Redacted Journal - August 22-31, 2019

in #metoo4 years ago (edited)

(This has been edited and most names have been changed.)

Aug 22nd, I woke up after 3 and got up around 7. I made myself breakfast and some Lemon Ginger tea as I felt badly... Chloe introduced me to Eleanor. Chloe is the coordinator who is leaving and she is training Eleanor. Rachel told me they were doing something new with the sign in sheet because of some government organization. She wrote out some letters on the top. I don't know what they meant, but she said I would know the english equivalent. I wondered if she was talking about insurance when she was describing workplace accidents. Then maybe OSHA.
[They seemed pretty nervous about this. It was like they were afraid of me, that I was really into regulations. At the charity store, the manager had ordered me to do something illegal and I refused. Then people under him subtly bullied me. I asked an honest question about whether being asked to volunteer elsewhere on the same days meant I was unwanted, which may have made him afraid that I was able to point out his bullying. He seemed terrified of me after I asked him for a letter of recommendation, and he refused, coming up with apparently incorrect information that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or Quebec law forbid it on privacy grounds. He invited me to an event with a bunch of locals in the field I wanted to work in, which would have been a very convenient time to tell everyone what a danger I was to them all. He seemed to avoid me and not even show up for work, or watched me and tried to get information on where I lived. He asked himself, and his “buddy” asked, trying to find how long it took me to get there. He did not get that information, but what he may have gotten was a copy of my resume, which included a place I currently volunteered, which was the bike warehouse. Last time he had me work under a surveillance camera, and seemed to send Saul to question me. At the end of the day, he seemed defeated, and said he couldn’t promise anything, but would try to write something up for me. When I walked out of the building, I gave him this smile. I imagine it must have enraged him, feeling defeated, and having me “gloat” as it could be in his mind. It was after this that I saw the dramatic shift in the behavior of my friends at the bike warehouse. They brought in this paper to see how by the book I was, perhaps afraid I might report them. Eleanor tried to ask me about myself, and wanted me to just keep talking, like she felt she needed to know. It was a different tone. Everyone was so laid back there. It seemed Arthur had picked up the phone and made a call. It was a very simple thing for him in his position to possibly wreck my entire life. He could have called my landlady, my employer, prospective employer, ect, and told them I might make some anonymous complaints about them to regulatory agencies. Unfortunately, people would not be inclined to ask or to trust my response if they did. So they would treat me like I was toxic, and that because I tried to be law abiding, which is a very great irony. I had volunteered here to build my reputation, and it may be what wrecks it. It appears to me Arthur was genuinely concerned about his own ego and control of his domain, and has narcissism. However, he also would say things like I look like I’m from Romania, or talk about things I was recently interested in like he shared them, implying he had special knowledge and interests of the FBI. My time with the bike warehouse did not end in disaster. They understood that I was inspired by them, and that I was a “friendly.”]
Chloe set me up going through kickstands. Chloe offered to speak French to help me practice. I was hesitant. ... Mathias was there too. Chloe spoke in French for a long time training the others. ... When we are finishing that up, Eleanor asks why I came to Canada, where I lived, and how long I have been here. She tells me to keep talking as she works. We finish and I keep looking for the next thing. Chloe has to keep finding things. She compliments my speed and job packaging. They play a little music. Chloe and Eleanor ask me if I will be there next Thursday. I tell them tomorrow, and they are very grateful for my help. They invite me to fill the container... I tell them about the letter I am hoping they will write on my behalf. They agree eagerly. ... I bring dishes and heat up some hotdogs. Carl comes in very excitedly saying he is going to give me a French lesson, and shows me how to say good morning and another phrase or two. Jase comes in. ...

