Arriving at the final stop of the journey | Final Resume lesson SLC S21 W06

in #microwrite063 months ago (edited)


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Welcome #Microwriters

Attention, dear #microwriters, arriving at the final stop. That's right, we've reached the final week of our journey to approach Short Literature, sometimes called Microfiction.

Let's imagine that this workshop was like a train ride, with each lesson a different station on the route. Some got off, others got on, and others made the entire trip.

Using that comparison, let's remember our journey in this Short Literature Workshop, called: “write in micro size”


First Station: Short Literature in your country

We began our journey by asking ourselves: what is micro-fiction? What is a micro-story?: A universe contained in a few words. The micro-story is like that, an activator of your creativity and imagination.
For Dr. Lauro Zavala:
-✅ Microficion: A broad term that encompasses all forms of short literature.
-✅ Microstory: A subgenre of minification characterized by its narrative nature and extreme brevity.
But we focus on the micro-story, (which is like a subgenre), of a length of less than 150 words.
It is a complete story, with a beginning, development and end, but told in very few words.
Many did not know, but they selected a legend that they would be working on throughout the trip. What was yours?


Second Station: We were all ants.
Who tells the story?

In this station we explore different perspectives to narrate our micro-story.
- ✅ Being the protagonist and telling everything in the first person.
- ✅ Or, addressing the reader directly as if he or she were the protagonist.
- ✅ Or, narrating what you observed from the outside in the third person.
Each perspective gives us a different vision and version of the same story.
You created three stories based on an ant.


Third Station: Condensing the story.

Here we learned to be like chefs of micro-stories, to condense them down to their essence. Just as if it were a recipe with many ingredients and you put it to reduce over low heat until you obtain a concentrated and tasty sauce.
That is what we do with our micro-stories. And for that, telegraphic language (concise and direct) becomes our best ally.
You also began to explore formats and to adapt the poetic genre into a narrative.


Fourth Station: Literary genres in micro-stories

In this station we discover that micro-stories can be adapted to different literary genres, subgenres and a variety of literary types and forms. Each genre, or subgenre, has a way, a structure and twists that make it characteristic, allowing us to recognize and classify them.

But every micro-story will always have one thing in common: The micro-story tells a story.

And each genre offers us different ways and formats to do so.


Fifth Station: Your Toolbox

We have reached the penultimate station, where we explore tools such as:
✅ ellipsis,
✅ metaphor and
✅ double meaning.

To create more beautiful and suggestive stories, where the reader actively participates in the construction of meaning.
Remember Hemingway's example of baby shoes? With just a few words, he led us to a universe of possibilities.


From the fifth station, let's remember the definition of a micro-story according to GINÉS S. CUTILLAS , which we broke down into the stations of our journey:

A short prose text, of a narrative and fictional nature, which uses precise and concise language to tell a surprising story to an active reader.»

Texto breve en prosa, de naturaleza narrativa y ficcional, que usando un lenguaje preciso y conciso se sirve de la elipsis para contar una historia sorprendente a un lector activo».

So now you know: A micro-story is a small universe full of possibilities. With the tools you have learned, you will be able to create unique and memorable micro-stories. Keep exploring and experimenting.

Week 06: the final stop

What will we do in the sixth week?

In this final station, we take some time to:
✅ reflect on the journey, your experience on it,
✅ what you have learned and
✅ how you evaluate yourself and how you evaluate the teachers and the learning workshop.
✅ And you can't miss a story as a farewell postcard.


Throughout this "Short Narrative Workshop", we have learned to write concise, impactful and meaningful micro-stories. Mastering literary resources such as ellipsis, metaphor and double meaning helps create stories that invite interpretation and reflection in each reader.

Access the TASK of the sixth week




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Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

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