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RE: When you are looking forward to something and then it goes terribly wrong...
wow eco alex, what timing! i just came online to delete this, im honest but then i feel ashamed for sharing too much and then i hold back, i feel silly and that maybe im over reacting, that im crazy or I did something wrong and not tried hard enough.
Thanks for you wise words. I often live in a world of two minds, jumping from one possibility to the next. I can imagine being somewhere else or working things through here, sometimes Im confused which is my heart and which is my head, and they seem to switch places. I think tho some temporary space at the very lest can do the world of good.
They are one of my best friends so whatever happens, we will be on good terms ultimately
that may be a great step forward.. My x used to have her own space wherever we lived.. she is very high sensitive also and it was just healthier that way.. ESPECIALLY if you live and are in the same space together all day.. that never used to be the case generally speaking.. as one person usually went somewhere during the day.. now things are changing and our homes are getting smaller..
maybe you can somehow manifest that? In holland we converted our shed into a small room for her, it was cozy and we could have some safe personal space when we needed it!
Very glad i caught this before you deleted it.. sounds like important decisions to be made! xxx
Yea there's a seperate room for me to work on the computer. The place is constantly in changing as we rent it out to make extra cash. The main problem is the kitchen for my food development. That's where I'm quite sensitive! Some Jewish people have 2 Kitchens that's what I need!