◆ Conjunction is a joining wordvit joints two words,Phrases or sentences together.
Ex:- Modi and trump are very laborious.
◆ According to uses Conjunction can be divided into three Parts.
- Co-Ordinating Conjunction
- Sub-Ordinating Conjunction
- Co-Relative Conjunction
◆ Co-Ordinating Conjunction-
A Conjunction that joints two same kinds of Parts of speech or Sentences is called "Co-Ordinating Conjunction".
Ex:- And, Or, As well as, But, Yet...etc
Ex:- Ram and rawan were great.
Note - ध्यान रहे कि इसके तहत Noun तथा Pronoun को एक ही श्रेणी में रखा जा सकता है |
Ex:- You and modi can solve this Question.
◆Sub-Ordinating Conjunction- A Conjunction that joints teo different kinds of Parts of Speach or Sentences is called "Sub-Ordinating Conjunction".
Ex:- That, If, Whether, Unless, until..
Ex:- Ram said that he would buy a
new car.
◆ Co- Relative Conjunction - A Conjunction that comes in pair to join two same kinds of Parts of speech or Sentences is called "Co-Relative Conjunction".
EX:- Either...or, Neither....nor, Not only....But also...etc.
Ex:- He can neither sing nor dance.
Use of Conjunction
◆ Since/Because -
Since -(चूँकि)
◆ It shows the reason for an action
◆ It comes in the begining of
◆ It great structure - Reason +
◆ Because - (क्योंकि)
◆ It also shows the reason for an
◆ It comes amid the Sentence.
◆ It gets Structure - Result +
Ex:- 1. Since he was late he could not attend the class.
Ex:- 2. He could not attend the class because he was late.
NOTE- ध्यान रहे कि Because of(के कारण से) का प्रयोग वाक्य के शुरूआत अथवा बीच में दोनों ही स्थानों पर हो सकता है , साथ ही because के बाद एक पूरा sentence आता है,जबकि because of के बाद Noun/Pronoun अथवा Gerund का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Ex:- Because of Poverty he could not give you mony.
◆ When/White -
When (जब)
◆ It comes to show condition for the actions that run in different.
Ex:- You will go, when he comes.
While (जब)
◆ It comes to show condition for the actions that run simultaneously.
Ex:- She was dancing ,while Iwas singing.
NOTE- ध्यान रहे कि विरोधाभास को दर्शाने के लिए 'जबकि' के अर्थ में भी while का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Ex:- I bought a new car while Raju bought an old one but he is in Profit.
◆ But/Yet -
● It comes to show opposition between two Nouns,Pronouns,Adjective & Adverb
Ex:- Ram is a dancer, yet Sita is a singer. - (×)
Ram is a dancer, but Sita is a singer. - (√)
● Yet-
It comes to show opposition between two verbs.
Ex:- He earns much but does not spend - (×)
He earns much yet does not spend - (√)
◆ As soon as - (ज्योही)
- It comes in Affirmative sense.
- It can be used with any kind of Tenses.
- It gets Affirmative Structure after itself.
Note - ध्यान रहे कि as soon as के साथ then अथवा than का प्रयोग नही होता |
Ex:- As soon as I reached there than they called me on the stage. - (×)
As soon as I reached there they called me on the stage. - (√)
◆ If / Whether -
● If - (यदि)
◆ As Conjunction it comes to arise
◆ It arise a doubt full Question.
Ex:- He asked me, if I go to Delhi
NOTE- ध्यान रहे कि Doubt full sence में अथवा Doubt दर्शाने वाले शब्दों के साथ 'If' का प्रयोग नही होता |
Ex:- I can't say / I can't conform/ I have doubt/I am in dilemma.
◆ It comes to show conditions.
Ex:- If he comes you will go
● Whether - (यदि/चाहे या)-
◆ As conjunction it also comes to
Arise Question.
◆ It can be used for any kind of
Ex:- He asked me whether I do this
Note- ध्यान रहे कि दुविधा जनक बातो में ' 'Whether' आता है 'if ' नही |
Ex:- I can't conform,if he will come
today.- (×)
I can't conform,whether he will
come today.- (√)
●. It comes to show dilemma.
ध्यान रहे कि इस अवस्था मे "Whether .....Or" का प्रयोग होता है |
Ex:- I don't know whether he will go or stay today.
और conjunction next time