August 23rd, … I woke up around 4:30 am and stayed awake for a while. At around 6:30 am, my neighbor turned on the bathwater for a few seconds. I got up before my alarm at 7:00 am. I headed out, reading the newspaper and resting. The building was locked when I got there. I went to the back where Mylo was arriving. He unlocked the building, but wasn't sure what to do. Rachel arrived and had a great idea. We didn't have bikes ready when people ordered them, but if we tested which volunteers had good mechanical skills, we could be repairing them regularly and have some ready. She asked me what I thought. "It's good." She laughed. She asked me to sort and mark the boxes, So I did. Then she had me clean the wall. There were people removing the old cabinet, and having trouble with the sink. After that I went to the conference room with Mylo to assemble cabinets. He asked me if I liked dragonflies. I saw Mylo through the window holding a big dragonfly. "Not as much as you apparently. Where is that?" Tiffany came in and spoke to Mylo in French, sounding flirtatious. (Perhaps to see if I was jealous.) ... Mylo didn't think we would need the hardware to attach the cabinets to the wall. I jokingly pointed out that the instructions said if you don't, they could fall and kill you. These were bottom cabinets … Rachel made meatloaf, which I got a piece of. There was a guy there who used to repair bikes, but hasn't been there this summer. He did a lot of the utility work. I assembled the last cabinet, then Rachel asked me to make sense of the instructions, so Mylo and I looked things up and came up with a plan. Mylo seemed impressed with how much I wrote out. I helped the guy do drywall. He showed me the trick I learned at the charity construction site to cut the drywall. I sawed wood and cut pieces. He laughed when I cut a tiny piece for a hole. He also showed me how to use a stud finder. I said bye to everyone and signed out.

August 24th, Continuing from last night, I went to BAnQ library for an hour of first aid study, not as seriously as I could have, then an hour of typing notes through August 22nd. I tried to search for Carl in my journal but it didn't seem to cooperate and my time ran out. I went home. ... When I checked Facebook, the first thing was my dad posting an image of a nurse and a person in bad shape, and the words - You aren't studying to pass a test, you are the only thing between your patient and the grave. There were a few similar themes on Reddit. I prepped food, practiced French, and went to bed around 10pm. I woke up around midnight and 4:30 am, but not for long. There may have been noise. I got up around 7. Jase was using the bathroom off the main salle with the door open, but wasn't exposing himself. I heard him singing last night and laughing this morning from a distance. I noticed a yard sale sign for today and tomorrow. I also emailed Madeline letting her know I would check in to the store on Monday, and thanked her for the Certificate of Volunteering. ... At the bike warehouse... I told Rachel I would not be there Thursday but would be there Friday for the container. ... Some audio wasn't coming through clearly on my headphones and google assist kept popping up and getting in the way. I turned it off then it kept popping up and asking if I wanted to turn it on. I brought my laundry upstairs and folded it. I got my food ready and washed the dishes. As I was doing so Jase came in the kitchen. I had seen him in the hall by the open closet door cleaning up a broken bottle. He told me to look at him, and said he didn't know if he was high or what. He called himself Jase Panda. He talked about wanting to leave. I ignored him mostly, and kept washing dishes. He said a few more things. I couldn't make out everything.

Then he started quietly saying he wanted pussy. He came closer. I asked "Are you trying to say something inappropriate?" He repeated it a few times. He was getting in my face while he said these things. I asked if he was saying pussy. He said he was. I asked if he was talking about a cat. He said "down." I asked if he was asking to have sex with me. He said he was. I said "No thank you." He kept saying he wanted sex with me all night. I ignored him. He asked "Can I touch you?" I warned "If you do..." He reached behind and touched me on the backside.



I said I guess you will find out what will happen. I texted Claire. Jase kept leaning trying to see what I was typing. I told her what happened and she called me but I couldn't pick up. I called her back. Before she called me she asked who Jase is. Jase at the end of my first text said he was leaving. He touched me on the shoulder and I said "Don't touch me." Then he came back in and sat on the counter, asking if I had a boyfriend. I pulled out my camera and started recording. I told him what he did was wrong. He shouldn't have touched me, and not to harass me with requests for sex. He said he was a good boy and he wouldn't. I stopped recording. He asked if I was going to call the cops. Claire asked who Jase was, so I took his picture and sent it in the text. Then she called me and said he wasn't allowed to sit on the counter. It was a little hard to understand her. She was asking if I thought it was okay for her to call him and tell him not to do that? I went outside where I could hear her better and asked for a copy of the surveillance video. She said I would have to ask Easton. I texted her the request as well and got Easton. He doesn't understand English, so I had to rely on Google translate. I typed that something happened in the kitchen and I need the surveillance video. It "autocorrected" to "something happened in the kitchen and I loved it." I fixed it and took a screenshot of the history of the translations.


