Pushed to Mental Illness - Nabine Sabz??

in #mentalillness6 years ago (edited)

When a family member was looking after another who was suffering with mental illness, they shared their frustration at the situation.

Because the person suffering mental illness showed no physical condition, and to most, appeared normal, the mental anguish that was shared by the sufferer, was also being experienced by the carer.

Doctors, and other health professionals, kept putting more and more "responsibility" upon the carer.

Anytime, that the carer expressed their own well-being to the medical profession, they kept insinuating that the carer was being "selfish".

The carer expressed to me,

"You know @jagged, I really believe that the people around a person suffering mental illness, can actually affect those people too. You actually question your own mental health."

Now, I don't know anything much about the YouTube shooter - but today, via my normal, "out of the normal", alternative media, they showed some of the oppression that, Nasim Aghdam, was experiencing from YouTube.

For me, I have experienced forms of mental anguish from people/organisations in my life.
Most times, I have not been in any position of strength to rally against these forces.
When these "horrible people", (sometimes they don't even realise they are being horrible), inflict various forms of pain.
The most damaging, of which, are the mental pains that cause anxiety and fear of the future.

Nabine seemed to be working very hard to develop an alternative media.
It appears, to my limited knowledge, that she was motivated to be a creative artist in her own vain.
Quite admirable.

However, YouTube, didn't want to make that easy for her - for some reason. Or perhaps, she was being censored by nefarious forces - much like how some of our Steemians, who produce opinion or content, that seems to be black listed by some zealous individuals.

Nabine did a fitness video that seemed to be just that, a fitness video.
For some reason, this led to her video being age restricted by YouTube.
Also, videos that had received 100,000+ views, only received pauper revenue - either revenue turned off or for amounts such as 10 cents.
If you are struggling and desperate. Trying to be entrepreneurial. Putting in huge amounts of time and energy.
Feel you are being discriminated against.

She was clearly frustrated. How could her exercise video be age restricted?
There was no nudity, sexual suggestion or anything - just her doing exercises.
She asked the questions - why wasn't Nicki Minaj and other artists, sexually explicit videos, not also been age restricted.
Or the myriad of "exercise" & "yoga" videos that are hyper sexualised, not also banned?

At what point of segregation, discrimination, bias or unjust application of rules, does a person go mad?

I, being in the corporate world, receive layers and levels of commentary that translate into being the recipient of abuse.
But, I cannot do anything about it. I can only just toughen up & grow thick skin.

I hope that common sense will prevail. Or whatever issues that have created this crazy line of thinking, will all sort itself out, and I will be back on track to normalcy.
I have seen companies just trash and blame an individual - like sharks having a feeding frenzy - they all justify their actions afterwards.

Just last week, I made a comment, while witnessing corporate madness, to one of my colleagues.
I said "I think something bad needs to happen to bring things back to reality."
He said "Like what?"
I said, "There needs to be a natural disaster, or they need to experience a health crisis or a family member crisis. They need a wake up call to realise we are not immortal."

And, there I am, wishing ill upon others, who are making life difficult for others!

I don't want to think this way. But, I really find it preposterous as to the current line of thinking and action.

Where is the daily joy in what people do? Why are certain people made to suffer?
Especially, people who seem to be trying to make their own independent road!

I do not condone anyone who causes pain to others - but, is some of the, non-physical pain, that these powerful organisations wield, or lobby groups, do they have a case to answer? Is it a victim-less crime?

That you make a person feel terrible when they try to do something, just because you can.
That you do not try to assist the person to improve their content?
There is no responsibility to explain to a content creator, that even though their video received 100,000+ views, that unfortunately, they are not allowed to make any money from their efforts?
Services rendered = no paid for such services!!

Slavery? or are we just the dancing bear at a Russian circus.

The workout that was age restricted ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/a2OlV153gP5G/

Isolation of individuals, who feel no hope, who have become dehumanised, need help!

Big corporations dictate the terms, because they are free to do so, regardless of fairness?

Tricky times indeed!

Be aware! Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different tactics! They only care for personal and short-term profits and do anything to reach their goals even by fooling simple-minded people, hiding the truth, manipulating science and everything, putting public mental and physical health at risk, abusing non-human animals, polluting the environment, destroying family values, promoting materialism and sexual degeneration in the name of freedom and turning people into programmed robots!

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.”


