Hunting God, A HowTo: Day 34 - The victim is a victim of himselfsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #metaphysics7 years ago

The obstacles to soul contact that originate in the emotional body are many. We have already covered quite a few such as grievances, guilt, false gods, and fear. Another one high on the list is victimhood.

Many a seeker gets caught in this trap that forces his eyes away from the inner Spirit to the outer personalities, and away from the Inner Voice to the cacophony of the many outer ones.

The victim blames other people for his problems and then focuses outward where the blame seems to lie. This directs the attention away from the soul.

The reasons for blame are many. Here are some examples.

If the victim is irritated he blames someone else for causing it.

If the victim suffers loss he blames another for causing it.

A victim is outraged by apparent insults and blames another for his feelings.

A victim feels deserted and isolated if he does not get enough attention.

If the victim suffers ill health or pain, he will blame some cause out there, or God.

If the victim does not reach his goals then someone else is to blame.

When the victim makes mistakes he blames another.

That should be enough to give the reader the general idea.

Not all victims are a fit with all the examples given. Some just feel a victim in certain select areas of life while others seem to feel a victim in every way you can imagine.

Unfortunately, even a small amount of victimhood creates a barrier to full soul contact so the seeker needs to do a powerful self-examination and weed out such feelings.

One problem that seekers have with the victim mentality is, to the personality self-victimization is very easy to justify.

If feelings are hurt then it is easy to blame such feelings on some thoughtless statement made by an associate.

If loss is suffered it seems like someone else’s mistakes were really the cause.

A natural question at this point is this: Isn’t it the case that sometimes you are a real victim? Suppose someone just stole a large sum of money from Jim. Wouldn’t he be justified in claiming victim status here?

Often the person who feels a victim will blame others for his problems when the problem seems to onlookers to be mostly his fault, but there are other times, such in in the example, where the problem does seem to originate from outside the victim’s control.

Even here, a little investigation may reveal the crime could have been avoided. Maybe the guy did not lock his door or just trusted someone without reason.

But let us suppose that a victim can state a circumstance that proves that he is a victim, that the problem is definitely the other guy’s fault. Is he then justified in feeling the victim?

He probably will be in his own mind, but feeling the victim, justified or not, still creates a barrier to soul contact.

Is someone wrongs the seeker he must apply the principle of forgiveness and let it go.

He must “not see” the feeling of being a victim. He can do this with the realization that all apparent loss that tempts him to be the victim are temporary and not real whereas the Source of the inner voice is eternal and real. Sacrificing the real for the unreal makes no sense.

Before the seeker can transcend the feelings of the victim he must discover them. A problem is that many who suffer feelings of victimhood do not admit to themselves that they have such feelings. If the feelings are not acknowledged then they cannot be eliminated. Therefore, the next step for the seeker is to examine himself and honestly determine whether or not any feelings of victimization reside within himself.

This is your assignment today. Reflect on your feelings and honestly determine if there are any ways that you see yourself as a victim.

Remember: “To thine own self be true.”

Copyright JJ Dewey

Day 33 - I will not see fear today
Day 32 - I am extending my vision today
Day 31 - I will see beyond the physical

Hunting God, A HowTo: Chapter 1 - The First 30 Days

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.

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