Easton called Claire. Claire had texted me saying she could not get through to Easton. But they spoke, and it still did not seem cleared up. Easton brought me to Lucas who was in the living room to translate what I wanted. Jase came in and told Lucas that it was just talking. I explained Claire had said to give me the video. Easton got the keys and opened the door to the surveillance room, but didn't know how to use the software. My Google translate stopped working, so I had to rely on my French abilities. He went upstairs and knocked on Wyatt's door, who knows how to use the software. Wyatt didn't answer. I asked for his phone number but no one had it. I also asked Ellie and Claire. Easton said Wyatt will come and we will get the video tomorrow. He brought Lucas in to translate, who said he didn't want to know what happened, but if it was criminal I should call the police. Someone else also suggested I do that. Easton asked if I would through Google translate. I said I wanted to think about it. Easton said can't we just get the film tomorrow? I said if we can get it sooner it was important, as it is evidence. But if necessary we can get it tomorrow. I said okay and asked what time. He said 9:00 am. I went to put my food away when Ellie and Lucas came to the kitchen door. Ellie asked me to tell her what happened because she knows everything that goes on around here. I asked if she had Wyattl's number. She said she lost it, but she thought he was here. I went upstairs with Lucas who banged on his door. Lucas said he couldn't read me. He couldn't tell if I was confused or going to cry. I asked if I needed to be read. He said this place doesn't make any sense. He just wants to tell it to F off. But he can't. I told him he doesn't owe me anything. He asked if I shouldn't share what I was thinking or feeling to put our heads together. I said I thought what I needed to do at that point was to get the evidence. Wyatt didn't answer. Lucas couldn't contact him through other means. He tried calling someone named Kyle. That failed and we went downstairs. He wondered about my safety, and I pointed out that is why it is good I live around so many large men who can protect me. There was another man with Easton, Oliver, who figured out how to show the video. We watched it and I recorded the clip on my camera phone as well. Oliver kept saying Jase should be kicked out. I thanked Easton who replied "Pas de problem." I showed the video to Lucas and asked for his advice. He said he didn't want to discourage me from calling the police, but Jase may have been drunk, the police may say I don't have a case, and Jase may become violent and retaliate. He told me about a crazy ex girlfriend who physically abused him and how vicious she was when she got out of jail. He asked if this was the first time Jase had done anything like that... and seemed to emphasize the video without audio would not be very good. He got distracted by a smell and also told me he thinks of me as a witch, that I seem distant and in total control, and he feels like a little puppy in front of me. I said I like to think before I act. He also told me about Claire harassing him, a girl getting arrested and her stuff getting thrown out. He talked about how it seemed there was audio recordings around here. He showed me his audio recorder that he likes to use, but that it always stops working before he can record something he needs. He said he didn't know if Jase was an agent playing crazy or if he really was, and that he was so smart. He asked if it seemed like he was discouraging me from calling the police, and I said a little. He said I should call the police because they deal with these things all the time and could advise me on what the next step should be. Oliver who got the video sent it to Claire... I said good night to Lucas and put my food away.


Video files :

Aug 25th, A few more things from yesterday,

Jase said he "needed" to have sex with me. Lucas was discussing my case with Oliver and reached behind him to touch him as if to demonstrate what happened to me.


He was saying to him it wasn't that much and besides, without audio I didn't have much of a case. I went to bed around 1 am. I heard some shuffling around upstairs as I went to sleep. I woke up around 5 am and sent an email to Madeline and Rachel, read the news and went back to sleep. I got up around 9:20 am, washed my hair, and took the bus to church. ... I went to the yard sale afterwards and bought 3 Chinese dresses for $7, and a few other things. The woman showed me some halloween costumes, one was for a police officer, the other was a dress for a prisoner. I walked back from the other direction I normally come from where Lucas was sitting outside. He saw me and looked shocked and confused. I ate and got ready quickly and headed out again to see the historical market. ... There were many things to see and I took many pictures. On the way back google maps would only show saved places and no map. I took the bus home. Damon was outside. I heated up some hotdogs, tried on some dresses, and watched Divergent.

