Mental Health Monday - Managing Worry

This week was fraught with worry. I worried about going to work, housecleaning, finances, children, and the highlight of the week...pets. Our dog Merle was diagnosed with a tick-borne disease. He is quite ill.

The husband has been away hauling RV's for a manufacturer. It's been up to me to get the kids up in the morning and back to bed in time at night. Honestly, my kids are exceptionally well-behaved children and go to bed with no fuss. They should by now. They're 18, 14 and 10. Seriously. If they still balked at bedtime I'd probably lose my shit.

Our ewes are due any day now. We even thought one was in labor last night, but this morning...nothing. This is our first time doing this so honestly, I don't know what we were looking for. Full udders and a swollen hoo-ha? Doesn't sound like much fun for her.

I'm trying to think of more things that I felt this past week...I avoid unnecessary anxiety so I'm having a hard time. Hopefully this gets easier as we go. It's like weekly therapy. I get to ramble and you get to judge. Isn't that how therapy works? That's how I've always felt about it anyway.

So that's about it. Not really much worthy of a whole post, but exposing myself like this...yeah. It doesn't come easy.

Join in! I know I just made it sound horrible, but really. If we get a dialogue started things change. Right?

I almost forgot. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow with a new doctor to get my medications refilled or changed or something. I'm trying not to think about it.


Sounds busy, busy, busy!! That's life though, isn't it. When one situation is handled, the next one pops up.
I don't know about sheep pregnancies, but with goats, you feel for their ligaments above their tails. They gradually soften, and when they disappear, birth is within 24hrs. I wonder if sheep are the same way. The other things, the udders and 'hoohas' are clues, but not definite. They are all different, just like people. :/
You can be sure, they will give birth when it is inconvenient. You will be in a hurry and about to leave somewhere...

So sorry to hear about your dog. That IS rotten luck!

I hope by now you are feeling better about everything. Sometimes it helps to just vent and air things out, and sometimes a good night's sleep can work miracles. ♥

Sounds like you've had a full plate! Hang in there; this, too, shall pass!

Girl, you got so much goin'! A couple weeks ago I was reminded that nothing is learned and no growth is made without difficult times. So, 🍻, here's to learning and growing, even it's against our will. 😉

Indeed! Thanks for the support, @powellx5!

Sounds like a hectic and stressful week! No judgement here ;) It's hard enough to open up on a platform like this without adding embarrassment/guilt to the mix of emotions! I'm still super happy you're giving #mentalhealthmonday a go! Hopefully we can get more people on board and start a really strong support group.

I'm sorry about your dog. I hope he is able to be better soon.

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