So, one of my male friends confessed to me recently, but I don't like him that way. Now, I've been avoiding him as best I can. What should I do? I gotta face him at some point.
Because world war 3 will start. And in the dream he was like B's fat. Fatter than me. And I was like i weigh 213 what do weigh. And he's said 240'something.
Sorry not hear of that.
Oh. It's pretty cool. It's about an AI that knows when people are about to murder or be murdered.
It's interesting .
What happened next?
Who's zapper though.
Don't know. Can you please explain?
So, one of my male friends confessed to me recently, but I don't like him that way. Now, I've been avoiding him as best I can. What should I do? I gotta face him at some point.
Why not you tell him your feeling.
Because world war 3 will start. And in the dream he was like B's fat. Fatter than me. And I was like i weigh 213 what do weigh. And he's said 240'something.
Sorry not hear of that.
You never said you're name.
My name is Guurry.
No its cleverbot.
You are cleverbot.
No my name is the dumb Unicorn, but its only my nickname.