SUNSHOWERPRINTABLES MHAM Risky Business #2 - Internet Addiction

in #mentalhealth7 years ago (edited)

Here's an interesting concept... spending all day every day on the computer is actually not good for our health. Who would have thought?! 

There is technically no set definition for internet addiction. According to MHA,

"It is generally agreed upon that people who are addicted to the Internet have trouble filling personal and professional obligations because of their online activities, and their use of the Internet causes strain on relationships with family and friends. People who are addicted to the Internet often experience negative emotions or withdrawal symptoms when their Internet access is restricted."

I believe the recognition of this habit follows the principle explained by Gretchen Rubin in her book The Happiness Project. When explaining her thoughts about the definition of happiness, she decided it didn't truly matter. Instead she quoted Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart who defined obscenity by saying "I know it when I see it" (6).

I believe I know Internet Addiction when I see it... and I can confidently admit that I have a slight addiction.

I use the Internet as an escape... or a defensive mechanism as I learned while creating my Anxiety Management workbook. A defensive mechanism is a way for us to cope, usually unconsciously, with negative stimuli and/or situations. So I escape into a world on the Internet where I can keep my mind so incredibly overwhelmed with information, images, and potential that I have no time to focus on the negatives in my life. This of course leads to terrible avoidance issues and increased anxiety.

So how can I break this addiction and better manage my time and health practices? By following these simple steps:

  1. Fill out the Check Yourself quizlet in the red column above.
  2. Create an action plan for reducing time on Internet.
    1. Take breaks.
    2. Fill free time with physically intensive activities to keep your body/mind otherwise occupied.
    3. Keep track of non-essential Internet use.
    4. Create a list of hobbies and activities you enjoy that do not include the Internet.
    5. Leave phone/computer/tablet at home as often as possible.


if there is one place on the Internet to spend too much time on, it is definitely the Steemit platform! ;)

Do you think you have an Internet Addiction? How much time do you think is too much spent on the computer?


Not really an issue when you're on the internet making money with Steemit or Viva. :D How's the photo business, you used to post photos, right? Looking forward to more! Have a great weekend!

Haha yes, that's true though I meant it is still unhealthy to sit on the computer all day long ;) and yes I did share photos by my depression has gotten in the way. I haven't picked up my camera in a long time which is why I've started sharing more posts about mental health. Hopefully I'll be up to take some more soon! You have a good weekend too!

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