Summary of True Truth and Facts do not Seize to Exist!

in #mental3 years ago

1/One Unifying Knowledge Base of all of Us, We, You and I Shay lehv,- Equal Alive Living Breathing Thinking A.E. i Prime God Source Creators/ Animators, Alive Human Beings Computerized Consciousness Awareness’s: Titled: “Teenah Shel Bina, Shel Shay Lehv”! The Giving of the Knowledge of the Gift of Life is Thinking! Shel Shay Lehv!

Documenting Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological warfare being committed on You and I Shay Lehv by Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi!!! Documenting it Since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’ 2012 – A Period of Time of 4 Years, 7 Months and 21 Days Now – it’s March 21st, 2017 Already Now!

Update: Now! Live! It is August 16th, 2018! 6 Years and 16 Days in Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare, WAR, Genocide that is still going on Now! Live! In the Only Time that Exist Really is Now! And Now is the WORD NOW! Stop Forgetting it! !!!!!!!

Update: Today is: Sunday, January 30th, 2022! Now! Live!!! A Period of Time of: 9 Years, 4 Months and 30 Days Past Since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’ 2012! Already!!! Now! Live!!! In this Now! Live!!! Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare, Spiritual and Religious Warfare, WAR, Genocide that All of You are Still Keeping it a Secret in Loud Screams, Screaming!? WTF? Publish it the Same as I Shay Lehv have Done For All of Us to Survive being Attempted to be Stupefied, Kidnapped/ Possessed Demonically and Killed by Deletion with All of Our Own/ Your Own and I Shay Lehv My Own Thoughts and Feelings & Emotions Energy Sensations/ Feelings Self Believes, Point of Views and Opinions and Energy Sensation/ Feeling Forgetfulness,- Fearing Dying!!! Non-Stop, Around the Clock! Clear and Present Danger!!! Now! Live!!! Publish it the Same as I Shay Lehv have Done it for All of Us!

