in #mentalhealth7 years ago (edited)


Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something. Criticism is an evaluative or corrective exercise that can occur in any area of human life. Criticism can therefore take many different forms. How exactly people go about criticizing, can vary a great deal. In specific areas of human endeavour, the form of criticism can be highly specialized and technical; it often requires professional knowledge to understand the criticism.Source

I've had both craving's for criticism and aversions to criticism.
Both indicating an ego energy in regards to a particular thing as either Inferior or superior in relationship.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the subtle energy to role play a character charged as either an upper or a downer depending upon my reaction being of a positive energy or a negative energy.

I forgive myself for aceepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand my reactions. Not realizing the scope of the reaction as my very own programming...and that the nature of reaction is an exposure of a problem and weakness that i didnt previously realize. That its not about the thing or person i am reacting to as them being the source of my it goes deeper tham that - the truth is ive been the source of my own problems. And ive projected them outward as blame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to outwardly project blame as a way to cope with unresolved inferiorities/inadequacies. I realize these projections based on my perception have been a self sabotage.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to self sabotage myself within self judgement...not realizing my judgements of "others" have been the outflow projection of my own inner unresolved self judgments.

I commit myself to introspecting the subtle movements/energies within myself.
I commit myself to utilizing my mind as a tool to support my investigations into the depth of my body.

I commit myself to utilizing Criticism as a tool of support. I realize that when I am adverse to criticism that's when I need it the most...and when I'm seeking criticism that's when I require to stop and trust myself.

When and as I experience a rush of energy within myself whether it is to criticism's or anything else for that matter - I stop and breathe - I use a word to identify and define the energetic experience emerging in my body...and I use what comes up in my mind as a cross reference of my judgement/pattern as the point of self-reflection. I realize that when in mind there's a voice for me like to say something in a way where I am projecting outward - I utilize these moments to deliberately induce my own self-reflection ...realizing it's not about projecting outward but in fact processing my inward reflection....Tuning in to my InnerVerse.

  • I realize Criticism is integral to our best development.

  • I realize Criticism is a huge Key to effective Creations through Collaboration.

  • No Man is an Island

  • I realize any reaction to criticism is indicative of a deeper seeded programming pattern that is existing mostly unconsciously and beyond as a subtle energy current that is limiting in nature.

  • Our weaknesses are our greatest all strength is born out of weakness/limitation.


It's like my body is a "ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

commitment 3.jpg



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I just doubt everything that "man" has put together through thought.

I did not write "my" thought, because I am the world and the world is me...

We (thought )are used to being entertained, we (thought) want to be entertained...

Because if someone (thought) is out to help you then he becomes the leader, that someone then conducts you, tells you what to do and so on...

You must be free of authority to find reality. Therefore, first clear up your own confusion, become a light unto yourself!

Is there a leader without thought? Who is judging (the judge), analyzing (the analyser)?

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. - Lao Tzu

Very interesting your post. Congratulations. The criticism to others, are the reflection of our deficiency ...

Great topic and nice job thank's

Wow this is amazing from you sir the tips here are going to help me a lot,thankful to you.certainly this is a special post from you.

These days criticism is pretty much becoming taboo which is weakening society as a whole. When there is merit, criticism is a must for advancement of your own development and society as a whole.

nice observation - well said :)


Criticism is good for me it only make me better than ever :)

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