Aug 26th, I went to bed a little after 10 pm and slept well. I woke up around 6:30 am and stayed in bed for an hour. There was some banging at 7:00 am. I went to the bus stop at 8:27, and the bus passed me as I approached. It's schedule is 8:18 and 8:35. I kept walking. There was the number ... bus passing me on my street, which is not its route. Mountwood library is closed till 1 pm during the summer, so I looked up the Longueuil website which showed nothing open on Mondays. I took screenshots. I tried to call, but it was in French and the operator was on vacation. I looked up libraries on google maps and another was open, despite what the website said, which was that it was open Tuesday. There was construction near the door and the other doors were locked. I saw a woman going in and followed her. She only spoke French but I was able to communicate. She said the library was closed and was only open to students. I said the man at Mountwood library said there were 9 Longueuil libraries I could go to, and this was on the Longueuil website. She said the information was wrong. I asked if she worked here and she said yes. I waited while she was buzzed in, and she went to speak to the receptionist so I left. I walked to the next library which was also closed and listed a different schedule. I tried calling the library at the Sherbrooke U but they wouldn't pick up. I walked to a bus stop and my paper schedule said it should arrive now, but it didn't show. Google maps directions back home all had a wait time of at least 25 minutes. I started walking down the street and found a bus stop with 3 buses that could work. Now google maps says the bus is coming in 3 minutes.
I went home and looked up services for sexual assault victims. I first called ………. and she referred me to SAS. They were closed during lunch, and the woman who answered at 1 pm said there were no counselors available, but I would be called back sometime in the afternoon. I cleaned and chopped veggies while listening to youtube. Then I took the bus to Mountwood library. I looked through the brochures, and the last computer was taken. I made a reservation and waited a few minutes. Then I downloaded the surveillance video to my account and typed up the journal account. I never was called back, so I tried several more times and left a message. I tried calling another SAS number, but they referred me back, but did give me a crisis line to call. I was able to get through to SAS who just said they were trying, and would call me tomorrow. I am sitting on the park bench outside the library. A man walked by and spit on the sidewalk in front of me as he passed. (He spit on the other side of him.) Claire says there is no audio. She also served him with some note under his door. I went back in the library, typed Aug 25, searched for cases of Jase in the journal, and looked up legal advice. I left... Claire texted me that Jase is sorry and wants to talk, and he can only move out in a month, and she told him to stay 5 meters from me. "We'll see how it goes."


I got my food and dishes, and tried to listen to worship music, but there was no wifi in the kitchen again. There was wifi, but it had the words no internet connection. Lucas was in the living room giving me a bewildered expression, then came to the kitchen asking to see my shirt, and saying he had the exact same. He seemed shaken. Wyatt came in asking if I was using the strainer, and popped in again, looking at my face with wide eyes when I was moving the onions. A few more people came in or walked by, several looking at me. Carl came in for a moment. Jase came in, walked right past me about a meter away to throw something away, making a very dramatic "eek, I'm so embarrassed!" face. He did not seem angry, afraid, or sorry. He even passed by later singing a little. Ellie came in, telling me she heard the black guy came onto me (like he was trying to romance me), and she told me not to worry about it, that he does that to many girls. He gets drunk a lot. She said to just ignore him and stay away from him when he's drunk. He even did worse to Ellie, but she put him in his place. She said Claire won’t do anything about it, they have tried for a long time to get rid of him, and that there is nothing I can do. I asked her what his name was. She says nobody knows. I asked how long he has lived here. She said about a year and a half. I asked her about him doing that to other girls, and if she minded telling me what he did to her. I was washing dishes at the time, and Ellie came up behind me and grabbed both sides of the small of my back and tickled me. It hurt and I pulled away and made a face like what the heck are you doing? She apologized for scaring me. I kept working and didn't say anything else to her. [That was where I was standing and what I was doing when I was assaulted two days before. -3/31/21] She left and Nolan came in, asking to use the microwave. He told me the thrift store will be open this Wednesday. He said to go at 9 am, and told me about a deal at the Super C. I gave him a recipe for cabbage apple salad. He is still trying to give away coffee. As I left I saw Oliver and interrupted him and Lucas, asking if he left the flash drive somewhere, I was worried I missed it. He said he hadn't given it to me because I had already left, and to return it when I was done. He said there were 9 or so clips. I asked if this was the way it came off the software. He said I could play the clips on any software. The footage from Claire is missing several seconds. [He clearly avoided answering the question. It was not, and just the clip with the assault would not play on several players. -3/31/21] As we were talking by the stairs, Jase trepidatiously came up the stairs, making his eyes wide. I left back to my room.

Aug 27th, I woke up a little before? 6:00 am, resting for a while, then reading the research I sent myself on sexual assaults. SAS called me, and I explained what happened. I asked what the punishment would be, and she said not to think about that, but to worry about my own safety. If I call the cops, they will tell him to stay away from me, and if he doesn't, I can call the cops again and he can get arrested. She suggested I file the complaint... I tried calling my US bank. At first it said I reached Verizon. When I tried to record, it said goodbye and hung up. I tried calling again while recording. It never went through. I tried calling again without recording. I got someone who is not Mat--the man who set up the account and gave me his card. I had called his number. The guy had trouble hearing me and finding me in the system. I read him my account number. He said Mat would call me back. I practiced French. I went to Mountwood library and printed out my statement about Jase. I went home and put a meal together. I saw Ellie in the kitchen... I posted the video from my phone on Facebook and my text to Claire and talked to my mom and a friend about it. My mom thought I should have physically intimidated him. My friend thought I should see about getting him kicked out.


