Why Spamming your MLM link on Facebook Groups won't make you rich.

in #mentor7 years ago (edited)

            So you're posting your Network Marketing links all over Facebook opportunity groups? Common, I know you're guilty of just pasting your link on those dinky little MLM Facebook groups. And who could blame you? 

Hoping to recruit more people seamlessly into your down line by posting a link, waiting for someone to discover it, and then magically signing up to your business like a snap of a branch huh? Well I hate to bust your bubble but, According to top income earners within the industry, Spamming your link on Facebook groups is the least effective way to recruit. Luckily for you, by reading this article; you'll learn why spamming your link all over social media is a sure enough way NOT to make you rich. 

     Reason #1: Broke

       One of the biggest reasons why several network marketers spam their unique distributor link on these groups is simply because they're broke. Yes, that's right! It's no wonder why most might spend all day spamming link after link on each group but are left empty handed at the end.  In fact, 85% of the network marketers who are active on these Facebook groups are unemployed, don't have a job or any real means to afford paid niche specific ads. That means that whenever you see their website display,only 03% of the audience will actually be targeted and 99.92% will not give a damn about what you're promoting. So much for striking it rich with your Business opportunity eh? Because even if you could make some cash from the poor quality audience found in these communities,it wouldn't amount for anything and you definitely wouldn't strike it BIG. Sorry!

      Reason #2:  No one Gives a FUCK about your Business opportunity!        Only about theirs!

       Has it ever actually occurred to you that maybe, JUST Possibly; nobody is paying any attention to your ad posted on most  MLM  groups ? Ever wondered why? Well I'll be glad to explain that to you.

That's because other network marketers are only interested when YOU join their DOWNLINE, but couldn't really care less about  joining yours!   I already have the impression that you been down this road more than your fair share of times. That's why you're not a top income earner yet.

This often leads many marketers competing for referrals on a public forum full of broke, clueless, untrained  and desperate distributors who are " only focus on building their team"ultimately rejecting your initial offer altogether. I understand this hint of raw unadulterated truth may sound a bit cruel at first glance, but hear out my logic on this fact:

Suppose you're pasting your affiliate URL  on 22 different Facebook groups: Tell me: while posting  away, are you actually viewing the previous messages that other people were posting before your own? NO ,absolutely NOT! 

Sooo, why in the HELL would somebody else who then also spams their affiliate link above your own, on the same group, 5 minutes later; care to really scroll down and read or view your affiliate link in the first place? See how there's a catch 22? You're basically just chasing the wind while going nowhere and wasting time you can't get back in the process.

So what you should be asking is : Where can I find fresh leads who actually WANT to enroll on my team? Who truly care about being my business partner and earning money with me?(JUST CLICK HERE to find out) 

      Reason #3:   Facebook Jail

        Now this is an obvious discretion but let's face it: The more you spam on any group, the more you'll be penalized and hit with the notorious Facebook jail. Of course, sometimes you might just get lucky, get 5, or 10 clicks to your link from any particular group at a time, make 3 sales, then BOOM, you get hit with a penalty of Facebook jail. Because when your link gets more attention( especially pre launched offers) than clicks real businesses paid for through their paid ad service; then expect to get shut the FU%K DOWN!

Reason # 4: Being up-Sold by annoying faceless marketers!

      As one of my mentors use to say: If you don't want to be up Sold, PAY for your traffic. And he was right!

Don't you just hate it when you get a message from these faceless or Cartoon avatar pic profiles spamming you their fly by night scam investment opportunity? That's being up sold! Or how about having a simple conversation about what you do in network marketing to a fellow net worker only for that person to  abruptly spam their link in the middle of the conversation?

 Yeah, If free advertising on social media means spamming my link everywhere, getting up -sold by assholes and eventually being thrown into Facebook Jail...then NO THANKS! I'll stick with building a brand around myself and actually providing value to those who really need it. Oh and I'll pay for advertising because that's what the top dawgs are doing, why aren't you? CATCH UP buttercup!

Reason # 5: Nobody can trust you:

For one reason or another, when you dive deeper into the The Network marketing group on Facebook, and study whats being posted, would you trust it? Do people trust you as a person? Do you trust them  yourself?

This presents a HUGE problem. Because you're dealing with thousands of people per group( whom you haven't even had a conversation with) posting their business opportunity ( that you have no idea is legit or not) and that leaves you and many others scared to click the link to find out more information. With the rise of identify theft around the world, most folks, including millennials are skeptical about Affiliate marketing and network marketing companies. This makes things harder for the distributor and in many cases, leaves them with a very bad taste in their mouth for work at home businesses.  

