HaMoshiach, The Messiah, The Christ!
After two millennia of awaiting the righteous leader our world needs, the prayers of the saints have been answered. Mount Olivet will soon be split, but first, you will know the face of the one whom Yahweh has appointed to reign over the nations.
The true identity of the anointed one is herein declared.
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Awesome presentation, Let's get them saved in Lord Rayel's name!!!
Great post, thank you
nice post
Great information confirmed by the Torah!
Finally, Shiloh the awaited Moshiach of the Jews and indeed the world has finally been revealed in stunning detail with clear evidence.
Wonderful presentation!!!
Wow! This one was GREAT! What else do we need!
The righteous branch.
The true Messiah must take His throne. Thank God for RayEL!