I write from different perspectives

in #microwrite024 months ago (edited)
Task 1

चिंता मत करो

में चींटी बहुत आलसी थी। बरसात का मौसम आने वाला था और बाकि सभी चींटियां अपना भोजन इकट्ठा करने में लगे थे, लेकिन में सारा दिन बस मस्ती करती रहती थी। मेरा भाई बोला, "तुम भी बरसात के लिए भोजन इकट्ठा कर लो." में मुस्कुराई, "अरे! रहने दो। मेरे पास तुम हो जो मेरी मदद करोगें।"

काले बादल छा गए, तीन दिनों तक भारी बारिश हुई। चूंकि सबने बारिश के मौसम से पहले भोजन जमा कर रखा था, इसलिए मुझे कोई चिंता नहीं थी। केवल में भूखी रह गई थी, और मेरा अंत...

ant in distress.png

No Worries
I was a lazy ant. The rainy season was about to commence and all the other ants were busy collecting their food, but I was having fun all day. My brother said, "You should collect food for the rainy season." I smiled, "Oh! No worries. My bro will help me."

It rained heavily for the next few days. Ever other ant had stored food before the rainy season started, they were not worried. Only I remained without food... and that was the end of me...

Task 2:

ऊपरवाला तुम्हारी आत्मा को शांति दे

मेरी बहन, मैंने तुम्हें चेतावनी दी थी लेकिन तुमने मेरी सलाह पर ध्यान नहीं दिया। क्या तुम्हें लगता है कि बारिश के दिनों के लिए बचत करना आसान है? मैंने अपने लिए पर्याप्त भोजन इकट्ठा कर लिया था और तुम्हारे साथ भोजन साझा करना कोई समस्या नहीं थी लेकिन तुमने सोचा कि बारिश मैं तुम तक कैसे पहुंचूंगा?

चींटियाँ अपनी मेहनत के लिए जाने जाते हैं। हम हर समय व्यस्त रहते हैं। तुम्हें पता होना चाहिए कि हम दुनिया में एकमात्र प्राणी हैं जो अपने शरीर के वजन से ज़्यादा वजन उठा सकते हैं। हम जीवित रहने के लिए मेहनत करते हैं लेकिन तुमने मुझे बहुत निराश किया।

मुझे दुख हुआ कि तुम बिना संघर्ष मर गई जिससे हम चींटियों का नाम खराब हुआ. तुम मेरी बहन हो इसलिए में तुम्हें अंतिम श्रद्धांजलि देने आया हूँ. भगवान तुम्हारी आत्मा को शांति दे!

Screenshot (2489).png

May your soul rest in peace

My dear sister, I warned you but you did not heed my advice. Do you think saving for the rainy days is easy? I had collected enough food for myself and sharing food with you was not a problem but did you think how will I reach you in the rain?

Ants are known for their hard work. We are busy all the time. You must know that we are the only creatures in the world who can lift more weight than their body weight. We work hard to survive but you disappointed me a lot.

I am sad that you died without struggle and we ants are ashamed of your behavior. You are my sister so I have come to pay my last homage to you. May your soul rest in peace!

Task 3:

Screenshot (2488).png

यहाँ मेरी प्यारी बहन दफ़न है जिसे मेने जिंदगी भर बहुत प्यार किया और अंत तक उसे जीवन में श्रम के महत्व के वारे में बताता रहा पर वो नहीं समझी और अंतिम गति को प्राप्त हुई.

Here lies buried my beloved sister whom I loved most while she was alive, and I kept telling her till the very end about the importance of labor in life, but she did not understand and finally went to her final destination.


The Lazy Ant

Laziness killed my sister

I am sad that my sister lost her life because of her laziness. We ants are known for our hard work, so if my sister was infected by the disease of laziness, then it is a matter of great shame for us.

Actually, whoever is caught by laziness is unable to recover. Laziness weakens both our body and the mind. Especially the lazy ants never get their goals throughout their lives and finally die an untimely death. In this case, a lazy ant didn't get food and met her sad demise.

A lazy person never tries to achieve his goal throughout his life. It is also said that one should never make a lazy person his friend, although she was my sister, and I warned her time and again that there is no life without hard work.

Laziness is also known as negligence. Not doing work properly is not only negligence, but also doing something inappropriate is also negligence. A lazy person never feels connected to his self-consciousness. Perhaps this was my sister's ultimate fate.

Many times, despite being capable of doing something, we postpone it. Gradually, all the opportunities slip out of our hands. And in the process, nothing is left except repentance.

The life mantra of a lazy person is, "I will do it tomorrow." And tomorrow never comes. Perhaps the lazy person does not think that it is better to perish working hard than without doing any work.

I request you to take a resolution today that if you want to understand the true meaning of life, then get up, wake up, and start working towards the goal of what you have come to achieve in this life.