Reason #6 : 95% of the businesses promoted on groups didn't even last for an entire year. Some were complete scams.

Not to mention, that half of the offers on these groups usually only stay in business collectively within 3 months and then Poof!, vanishes. It's no wonder newbies become easily discouraged with network marketing and why it has been getting a BAD rep as of late. In 2015, Traffic Monsoon was a fresh business opportunity created by Charles and has made millions of dollars for it's Ad Revenue Sharing services. Of course back then, Solo ads and Ad Revenue Sharing sites were dominating the charts in that niche. But when the SEC found out about the Ponzi Scheme activity the company was practicing, The bank accounts of Charles were frozen completely and left the ring leader Charles with NO money and bitching for mercy. Here's a link to the article if you don't believe me. Oh yeah and back in 2015, several people from Pakistan and India were promoting the shit out of this company.

Reason # 7: Over- saturation and information overload!

   Unfortunately, in a post 2018 world, there's millions of new work- from-home opportunities out there today. In addition to millions of members of these online businesses, the consumer is left dazed, confused and well, undecided on who to join. But if a prospect does want to join a particular organization within the confines of the MLM group, they will have to choose from 100 different people promoting the same network marketing company. That means if you wanted to join Skinny Body Care, you'll have to choose between 100 different sponsors! Gaining one customer for 1 out of 99 of the Skinny Body Care reps. Don't even get me started with Motor Club Of America, because those guys have it a whole lot worse!

Reason # 8: Most people will not get rich and just quit!

At the end of the day, most network marketers hang up their gloves and just quit all together because they didn't make the kind of money that was thought possible to generate online. You can thank Facebook marketing groups and bad sponsorship for that! But Also With over saturation,fly-by-night schemes, untrustworthy people posting day and night and highly competitive distributors, the large disenfranchised network marketers back out and apply for jobs on Career Builder. Their dream is crushed, ambition ruined and reputation tarnished with friends and family taunting them by replying in fake sympathy :" I told you so" whilst humbly accepting defeat. Now this doesn't have to be you! But unless you learn how to build a six figure income using this tool (CLICK HERE), you'll never be a successful distributor ,and that's a hard cold Fact!

So if Posting your link on Facebook Groups doesn't work, what does?

 At this point, you read almost the entire reason as to why promoting your link for free on Facebook groups doesn't actually work too well. But now you're probably wondering? Okay what now?

If you want to truly succeed in this cut throat industry of network marketing, one must copy what has been already successful for a small few. The top 3% of the most high earning individuals in your organization are NOT wasting time on Facebook groups spamming among each other, competing for the most sign ups. NO! The top 3% figured out that if they want to have social media influence online, one  MUST:

1.Build a Brand around yourself digitally online:

Build a Brand around yourself because people usually buy from those they know,like and trust. Most folks trust Oprah because she was a media sensation in most American house holds throughout the decades. Shes' a brand, people trust her and admire her advice.Therefore, anytime Oprah mentions a recommendation? Cha-ching!

Do strangers trust or like you? How do you get them to do so? (Click here to find out how you can build a brand)

2. Provide Value by becoming a digital mentor:

Remember watching You Tube ads with Tai Lopaz sprinkled throughout every commercial? Well it just so happens that Tai Lopaz is what we millennials like to call a Digital mentor or Thought influenced mentor. 

See, these kind of people provide online classes in a form of Live stream or video tutorial that teaches their niche specific audience. Most of the so called motivational speakers that are found at hotel seminars for your favorite Direct Selling biz, usually have workshops or online courses that they sell to varies distributors. Some promote life coaching courses, others offer classes on how to build your own online business. Whatever the case may be, being a consultant in post 2018 pays a whole lot more for most than say; being a distributor for Avon, or Rodan Cosmetics. In fact, if you have something that you believe you could teach your team or distributors in your company, I highly suggest you CLICK HERE to enroll in Teachable.

3. Use Premium Web traffic strategies to get targeted leads:

  As I see it: most of the people who posted on Facebook are already apart of a business opp and aren't looking to join another because they are having problems building their own hmm? Perhaps that's a sign that posting on Facebook groups isn't the best strategy. Because the folks who do sponsor ads and high earners certainly aren't wasting their time doing what these broke guys did . 

What DOES work is buying traffic from sites where people are looking for an honest way to earn money from home. All you have to do is mentor them into the right direction. You'll also find that in the long run, buying high quality traffic ( CLICK HERE) saves you a whole lot of time from trying to get yourself out there on Facebook group posting.


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