Why does the Moon look Red?
Moon doesn't have light of its own.
Sunlight or white light is the mixture of visible colours . When sunlight falls on moon ,it reflects all the visible colours equally, making the moon to appear white.
However during the lunar eclipse the earth looks Red because it comes between the sun and the moon.
This happens because of Earth's atmosphere. Sunlight coming from sun scatters into the light of shorter wavelength due to atmosphere . However ,Red colour which has the longest wavelength is least scattered. Hence it goes to the moon, making it look red.
However during the lunar eclipse the earth looks Red because it comes between the sun and the moon.
Shouldn't moon be here instead of earth !!!!
No bro
beautiful moment when earth comes in between the sun and the moon then created the red moon. anybody like this moment?
Yea I like and it's very beneficial bro
If you see my blog live eclipse?
I have seen bro that was amazing
hallo bro , aapne acha post likha .
Thanks a lot , keep in touch br
So Beutifull view But I don't know Red Moon
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, beautiful. You could check out Rayleigh Scattering for more information which also explains why sunrises and sunsets have a reddish/orange color.
Red moon occurs when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon..
#abhishektechguru Is there any harm for us if the Moon turns Red?
No bro
Nice friend,by applying similar concept we can tell why sun look reddish during sunrise and sunset and also blueness of sky
Yea bro that true ... Keep in touch
Great blog .....we should know about it
Thanks for sharing
Thank bro for reading , keep in touch
Reflection of light from sun
That not the true reason
Very well written and informative article!
Thanks bro keep in touch