I found your blog from your other Me too post. I can see why you are angry. I do realize that you are sympathetic to men. I like to put myself in others shoes in order to understand them. Especially when their actions seem cruel. So here is my take.
1.) Women do not have equal rights, however they have come a long way and are still moving forward.
2.) Men are ashamed deep down inside about their behavior and yet are confilicted with the need to "peacock" for their fellow men. The only way for some of them to deal with theier shame is to try to justify and rationalize their behaviours. You see all men have mothers and some have sisters and daughters.
3.) This is definitly a cultural problem not necessarlty just a gender issue.
Here is a conversation I had with my Stepdaughter. " Scott Nikol claims she was raped last night at the party that she had in the house. I was there and she was drunk and sitting on that guys lap. What did she think was going to happen" said Alexa strangly calm and unsympathetic. " OMG is she ok. Has she notified the police" I said slighty paniced and hurting for Nikol. " I don't know but if you ask me its her own fault" barked Alexa. " Alexa dont you feel for her. This a a terrible thing to happen to someone" I pleaded with her. " This happens at parties all the time. Its happend to me many times, its no big deal, you just move on" she said emotionless. I sat there speechless and stunned.
Well, I contacted the police and they told me that she would have to come forward and it was best if I didnt agitate her. She didnt know that I knew. She decided not to come forward and while we talk about many things she has not told me her story at this time. I hurt for her knowing that she is holding this inside. She had decided to carry mace with her wherever she goes and we all know why
There are so many disturbing things about that story that I do not know where to begin. When I put myself in the young mans shoes that rapped her I wondered what he was thinking. Did he do this violently? Did he think it was really ok? Should I find him and Kill him? She was drunk, did she get the story right? So many questions without answers. A very complicated topic
Awareness and constant discussion is the only answer. In the light of awareness is the only way a solution can work itself out. The fact that men have the reaction thay do makes sense. It comes from guilt and shame an an effort to avoid responsibility. These are the first steps in any process. At least they are thinking about the issue now and it is in their sphere of awarness. I know that this does not allievate your anger and it should not. You are supposed to be angry. You are justified. I am just offering some insight
Wow! That was an excellent, well-thought-out, brilliantly-observed post. Thank you.
I've only read it once. I'm going to read it again.