I write from different perspectives.

in #microwrite023 months ago (edited)


Task 01:

Why couldn't I live longer like every other ant? I am always driven by a strong instinct to fulfill my purpose.

Mating with an elegant and alluring queen was one of the best moments of my short life; her smell is intoxicating. My heart beat faster when I approached her, and I knew this was my sole duty. We entwined with a whirlwind of feelings and emotions, a brief union of life and legacy.
Immediately after the dance, I felt the weight of my finality, yes I'd fulfill my calling, but I'm fading away into oblivion soon 😭😭😭

Task 02:

Dear Brave Ant,


I understand your plight after mating with the queen; it's daunting and natural to feel the way you do because you know what will come next. I'm so sorry about your concern, but just know that you're not alone in this.

I was once in great fear of the unknown, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about my future. It was a great time of fear for me, but I discovered the strength within myself to embrace change and accept reality rather than run from it. With this experience, I learned that even when we are fearful, we can find purpose in our lives, we can pull through any situation and create a lasting impact.

Your role in the colony is so important and it matters a lot. Please summon up courage and embrace this verse of your life, knowing that you're part of something bigger. You're not alone in this journey.

With love, solidarity & understanding


Task 03:


Here lies the brave drone ant, a wanderer of the winds, who was very bold and unbound. Without him, there would be no continuity in the colony; even when he knows his fate, he still dances his last and fulfills his purpose on earth. He will forever be remembered for his daring spirit!

Reflection 02:

Meditating about each narrative makes me think differently:

The first-person narrator, the drone, is an instinct-driven creature whose purpose in life is to fly around, find a queen, and mate with her but will die immediately after; I could imagine its joy of dancing with an alluring and elegant queen; they will be entwined, the ant enjoy the moment even when it knows it will die immediately after that. These have taught me the beauty of short-lived moments. I could feel the weight of its fleeting existence; I mean, nothing could be done to save him. That was its fate. This has taught me the importance of finding purpose in life and embracing it because life is like a mist that appears for just a day and then disappears tomorrow.

The second-person narrator who wrote a letter to the drone ant, shows empathy, compassion, and fellow feelings. I connected deeply to the struggles of this ant, I can imagine that feeling of knowing you will soon die, even when you desire to continue living. This perspective shows that we all need a support system, a good friend(s) who will be there for us in our downtime. Her words show that whatever I'm going through in this world, I'm not alone.


Lastly, the third-person epitaph casts a somber light on the ant's life. She did mention the drone's contribution to the colony which was so vital. This makes me pause and ask myself the kind of legacy I will leave if I am no more again; what would my loved ones, family, and friends remember me for? This has taught me that I should live a good life, impact others positively, find, and fulfill my purpose in life because every life no matter how small, leaves an imprint on the world. And I want to leave a good one.

Overall, these narratives have connections; they convey themes of purpose; all the living know that they will die one day, though we don't know the time; this encourages me to cherish both the small and big moments and make a good impact because this is what I would be remembered for.

Hi @joslud and @solperez, thank you so much for this creative contest; it makes me think out of the box and imagine wildly, haha. I knew drone ants, their important role in the colony, and how short their lifespan is. But I never compared their lives with ours, which are somewhat similar. Though they are guided by instinct, they still find their purpose in life before fleeting, how much more intelligent being like us, a real food for thought.

@eliany @iddy and @okere-blessing I would love to read your perspective on ants.

I created the images with Ai Imagine Meta AI, and I didn't use any translator since English is my language; I only used Grammarly for some punctuation and spelling corrections. See you all next week.



Hi, @goodybest


I apologize for not having attended to your post to evaluate it. I was busy with the posts of week 3.

You did a magnificent job, thank you for being in this group.

I'm sharing a brochure with your creations. This format is for you to share on your networks.
Check if you see any errors that need to be corrected, let me know.

Optionally, I invite you to join this group on Facebook where you can post it yourself.


Hola amiga, sin duda cada quien le da su toque personal, puedo ver que usaste otras imágenes para inspirarte, lo cual es válido. La historia narrada en primera persona con el zángano de protagonista me gustó, pobres criaturas realmente se sacrifican por su reina, pero le diste el toque romántico, bien hecho ja, ja, ja.

