Love you zindgi...

in #mgsc6 years ago

Hey life today I want to tell you something actually I want to say sorry to you because I never respect you and never understand you. I always say love or sorry to many others but never to you. I never give a worth value to you. I never feel you. I always complain with you for this for that but never to thanks for many things which you give
We all so busy in many things . We don't have time for recognise you. I never feel how you smile in me and comes in my lips to cheeks. We always talks with many people but no time for you. Hey life thank you for all days which I spend with you. Thank you for lots of movements which I spend with so many people through you. I never realised how many good people I meet through you " life " life.jpg
I never try to leave with you. I always search people to spend my time with them. Whenever I alone I never realised that you always with me. Thank you for that time when nobody was there with me but you were there. I always think about that people who never thought about me. I always care for them who don't like me but you never hate me and I always ignore only you. Sorry for all my mistake by which I give you pain through lots of bad memory which by made of them who has no importance for me but now I promise I'll be care only you further. Very first you and all things will come after you. I love you zindgi.zivot-pod-kontrolou.jpg
Hello all lovely steemits I want to say only one think just love yourself first. When you love you yourself then only you can feel yourself and believe me when you feel yourself then you never feel stress . I know we all take stress very fast and on very little things which actually don't have any importants. Just think before taking any stress that it is really as big as you thought. Believe me when you actually thought about your stress you will found nothing. We always spend a lot of time to think about useless things. So when you have free time just try to meet yourself . Give yourself some good thoughts which is free. You don't have to pay anything to think good things. Try it and take care yourself. Love your life and feel life loves you. Don't give permission to anyone to destroy your inner happiness. This life is only yours. Live your life before it's left you. Say thanks and sorry to your life. Feel happy life!!!

Rosy yaduvanshi


@rosy1606 self-love is impossible in today's life


Nothing is impossible.

Yes because of busy schedule and more compitition . I can understand but whenever you got a littlebilt time then try it but it doesn't mean that you creat more wishes . If you creat more wishes then deffinatlly you are not about yourself you are thinking about desire. So try this if you can't then it is also good that you are thinking something good.

Heart touching article. Absolutely right one should try to know about his own then only you may diside for what purpose you are made for.
Very good article

Thank you so much for appreciation and being here.

What a great thanks to Life.
Really Love you Zindgi......

Thanks for notice feelings of my blog. If you relise a lettilebit about importance of life then I'm so happy with my writing.

Yaa it's true we have to discover ourself 1st, then life become smooth live never b4.

Thank you so much for appreciating my blog.

great relation between mother and his children. there are no many words

Yes this reletion is amezing. I just try .

Bonding between mother and her child a gift from God that give us love and happnies in our life

Yes this is awesaum bonding.

Of course, we must love ourselves first,Thanks for your awesome writing

Thank you so much for compliment.

Great work dear.

Thank you so much.

great post thank u

i respect the parents

We should respect , love and care of our parents.

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