If we truly knew each other, would we even do what we do? It's easy to do these sorts of things to those we don't really know, faceless people, and if it doesn't immediately affect us badly, what reason is there not to do them? We wouldn't treat people we relied on that way; which starts to explain why they don't censor the videos of the wealthy ones.

Very true.
It will be interesting to see what happens to SUPER MEGA SOCIAL MEDIA ORGANISATIONS for breaching "Trust & Privacy" Laws.
As the content cannot be retracted from the Internet Universe - so will it be financial punitive punishment which does not affect the organisation.
I think if any prison sentence is to be handed out, that those at the top, will find a reason that they are not responsible, for what, they are responsible for.
New laws will be written, to punish others, while the "humbleness" comes out of those under the spotlight.
An incorporated entity has the status of a living being, while itself, is not living ... you cannot put an incorporated entity into jail. But you can surely more the "soul", all the tangible and intangible wealth, out of a sunk company, corpse, and into a new incorporated individual!

And round and round we go...

Is YouTube responsible for her death?
Who else will they kill?

Corporate speech makes many things A-OK!
Governments, &Those that Have, tend to control the narrative - unless something pops.

They just don't make it obvious anymore. Running tanks into a Square just doesn't cut it for Tyrants anymore - Psychological weapons leave subtle trails 🤔

YouTube is a private company and can censor whoever they like, for whatever reason they like. I fully support their right to discriminate against whoever they choose.

If she felt YouTube was censoring her, then she should have used another platform to promote her message.

There was no justification for her to misuse a gun.

YouTube, Google, FaceBook, Twitter, etc, are all fascist NWO organisations. If you don't like them, THEN DON'T USE THEM!!! You have the right to refuse their service and partake in their downfall.

Extremely well done @jagged.

Before your article all I knew of the situation was the coverage philip defranco gave the story. Coverage which was not very sympathetic to her, with which I strongly agreed because nobody should have to be in fear of gun violence at their job.

I, too, have far too much experience with mental illness. You put a very human face on a victim of a corporate oppression. I can't condone what she did but I can have a great deal more sympathy for her.

There is a lot wrong with our world and youtube's problems running their shop in a fair way may get much worse before it gets any better. defranco is a harsh critic of the way youtube treats creators and I wonder if he is aware of her situation.

And you've done a good job of illustrating how poorly we can control or influence corporate malfeasance, misfeasance, or incompetence. I know my brother has thought so for a long time, while I've focused on simply trying to take care of me and mine.

In her tragedy there is also an aspect of law enforcement incompetence and I say that mostly because of the self serving denials of the police who actually stopped her and then let her go. The police had been alerted by her family and then excused themselves and blamed the family for not being clear enough that she was headed for a tragedy. I put myself in the position of the father or brother who worried about her and tried to get help from law enforcement. I'm calling the police on my sister or daughter whom I love. How do I tell them to stop her without putting them in motion to shoot her? That dilema is one I don't have the brainpower to solve, but I've got more than enough brainpower to detect that there is something sick at the core in police agency that blamed the family when the real point of failure was inadequate training in acting on the requests the family was making to stop her.

Sick police agencies
Sick corporations

The only answer I have is to put my faith in people and put very little trust in any organization.

Thanks for sharing your insights so well.


Very well addressed @jagged ...I easily relate to experiences you shared here, having been a victim of such abuse as many of us have and continue to have at the hands of malevolent individuals.

The "subtle trails" remark is perfect...upon looking back analytically, we can recognize the "obscure trails" left by the 'subtle abusers'....Such 'stealth' like methods are employed across the board by private, governmental and non-profit organizations alike; a sad thing. It has obviously been adopted by present day 'movements' of the "right-speak" micro-violent infected minds of participants.

Your compassionate words regarding those who are or will be made ill by abusive onslaught and their 'carers' is to be commended as well..."questioning their own sanity" is a position I also know well having been an involved carer more than once in my life to a family member or close friend...

What happened at YouTube can easily grow to repeat performances by others in their anguish...and it can be 'anybody' even those at the top who might be on the receiving end. Something for them to consider in their bullying tactics as of late; me thinketh...Cause and effect...

Just wanted to comment in appreciation. Have a wonderful day.

Thank you so much (above) @averageoutsider.
I quake to numbness when I see the behavour of our species - (including my own questionable tactics at times- I include myself in all "human behaviour" commentary!)

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