I walked to the Mountwood Police Department which isn't there anymore and asked in the library. They gave me an address and the first set of directions took me to the Metro so I went a direct route. The man sitting at that bus stop with a dog said, "There's your bus" as the bus for the first set of directions approached, and said "hey!" as I left. I walked to the police department and told the man behind the counter I wanted to file a complaint for sexual assault. He took me aside and admitted he doesn't speak English very well, but could understand. I explained what I had brought, described what happened, and showed him the flash drive with the video, and the list of video clips on the paperwork. He listened attentively and read. He was just taking a statement and writing a report to send to the sex crimes unit. He asked for my ID, took my name, DOB, phone number, Claire's phone number and last name, and asked if Claire would know Jase's real name. He asked if I was in danger and said if Jase does anything to me, to just call 911 and they will protect me. [He seemed to really believe that. I don't think he was in on the program. -3/31/21] The woman cop came to the door and said I didn't have to write out my statement by hand, and that they couldn't take the video from me because if they watched it they would contaminate it. [She looked shocked and on edge. -3/31/21] The man gave me a card with my case number and the lady said the detectives would interview me maybe next week.

Aug 28th, I took the bus home, laughed at some cute Reddit stories, read my Bible, and went to bed around 9:30 pm. I tossed and turned, and woke up around 3:30 am. There were a few stomps on the ceiling. I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I took off most of my blankets and slept under the sheet, and as I was going to sleep more easily, there were two more times noises were made on the floor above me. I got up around 8:30 am, got ready, and went to the thrift store. The doors were shut but some people there helped me find it. I spoke a little French and got some nice clothes and a pot. I left around 11. I called Ruby who said they had a lot of work. I told her I was looking into doing other work, so I'd let her know my schedule next week. I studied French and put my things away, and went to see the local center for volunteers… Jase was sitting on the front porch as I came out and looked at me in the face. I just walked on. I had expressed that I thought it was wrong he was still living here on Facebook. The center didn't have anything good so I came back. I rested a few minutes, signed up to be a volunteer at Red Cross... I waited about 20 minutes for the next bus. Google maps said I had missed the bus and would have to wait another 18 minutes, but it was wrong. I went to Joseph's Oratory in my new blue Chinese dress, and it was cancelled because of the rain, so I explored the oratory and basilica and went home. Two people told me they loved my dress. The first man said it was goddess-like. The second was very exuberant. ... There was another bang on my ceiling when I got in. I downloaded the Jase videos... Then I told Madeline I could volunteer Sept 4th. I tried sending the Red Cross email to my other phone but the link wouldn't connect.

Aug 29th, I woke up around 6:30 am, got ready, and went to be assessed for French classes. ……... We waited in the waiting room and were called back as a group. The woman gave back our papers, and the professor called anyone who wanted to go next. Everyone spoke French fluently, as far as I could tell. Eventually I got called, and the woman asked me personal questions, like why do I want to come to Canada, which she asked me twice. I said to live and work, and that Canada was a better country than the US, at least for me, and I wanted to experience other cultures. She asked me many other basic questions. I probably demonstrated my French abilities as well as they could be demonstrated. (Which is very very rough.) She said she was impressed I learned from an app. ... I came home and returned the flash drive to Oliver. Lucas was there in the living room watching tv. I did dishes, ate, did more research, and rested. There was some noise from upstairs, and my neighbor was playing music and talking loudly. Also the wifi on both networks wouldn't connect for about 15 minutes at about 6:30 pm. My sister posted the kittens fighting in the WWE link I had been laughing at before. Also last night or this morning, my dad posted a video on practical philosophy, which is a comedy sketch where a Kantian philosopher convinces thieves they are losers who can't trust each other, until the end when he gives up and resorts to a taser.

