in micro size 06 | SLC S21W06: part 2 under the following headings.

Challenges in Writing Microfiction

At the start, condensing ideas into the microfiction format felt restrictive. It was hard to create a complete narrative arc in so few words. Over time, I embraced techniques like starting in the middle of the action and using evocative imagery to convey depth, which helped me refine my approach.

One of my biggest challenges was working with the Urdu IME in the Steem editor, especially for microstories. Urdu often requires more words than English to convey the same idea, making it difficult to stay within the word count. I communicated this issue with the evaluators, who kindly considered my English versions for word count evaluation. This support made the process smoother for me.

Additionally, the language barrier occasionally made it hard to fully grasp the task instructions. Despite this, I made it a point to complete the tasks quickly, often being the first to submit. After completing my work, I would read peers’ submissions to deepen my understanding and learn from their approaches.

These challenges helped me develop resilience and adaptability, which are now integral to my creative process.

New Knowledge and Techniques

I learned to focus on one strong emotion or moment, avoiding excessive backstory. The “show, don’t tell” principle became my guide. Additionally, tools like brainstorming key themes and editing for conciseness proved invaluable. I learned many new terms and principles of writing.

This workshop has been an eye-opening journey into the art of storytelling, equipping me with tools and techniques that have transformed my writing approach. Among the lessons, the use of metaphors, ellipsis, and double meanings stands out as powerful methods for enriching narratives. I learned that a story doesn’t have to say everything outright; sometimes, what is left unsaid speaks louder than what is explicitly written.

Motivation and Style Evolution

The workshop reignited my passion for writing, shifting my focus from documenting thoughts to crafting impactful stories with emotional depth and intellectual engagement. I’ve refined my minimalist style, making each word count, and learned to incorporate metaphors, ellipses, and double meanings more effectively. Maybe now I can integrate humor more subtly into my writings enriching the narrative. Overall, the workshop made my writing more intentional, dynamic, and purposeful.

Most Useful Aspects

Peer feedback and instructor critiques were the most helpful. These insights exposed me to diverse perspectives and pushed me to refine my drafts, often highlighting gaps I hadn’t noticed.

Another crucial aspect I learned was how to version a story effectively. Understanding pacing, structure, and when to reveal or withhold information helped me shape narratives that feel cohesive and engaging. The process of revision also became more purposeful, as I learned to identify what each scene contributes to the overall story.

I would like to add here that this microstory workshop won't only help me in writing microstories; I believe it will also improve my ability to write other pieces.

Course Improvements

While the #microwrite workshop has been a valuable and enriching experience, there are a few areas that could be improved to make future editions even more effective:

  • Clearer Instructions with Room for Interpretation:

I appreciate that the teachers left some ambiguity in the instructions, as it allowed for personal interpretation, which can be a valuable learning opportunity. However, clearer guidance on how to balance creativity with the required elements of the assignment might benefit students, especially those who are new to the concepts being taught. Still, the open-endedness added a layer of depth to the learning process, which I found valuable.

  • Homework and Workload:

While I understand the importance of consistent practice, a reduction in the volume of homework could help focus on quality over quantity. More refined assignments that focus on key skills, rather than numerous tasks, could enhance the learning experience. However, I'm aware that this might conflict with Steemit’s content creation structure, where frequent posting is encouraged. It would be interesting to find a balance between both needs.

  • Grading and Language Barrier:

The grading being in Spanish was a bit challenging to understand. It would be helpful if the grading criteria were provided in English to ensure clarity and to avoid any confusion. However, I wasn’t overly concerned about the grades, so this was not a major issue for me. Additionally, seeing screenshots of the grading process could be helpful for transparency and for understanding how assessments are made.

Evaluate the teachers

I really don't have much to add. The teachers were quite thorough in their approach. But if you must insist, here are a couple of suggestions for further enhancement:

  • Encourage Risk-Taking: Motivate students to experiment with unconventional storytelling techniques or formats, helping them step outside their comfort zones and discover new possibilities in their writing.

  • Offer More Writing Prompts: Providing diverse and thought-provoking prompts can help students spark creativity and tackle different writing challenges, expanding their range as micro-writers.

  • Understanding the Student Psyche: Taking time to understand the individual needs and challenges of each student can help tailor feedback and guidance, fostering a more personalized and supportive learning experience.

Overall, I was satisfied with both teachers, @joslud and @solperez, who brought great energy and insight into the workshop. They made the experience enjoyable and constructive.

Recommend the workshop

If you're looking to sharpen your writing skills and explore the art of microfiction, the #microwrite workshop is a must! With different exercises, creative freedom, and engaging feedback, it’s the perfect space to refine your storytelling while experimenting with new techniques. Highly recommended!

