Esther Vilar - The Manipulated Man
Unfortunately; men who are capable and willing to work and think in every other field of research have declared everything concerning woman taboo. What is worse is that this taboo has always been so effective that it is no longer recognized as such.
Without thinking, men fight women's wars, father women's children and construct women's towns. Women just sit back getting lazier, dumber and more demanding - and, at the same time, richer. A primitive but effective system of insurance policies - policies for marriage, divorce, inheritance, widowhood, old age and life – ensures this increasing wealth. For example, in the US half of the total private capital is in the hands of women.
Yet the number of working women has constantly decreased over the last decades. The situation is not much different in industrial Europe. At this time women already have complete psychological control over men. It won't be long before they have material control as well.
Men seem to be quite unaware of these facts and go on finding happiness in their own subjugation. There could he justification for their attitude only if women really were the charming, gracious creatures men believe them to be: fairy princesses, angels from another world, too good for men themselves and for this earthly existence.
It is quite incredible that men, whose desire for knowledge knows no bounds in every other field, are really totally blind to these facts, that they are incapable of seeing women as they really are: with nothing else to offer but a vagina, two breasts and some punch cards programmed with idle, stereotyped chatter; that they are nothing more than conglomerations of matter, lumps of stuffed human skin pretending to he thinking human beings.
If men would only stop for a moment in their blind productivity and think, they could easily tear the masks off these creatures with their tinkling bracelets, frilly blouses and gold-leather sandals. Surely it would take them only a couple of days, considering their own intelligence, imagination, and determination, to construct a machine, a kind of human female robot to take the place of woman. For there is nothing original in her - neither inside nor out - which could not be replaced. Why are men so afraid to face the truth?