Results Write in Micro Size 06 | SLC S21 WEEK 06

The teaching team formed by @solperez and @joslud presents the results of WEEK 06 of our Write In Micro Size.
Proud and very satisfied with the talent and quality of the literary productions that the participants shared on Steemit and on their social networks, contributing to the dissemination of high-quality content on and from the platform.
The objectives of this sixth week were: Condense your journey as a microwriter during the six weeks of the workshop into a post.
- Reflect on your learning by evaluating yourself and the course and the teachers.

![]() Write in Micro Size in My Google maps |
![]() SLC S21 Week 06. Some figures |
Brief Narrative Workshop
Overall, the workshop was very well received by the participants. The most valued aspects were the quality of the feedback and the opportunity to learn new writing techniques. However, some adjustments are needed to improve the experience for future participants. We will present these in a later publication.
Strengths highlighted by participants
- Receive quality feedback: Participants highly valued the detailed and constructive feedback provided by the instructors.
- Workshop structure: The sequence of tasks and the gradual progression of the workshop were well received.
- Learning new techniques: Participants acquired new writing tools and techniques, such as condensing, use of ellipses, metaphors, and different narrative perspectives.
- Motivation and enthusiasm: The workshop increased participants' motivation to write and explore different techniques and resources.

The results of Week 06: Final stop of the journey
As this is a week of reflection and self-assessment of learning, the order of the prizes was agreed upon by the teachers, and we decided to award first place as a special recognition to the participant who, in our opinion, showed an impressive evolution in his way of writing, willingness to learn and creative risk.
This is without detracting from the processes experienced by the rest of the participants.

First Position |
🥇 1. @genomil

Second Position |
🥈 2. @alanasteemit

Third Position |
🥉 3.- @soulfuldreamer

Fourth position |
🏅 4.- @cruzamilcar63

Fifth position |
🏅 5.- @ifatniza

We close this post by thanking all the participants for their dedication to sharing part of themselves in their stories. It has been a real honor to meet them as MICRO-WRITERS.

![]() Original production by @joslud |
To be honest, I was quite skeptical about participating in this workshop. Well, in any kind of challenge, really. There’s always that little hesitation, wondering if it’s worth diving in, if I can keep up, or even if I’ll enjoy it.
But now that it’s come to a close, I’m so glad I decided to go against my initial doubts and gave it a try.
A huge round of applause and hats off to @joslud and @solperez. I think they did a marvellous job organizing this challenge — so thorough, so thoughtful, and perfectly aligned with the Steemit ambience. It was all about positive vibes, learning, and, most of all, too much fun!
I hope when the team comes across this post, they’ll pause for a moment to acknowledge what a fantastic experience these two crafted and maybe share their own thoughts about this challenge.
Grateful for the opportunity and the lessons learned :)
Gracias por tus palabras, mi apreciada amiga. Trabajamos con mucha dedicación y compromiso. Como ya lo dije antes: Nosotros aprendimos mucho en estas seis semanas, pues tuvimos participantes comprometidos con el trabajo y siempre dispuestos a dar lo mejor de sí. Hubo publicaciones de altísima calidad. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.
Hola amigos, estoy muy emocionada y agradecida, sus palabras son muy motivadoras, agradecida por mi mención y por todo el aprendizaje.
Espero verlos en una próxima temporada.
Saludos, les deseo mucho éxito.
Hiciste un gran trabajo en estas seis semanas, amiga mía. Te felicito por ello, y agradezco tu presencia en el taller. Un abrazo.
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh, muchas gracias por ese segundo lugar, honrada del puesto, me siento como la niña del jamón Plumrose.
Jajaja. Un abrazo, Sra. Láser.
Muchas gracias, mis amigos profesores, por esta gran aventura de aprendizaje, diversión y ratificación de magníficos talentos para la escritura creativa. Se trató de un verdadero desafío para quienes están acostumbrados a las expresiones literarias y, por supuesto, para los que están comenzando en ello. Sin embargo, gracias a las atenciones y comprensión de los docentes, todo fluyó como debía ser, con entusiasmo hasta el final.
Me despido enfatizando una vez más las excelencias, en todos los ámbitos, de este grupo dedicado y comprometido con los objetivos que se plantearon. Felicitaciones para todos los participantes.
Gracias a ti por acompañarnos en estas seis semanas. Un abrazo, amigo mío.
Felicidades por este exitoso taller, profes @solperez y @joslud. Más allá de los números, se creó excelente contenido y los participantes experimentamos evolución y crecimiento en nuestro proceso de escritura creativa.
Felicidades a los ganadores.
Abrazos, ¡Gracias, profes!
Gracias a ti por acompañarnos en esta aventura de aprendizaje. Un abrazo.