Write in micro size | 1st Week | SLC Season 21| The Tragic legend of Ojeh and the River Niger
This is a story of the Tragic legend of ojeh and the river Niger.
Ojeh was the best dancer in community, in every community dancing composition.
Ojeh and her family was living together with joy and happiness floating around the family until the chiefs of the community falsely accused her husband of stealing and he was sentence to death for something he didn't know of, ojeh plea for mercy but still yet he was sentence to death in the front of his family.
This particular stuff gives ojeh a terrible experience and she became heartbroken that out of the thinking she became insolated and most of her days was spent on the river sides, she was seeking vengeance from the river, because back then the community people worship the river.
Urhobo language
"Oro ghare efe Ojeh na osimelli River Niger. Ojeh oghara re kuro na gboko ere dughu, na gboko ere wado.
Ojeh na imi ye re na egbe ye, ye re ye ko na erhie, ye ko na oghoro, ye ko na igho.
Na osi, ovie na uto ni ye Ojeh na imi ye re, ye re kuro wado, wado ye ko ye re kpaye. Ye re ye kpaye na ovie, ye kpaye na uto.
Ovie na uto gbagbe Ojeh na imi ye re, ye kuro kpaye, ye ko ye re na erhie. Ojeh na ple ye, ye ple ye kuro ye re, na ovie na uto ye ko ye re kpaye.
Efe ema ye Ojeh na erhie, ye re kuro ye ko ye re. Ye re ye ko ye re, ye ko ye re na igho.
Ye re ye ko ye re, ye ko ye re na osimelli, ye ko ye re na ovie, ye ko ye re na uto.
Osimelli na ye re ko ye re, ye ko ye re na ovie, ye ko ye re na uto.
Na mgbagbe, oghara re kuro na gboko ere dughu, ye ko ye re na osimelli.
Nai ri vbe re, ri vbe @Paholags, @solaymann, na @josepha, me gua vbe re na oro efe ema."
Also, here's a breakdown of the translation:
- Oro ghare efe = This is the story of
- Ojeh = Ojeh
- Na osimelli = and the River Niger
- Oghara re kuro = She was the best
- Na gboko ere dughu = dancer in the community
- Ovie na uto = Chiefs and elders
- Ye re ye ko = accused her husband
- Ye re kuro kpaye = of stealing
- Ye re ye kpaye = and sentenced him to death
- Ojeh na ple ye = Ojeh pleaded
- Ye ple ye kuro = but they refused
- Efe ema ye = She became heartbroken
- Ye re ye ko = and isolated
- Ye ko ye re na osimelli = seeking vengeance from the river
- Osimelli na ye re ko = Finally, the river
- Ye ko ye re na ovie = took her
Finally, I wish to invite my friends @Paholags @solaymann, and @josepha to also join this contest.
¡Holaaa amigo!🤗
En el pasado la poca culturización que se tenía llevó a creer situaciones como las que nos compartes. Hoy día me atrevería a pensar que lo que le sucedió a la persona que se lanzó al río fue una reacción alérgica o que el aceite le estaba quemando la piel.
Una leyenda bastante interesante amigo... Había escuchado hablar de ese río pero después de leer tu relato, voy a investigar más respecto a él.
Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚
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Your story in Canva.com format
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Subtask 1 for you:
I ask you to investigate and present this story in one of the "non-official" languages of your country.
I will be waiting to pay tribute to your ancestors.
Been presented in the Urhobo language of my country and state delta state.