Dear @solperez, I wish my sister knew the value of work and was still alive. There is a saying in one of our local languages, "अब पछताए होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गयी खेत." which means once you have missed the opportunity, it never comes back.


I have created these images using Microsoft Bing AI as per the hints and prompts provided by @joslud and inspired by @tezzmax.

I would hereby like to declare that I have written in one of the local languages, Hindi, but if I had translated the same text in English, it would sound weird, so even if my text would sound similar in both languages, it's not an exact translation. Besides, we have gender-specific words that make a difference too. By the way, I know to speak seven local languages fluently, and I speak and write in English, despite having lived in different countries. My medium of education was English yet I still think in my mother tongue.








I invite @josepha, @simonnwigwe and @suboohi

Kind Attn: @joslud and @solperez


I love the perspective you took the story from..
this is actually a wake up call to everyone including me as well. We have missed a lot of opportunities as a result of our laziness.

Like you mentioned in your post, no one wants to be friends with a lazy person. They are like anchor that pulls you down from achieving your goals.

To be frank this microblogging is not my cup of tea so I have made a couple of blunders and as we all know we have no options to make amends in this genre. Thanks for your visit and remark.

What matters most is that it comes with a whole lot of lessons that we could learn from.

✅ 3
Good comment focused on the story.
I didn't find any suggestions to improve anything in the story.

Thanks so much for the invite. I will do my best and also participate in a quality and interesting story like yours.

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Después de leer tu relato ahora me surge la interrogante: ¿Será que las hormigas tienen un momento de descanso? Porque ciertamente, ellas casi siempre estan en una faena bien fuerte y su proyección va marcada con que es trabajadora pero, el tiempo de reposición no se resalta. Bueno, ya tengo una línea de investigación para mí jajaja.

Tu hormiga nos enseña que la vagancia no es el mejor camino y debemos hacer lo elemental para evitar llegar a él porque, ese trayecto se puede convertir en nuestro peor enemigo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much!


मैं आपकी रचनाओं के साथ एक त्रिपिटक साझा करता हूँ। यह प्रारूप आपके नेटवर्क पर साझा करने के लिए है।
जांचें कि क्या आपको सुधार करने के लिए कोई त्रुटि दिखाई देती है, तो मुझे बताएं।

मैं आपको इस फेसबुक समूह का हिस्सा बनने के लिए आमंत्रित करता हूं जहां आप इसे स्वयं पोस्ट कर सकते हैं।


Dear @joslud, I stopped using Facebook almost 12 years ago so I have shared it on Twitter (X).

I have no suggestion for your wonderful work but may I suggest that your instruction in English are a bit confusing especially the part where the use of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person. It sounds like we can use any form rather than a clear instruction that we should use 1st person in 1st section, 2nd person in 2 section, and the third person narration in the third section. It's nothing but a slight confusion due to translation differences.

Overall I enjoyed participating in this contest. Thank you so much for providing such a nice experience.


Without losing my respect for you, Mr. @dove11,

I really like your pictures, seeing them makes me more interested in reading.

In the first story, the narrative of the lazy ant is very clearly captured, but in the terms of this course we are not allowed to have other characters in the story, the ant is the only character. So, I think you can change the way you tell the story to make it seem as if the ant is speaking on its own behalf, it could be an expression of anxiety, fear or hope. The key is to explain as if the ant is speaking to someone else.

In the second story, it seems that the ant died first, and then he read the letter. I think it would make more sense if you described the ant that received the letter reading it while it was still alive.

In the third story, the impression I got from the inscription on the tombstone was about the mistakes the ant made while it was alive, so I think it would be better if you provided a narrative about what the buried ant can be proud of.

Beyond that, I'm sure you can find a better story and I'm not saying that mine is better, I'm just sharing what I know.


@joslud @solperez

I respect you and your words sir. I am sorry I lost my respect by my useless story. However, I am not allowed to change it now so I will try to follow you and post mine only after reading yours in the coming week. Thank you so much for guiding me.

"Toda traducción es una traición". Creo que algo falló. Tu talento como escritor salta a la vista. Esperamos seguir contando contigo en el taller. Un abrazo.

En un taller, la retroalimentación es fundamental. Mejoramos a partir de los errores cometidos, eso es lo más valioso que tenemos los seres humanos: Errar y enmendar. Gracias por tus aportes. Un abrazo.


A big difference

Hi, @dove11

Instructions for task 1 of week 3.

We look forward to your participation in #microwrite03

As a story to condense, for task 1 #microwrite03. We ask you to use: "THE LETTER YOU WROTE FOR THE ANT"

Your job is to:

  • Turn the letter into an action story.

  • Less than 100 words.

  • Follow the general instructions for this task: condense into concise language.

  • Be creative.

If you have any questions or doubts, we are at your service.

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