Aug 30th, I woke up at 3:30 am and heard some banging on the floor above me a few times. I woke again at around 5:30 am and got up at 6 am. My neighbor used the bathroom before I got in, and knocked on the door around 6:40 am. I was brushing my hair, so I got out and finished in my room. My neighbor had gone back in his room so we didn't meet. Last night I dressed in cool clothes, left the door and window open, and put the fan on me full blast and peppermint on my head. I was overheated again. Today as I approached the bike warehouse I ran a little to make sure I was on time. I noticed another man catch up and pass me again. He followed me to the building, His name is Jaxson and he is a volunteer. There was a half an hour of chilling and eating fruit and muffins. Then Chloe gave some instructions, and Eleanor was whispering the interpretation in my ear, which she did very well, but had to answer a call. A man stepped in and did a very good job. I was to work with Tiffany in the warehouse. We rolled bikes towards the container. People switched places as needed. They played club and jazz. Jaxson asked me three times if I was tired. Tiffany also asked if I was okay. I took on harder work as well, helping them lift bikes down. They were nervous about asking me to do things, saying I didn't have to. There were new people arriving. We took a very long break where everyone talked but me. At the end Jaxson said I was very shy, and Axel said it was great that people are different but he came here to learn French, and has to talk to people to do that. There were too many people working on the container, so Declan and I were pulled aside. I was compacting bikes, and he was disassembling. He asked if I had done this before and said if he had any questions he could ask me. I looked in on what he was doing and started telling him what was next, then apologized for lecturing him without him asking me. I ended up doing the disassembling for a while. Axel said he could tell I liked to work with my hands. ... I went to BAnQ, typed up notes for Aug 28 and 29th. I sent an email to Madeline, and spent the rest of the time doing first aid training. While I was doing the video on choking, someone at another computer coughed very hard, stopped, and did it again several times. I looked towards that area then went back to studying. The person got up and left. ...

Aug 31st, Yesterday I relaxed in the dark reading the news and my Bible. I woke up around 6 am and got up at around 6:30 am. I signed up for Friday's bike introduction at the bike warehouse, and contacted Ibrahim directly about installing floors, since I once again got an "automated response" (but in a separate email) from Madeline that she would be out of the office until the date I was to contact Ruby. I wanted to talk to Ibrahim about schedules before I talked to Ruby. I got ready and walked to check my mail. All morning or a lot of it Jase I believe was laughing maniacally. ... No work permit. ... As I passed the office, Jase came towards me, then backed up towards my hall, looking at me intently. I backed up, paused and told him I was going that way. He moved to the side a little and I passed. There was talking and more laughing (from him?) but it stopped. I looked up a song I remembered, "what can I do for you my Lord..." I was listening for a few minutes. When I turned to the door, beaming, it cut to a commercial in the middle of the song. [The song could be taken as a sign of surrender to the FBI. They would have hoped my feelings at being faced with the man who sexually assaulted me would be one of despair and desperation. It seems they were not happy that I felt exalted. -3/16/20] I went to the kitchen to do dishes and cook. The girl who knows Easton came in for a minute. Then Ellie, who told me the internet to the whole building has been having issues and they are working on it. She also told me Jase was gone. She said he left for good today. She said something about it I didn't hear. I said I had seen him today and she said he just left. I finished cooking, listening to David Pawson's intro to the Holy Spirit. I went to my bank, got my monthly statement and money for rent. I set up paper mail statements since it is free. I walked to the bus stop, listening to David Pawson's second sermon on the Holy Spirit. When I got there, there was a table with people handing out Bibles and evangelizing. The woman told me about her church. Another man walked up who spoke English. He gave me the gospel and told me about supernatural things God had done, like tell him to split up with a girl he wasn't going to marry. He had never been surprised by a thought till that one. And God saved his life when he was in his car. He asked God for help, his head tilted back, and it was like he was an objective observer of his actions, and his body moved like a professional driver. He recommended I go to Pentecostal churches to let the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do, and not Baptist churches who put Him down. He was holding brochures for Muslims. He said it was a disgusting religion and I should never join it. I got his name--Troy? And he was going to recommend some churches but I had a recommendation already. [I was just listening to sermons on the Holy Spirit, and this boy was suggesting I open myself up to "supernatural" experiences. Later I will learn more about the government's abilities to mimic some things. -3/31/21] I went to fill up my OPUS card…….... On my way home there was another little yard sale with strange prices, like between 10 cents and $5 per dish. The man walked away at first, and came back. He had a mean expression. This was a few houses down from mine. I went home, ate, did laundry, French, and listened to a ton of worship music with Torguard off. Then I cleaned my room and bathroom.

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