Hating your job and a way to compensate – the story behind „Last Call“

in #metal7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

After the last rather technical post, let’s get back to our songs:
Usually, the songs of GEFRIERBRAND are in German. This has several reasons: one of them is that we are (you might guessed it) from Germany. That’s why we are way more confident with the language, have a better feeling and usage for it – and also are more comfortable with pronunciation. In addition, German usually sounds more aggressive. However, on writing songs for our album “Weltenbrand”, we decided on having the first song in English. Here’s a short story about the meaning of the song and lyrics!
Music and creativity is one of the most important valves for us to release anger, frustration and feelings in general. While writing music about historic events or humanity in general, some of our songs are also a pure way of finding a balance in every day struggles or thoughts. The idea for the lyrics of “Last Call” was (in parts) inspired by the movie “Fight Club”. Sometimes being overrated, the movie still has a pretty strong motive which a great share of people can relate to. Personally, I don’t know many people who really find fulfilment in what they do for a living, especially if it’s a “regular” job. Since we didn’t want to just rip off or replicate the story of the movie but fill in own interpretations and feelings about daily activities one does, we tried to keep the language as personal as possible, but still took up on a line from the movie to start of the song. Why? Because especially this sentence sums up the situation for many people out there. If you could talk to your 8-year-old-self, would he cherish your job? Did you follow up on your dreams? Well, there’s a good chance that you didn’t. But in the end, this does not only apply to a job – but also on behaviors, thoughts and actions.

Of course, you can chose to stick to your behaviors. Maybe it’s not even too bad after all to have a routine? In some cases, you won’t even be able to get out at all! And maybe it’s not even needed, if you find your peace in this – or a compensation to a everyday life. That’s also why we don’t want to give you a full interpretation. The lyrics are wittingly generic and open regarding a “solution” or “conclusion”.

So, please let us know your opinion! How do you interpret the song? Below you’ll find the complete lyrics, you can check the song e.g. on Spotify, but of course also on other streaming pages.

Working jobs we hate – to
buy shit we don't need
all what's left is fear
of the void inside (inside)

marching on in vain
in everyday routine
and all what's left
is your own sore self

rotting scum
in a dying world

yet you're here again
to collect your load
but that won't
set you free

but even drones as you
can fly away
you just need to
take the step

one last step
one last hope
all will end
one last call


Also, es klingt super, fies aber super!

Der Text ist meiner Meinung nach tatsächlich eher allgemein gehalten und auch ziemlich deprimierend, aber das ist gut so und passt zum Thema.

Ist leider wirklich ein Lied, mit dem ihr wahrscheinlich vielen aus der Seele sprecht.

dankeschön :)
eine solche Situation kann aber auch sehr deprimierend sein.. ;)

Das kann ich mir denken hust

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