RE: 탐색: 메타커런시 프로젝트를 찾아서 4 - Ceptr Revelation 읽기
본문 중 “Open Rules” 항목에서 2번째 문장에 붙은 주석의 내용.
[주]§1. See a working sample of currencies specified in XGFL and our pre-XGFL whitepaper.
이중 첫 번째 것은 깃허브에 담겨 있는 9년 전의 파일 목록이고, 두 번째 것은 아카이브로 옮겨진 예전의 백서 중 하나인 다음의 문서다.
─. Eric Harris-Braun, Arthur Brock, Adam King, et. al., "Design for a Meta-currency Platform". v0.1rev5, March 26, 2009.
다음은 내용을 요약하는 해당 문서의 서두:
The meta-currency project is about defining an approach to creating a currency network. Although we describe a particular protocol that implements this approach it should be clear that we believe the network fundamentally not to be an Internet phenomenon, but rather a human one that at this time is using the Internet to implement a larger pattern. Again: although this whole document looks like a design for yet another Internet protocol, it is fundamentally NOT one. Rather[,] it is intended to be an instance that reveals a deeper pattern of human interactioin in the context of larger social systems.
This document outlines a conceptual metaphor for how to think about designing a meta-currency protocol and some particulars that apply that metaphor to the currency case. The driving concerns that lead up to this design approach are: ( ... ... )