Task 3: One last train ride

Next Stop: New Beginnings

The journey began with uncertainty. I boarded the train of micro-writing, unsure of how each lesson would shape me. Every stop brought something new — techniques, perspectives, challenges. Some stations were filled with hesitation, others with excitement, as I learned to craft powerful micro-stories from just a few words. Fellow passengers, shared their experiences, and we grew together. With each station, I gained confidence. As the train slowed at the final stop, I felt a sense of completion, but the ride wasn’t over. Stepping off, I realized: the real journey had just begun. The next station awaits. The ticket? A boundless curiosity and a desire to connect through tales.

Goodbye for now — until we meet again, may your writing journey continue to thrive!

comments to peers so far




Al leerte, más con el corazón que con la razón, no pude evitar conmoverme hasta las lágrimas, por tus vivencias y por tus acertados comentarios con respecto al taller. Tanto @joslud como yo somos venezolanos, y utilizamos el traductor para comunicarnos con hablantes de otros países, como es tu caso. Eso, obviamente, hace que la comunicación tenga un intermediario no siempre confiable, a la hora de redactar las instrucciones de las tareas.

El escritor Ítalo Calvino decía:

Toda traducción es una traición.

Yo estoy de acuerdo con él. ¿Sabes? En la última edición del Miss Universo, que se realizó en México, la representante de Venezuela quedó en el Top 5 de finalistas. Ella no hablaba inglés, y cuando el jurado le formuló la pregunta, la chica que asumía el rol de traductora, dio un mensaje errado. Al parecer, esto incidió en el resultado final. Lo cierto es que, aún en este el siglo XXI, la torre de Babel continúa haciéndose presente.

Ahora bien, con respecto a tu desempeño en este taller de microrrelatos, debo decir que fue impecable. De hecho, siempre estuviste entre los ganadores; y de acuerdo con tu escritura, siento que eres una gran narradora. Además te preocupas por realizar publicaciones impecables y a tiempo. Tu feedback con el resto de los participantes del taller fue magnífico.

Una vez más te digo: Eres una steemita súper talentosa. Espero que sigas en esta ruta de la microficción, sobre todo ahora que @joslud tendrá un concurso de este género literario en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem.

Sacaste 10 de 10. Acá tu calificación:


Reading your words filled me with a warmth that I can’t quite describe—thank you for such a heartfelt message. I felt every word, not just as a participant but as someone who deeply values the connections forged through this platform, even across language barriers.

The workshop was an enriching experience for me. I thoroughly enjoyed participating, learning, and engaging with fellow writers. Both you and @joslud have created a space where creativity thrives, and for that, I am truly grateful.

I will see if I can participate in the #Venezolanossteem community, though I understand the challenge of creating content in Venezuelan Spanish. For now, I’ll carry the lessons learned here with me, and I hope to continue contributing to the microfiction genre as passionately as I can.

Thank you once again for seeing something in my work. It means more than you know.

Sending love all the way from Pakistan.

Te envío un gran abrazo, amiga querida.

Saludos, amiga @soulfuldreamer:

Más nada puedo hace sino felicitarla por su extraordinario desempeño a lo largo de este curso. Su evolución, todo lo que aprendió, y la valoración en general para el taller ya lo ha expresado en esta publicación con su acostumbrada efectividad en la escritura.

Me queda el orgullo de haber compartido esta experiencia junto a un usuario con sus conocimientos literarios. No sé, no recuerdo, debido a esa extraña condición mía de ser siempre tan despistado, si antes de estas seis semanas había conocido su trabajo en esta plataforma. Pero lo más importante es que ahora he disfrutado cada una de sus publicaciones, de sus comentarios, con la emoción de quien descubre a alguien que comparte esa fascinación y entrega por el arte de la escritura, por hilvanar con las palabras esas historias que, muchas veces, solo nos dejan la felicidad de que alguien las leyó y le gustó.

Éxitos, amiga... Espero seguir encontrándome con sus creaciones en este universo tan ecléctico.


@solperez y @joslud

The “show, don’t tell” principle became my guide.

This one word that joslud kept hammering on whenever he reviews my work. He kept telling me that I’m guiding the reader on what to expect. That, it’s best I left it to the readers imagination…

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Por lo que puedo notar, este taller generó una gran revolución en todos los estudiantes cuando llegábamos al momento de la condensación y, esto es totalmente entendible porque estamos acostumbrados a escribir excesivamente.

Te confieso que en lo personal, esa cláusula del máximo me desequilibró muchísimo jajajaja, pero gracias a Dios logré superar esa barrera y, me alegra saber que tú también lo hiciste, ya que eso indica que el objetivo principal que tenía este taller, fue alcanzando con éxito.

Sin duda tuvimos un viaje fascinante y, estoy segura que es el comienzo de muchos que vamos a seguir haciendo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


@joslud @solperez

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