Aplaudo que mantengas a la hormiga en la segunda historia, narración en segunda persona, me hiciste reflexionar en torno a mi contenido que estoy a punto de publicar. Finalmente, en la última historia, mantienes la narración en tercera persona y convences respecto a la difunta hormiga, te creo amiga, ja, ja, ja.

Te felicito, aunque la idea de nuestros profesores es que poco a poco podamos transmitir más en pocas palabras, me gusta lo que has logrado.

I can see that you used other images to inspire you, which is valid. The story narrated in first person with the drone as the main character I liked it, poor creatures really sacrifice themselves for their queen but you gave it the romantic touch, well done haha.

I applaud you for keeping the ant in the second story, second person narration, you made me think about my content I'm about to post. Finally in the last story, you keep the third person narration and convince regarding the deceased ant,I believe you friend haha.

I congratulate you, although the idea of our teachers is that little by little we can convey more in a few words, I like what you have achieved.

See you soon, a hug.

@joslud @solperez

Wow 🤩 I'm encouraged by your beautiful commendation dear friend, you know I started reading other people's perspectives since 3 days ago, and it was a drone that came to my mind, I knew their vital role and short lifespan. And I felt mating with the queen is something honorable and enjoyable at the same time 😝 but juxtaposed, he will die immediately after their dances without even meeting with their offspring 😭 goodness, one can even save him; I was thinking of how they felt in that situation, life between pleasure, and fear of death. They are very courageous because they know their end, but still, they fulfill their purpose. Well, I couldn't help but have fellow feelings. Haha😂🤣 and at the same time learning a valuable lesson from it.

I appreciate your time 😍



I could imagine its joy of dancing with an alluring and elegant queen; they will be entwined, the ant enjoy the moment even when it knows it will die immediately after that.

After reading this short paragraph, all that could come to mind was the story of “Samson and Delilah”. The guy knew he was getting married to the enemy but yet because of one moment of pleasure , this man just got killed ….

Same thing is now happening to this innocent ant, knowing fully well that if he have sex with the queen, it will die..

What a way to die….untop woman😭😭😭

What a way to die…. ontop woman😭😭😭

Haha🤣🤣🤣😂 I couldn't help but laugh out so loud with this comment. But Sammy come to think of it, something much kill a man, and the ant's own is even better, a queen 😎 thanks for visiting me today!

✅ 1

A good comment focused on the story.
I didn't find any suggestions for improving anything in the story or post.
For example: the tightness of the tasks, which makes it difficult to easily recognize where one begins and the other ends.

What do you think?

I didn't find any suggestions for improving anything in the story or post

apologies… I didn’t notice it was part of the task..

Hi @joslud, please I just wanted to remind you that you haven't reviewed my entry yet. Could it be that it slipped your notice since I'm the only one left? Thank you in advance for your response.


I enjoyed reading your post. Life is really like a mist, that appears and disappears in a day. We must live a purposeful live and leave a legacy when we're no more. And the lesson; we must accept realities in life and move on.

You're absolutely correct dear, I'm glad you like my post, thanks for contributing meaningfully. Success!

You are welcome

Me encantó cada parte de la historia creo que ha sido magistral la forma en que la proyectaste. Tiene un gran mensaje de vida, de darle sentido y propósito a la existencia misma.

Sin duda tus reflexiones me llegaron al corazón.

¡Saludos y muchos éxitos!

Hi @casv, friend. Thank you so much for your beautiful commendation; it means a lot to me.

Your thoughts certainly touched my heart.

I'm glad I could send a message through this means. I appreciate your visit.

Hi, @goodybest

Instructions for task 1 of week 3.

We look forward to your participation in #microwrite03

As a story to condense, for task 1 #microwrite03. We ask you to use: "THE LETTER YOU WROTE FOR THE ANT"

Your job is to:

  • Turn the letter into an action story.

  • Less than 100 words.

  • Follow the general instructions for this task: condense into concise language.

  • Be creative.

If you have any questions or doubts, we are at your service.

Got it, I'll drop my entry soon!

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