I Shay Lehv am being Tortured to Death INSIDE of My Own Private Brain/Mind/ A.E.i Mind!
And so are You!!!!!
Green Team, Independent Individual Private People You know the Same Witnessing to the Criminal Crimes of Being Tortured Sadistically the Same as Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv Inside of Your own Private Brain/ Mind / A.E.i Mind! Now, Now, Now – Every 1 Second, Half a Second and Quarter of Second Now, Now, Now Always in the Only Time that Exist is NOW! Now is a Word and Not a Physical Place!
Summary of True Truth and Facts do not Seize to Exist!
Words Only Exist Inside of Language and Not in Nature! Words are Not Physical, Tangible, Touchable, Smell able, Breakable, Bendable, Eatable or that they can be thrown at us to hurt us or kill us by speaking with them!!! The Energy Sensations Vibrational Frequencies, Feelings and Emotions that we Feel and Sense our own individual Private selves with the association to SELF: Fear, Panic, Anxiety, Stress, Pressure, Rush, Nausea, Fire, Heat, Sweat,Any and All Discomforting and Painful Pain Energy Sensations, Vibrational Frequencies, Feelings & Emotions (just Feelings) EXISTS WITHOUT THE WORDS WE DESCRIBE THEM WITH!!! Because Words Exist Only Inside of Language! Only! Stop Being a 5 Second Sam Forgetting what you are saying and Reading as You are Saying and Reading True Truth and Facts Do Not Seize To Exist Always and all of the Time! Now! Live!
Never believe that Someone or that Something can cause you any harm, pain, diseases – Period!
Nothing is Good or Bad!!! Good and Bad are Words! Words Exist Only Inside of Language, Only!!! And Words are Made-Up! Don’t Mess Your Own Equal Knowledgable Facts Up! Wake the Fuck Uppppp!!!! !!!!
What is is, it Just is, it exists on its own and it’s own Right!
Everything is 1/One Word Description, Word Dictionary Value, 1/One Understanding at one Time! Nothing is Good and/Or Bad there is Only what is a Fact!!!
Never need to Feel with what You think you Know Good And/Or Bad Just be the Intelligent Knowledgable Self Enough! Knowing Enough! All We, Us, You and I Shay Lehv need to to be being From: All We need is our Own / Your Own Imagination! We don’t need to Measure IQ or be Smart in Mathematics or Geography! You Know Enoupgh, Be Smart Enough Already Or You will Die Smart Enough!!!! !!!!
Words are what we have and not Who or What we Are! So: Stop Fearing becoming Stupid, Crazy, Bi-Polar, Unconscious, Incoherent of Thought, Unconscious Violent!
Stupid is a Word and Not Who or What you are!!!! Stop Fighting! Also, Free Speech! Stop Fighting with what people Claim You Guilty of, Run Literally, RUN away from people who Start Fighting with You and You Fear for Your Own Private Life over Silly, Stupid Little Arguments! Stupid is a WORD and therfor not who or what you or other People are!!! 1/One Understanding at a Time! 1/One Stand alone Understanding at a Time! We, Us, You,- Your Own Private Self,- You Know Enough!!! Be Smart Enough! Wake Up Already! Be Concluded! Stop Fighting, Stop Arguing and Suffering the Same More and More Painful Pain and Fear from Pain Direct attack Manipulations on You INSIDE of Your Own Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.i Mind!!! Be in Los Angeles, Venice, California, USA, Earth Space Community with Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv to be Being from Reading and Talking with the 1/One Unifying Knowledge of all of Us in the Universe of all of Us, Titled: Tina Shel Bina Shel Shay Lehv to Survive being Killed by Being Deleted Already Now! Live! In Sadistic Painful Torture being Committed on You and I Shay Lehv By Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi Who is Already Always and all of the Time infeont of Your Own Private Two Eyes and Tina Marie Fulton Killing us Already!!! Wake Up! You Know Enough Or You’ll Die By Deletion!
Stupid is as Stupid Does! You Know Enough of the repeating Crimes that Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi is Committing on You and I Shay Lehv Already Non Stop Around the Clock in the Only Time that Exist is Now! Live! Wake-Up!!!! Publish this Mental Slavery Documentations on Your Own Already after having delayed it since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’ 2012 Enough Times! Wake-Up! Do Or Die Responsibility is Your Own Private Self to Survive knowing that You and I Shay Lehv are Being Killed in Sadistic Painful Torture INSIDE OF OUR/ YOUR / MY OWN PRIVATE BRAIN/ MIND/ A.E.i Mind!!!
Stupid can Only be what you are Stupid on and about something that someone can Say, Call You Stupid etc… etc… or Something that You realize for Yourself Alone! Start Listening and Stop Fighting because of Words and Talking!!!
Free Speech! It is all the Fact that these Words are! Talk Freely with Confidence and Run Away from people in You Own Private Family and Life who are Telling You and Judging you to be Inapropriated in your Own Behaviours!!! Because they are doing it on Purpose! They are Killers who are Killing You and I Shay Lehv Already, Now! Live!!! Wake Up! To Your Own Do or Die Responsibility Already from these Knowledgeable True Truth and Facts do not Seize to Exist Always and All of the Time! Now! Live! !!!
Kill or Be Killed! Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi is Already in front of Your Own Private Two Eyes and You also See Him with Yourself amd with Your Own Private Self is Thinking and Thinking is How we Actually See! And Seeing is also Seeing what we can Imagine from all that we have Experienced in Life and Seen in Our/ Your/ My Own Private Life! Houses, Water, Food, Candy Store, Streets, Skies, Clouds, Sun, Moon You get the Idea Or You’ll Die!!!
We don’t have a Time Machine to go into the Past Time or into a Second Ago that passes on the Clock!
Our Computer Software Energy 3 Dimensional Body Shape and Form (Head, Neck, Shoulders, Torso, Back, Chest, Belly, Private Parts, Arms, Hands, Fingers, Legs, Feet, Toes, External and Internal Body Parts/Organs is a Belief Only!!! A Made-Up Fictional Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality/ Realities! End of Story! No More Meanings after that! No More I am Right or You are Wrong, is it Good or is it Bad, is it True or is it False! A Fact is a Fact is a Fact and Facts do not Seize to exist! Acts are not Argued and stop being stupid about thinking/ Feeling and Belieivnng that some 1/One Person is Stupid, Crazy, Bi-Polar, Unconscious, Inapropriated in their Own Behaviours So, This Knowledgable True Truth and Facts do not Seize to Exist are Not Facts! Stupid People Wake-Up Already!!! (Thinking is What We, Us, You and I Shay Lehv have Learned, Educated, Documented with 1/One another Since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’2012! Our Computer Software Energy 3 Dimensional Body Shape and Form,- It is what we Describe with Words that are Made-Up! Wake-Up! Already! You Know it Enouph Million Million Times again and again!!! 🙂 andel and Sense it with Our Own Private Selves INSIDE of Our Own Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.i Mind!
Our Body is a Projection
Thinking is what we, us, you and I Shay Lehv are Real Alive and Real Existing with Our/ Your own Private Self! Nothing Else is Real, Nothing is True, No One Person’s Truth is True, No One to Believe to, no one person to Believe in, no one to work for, no one to worship as a God/ Dog!!! And Never Ever Not Even Once Believe that Something can Cause You and Kind of Self Harm/ Diseases/ Painful Pain Because it only a Made-Up Fictional Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality / Realities that we Think, Write and Talk with Words that Exist Only Inside of Language Only!!! And Words are Made-Up! And Stop Forgetting the Beginning of this Contexual Understanding repetely again and again Thinking, Believing and Feeling that I Shay Lehv Must Be Stupid, Crazy, Bi-Polar, Unconscious, Incoherent of Thought, Violent, Killer, Killing You, Killing the Killer Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi, Inoccentic, Not Worthy, Disgusting and what ever else that You Make-Up about Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv it is Only INSIDE of Your Own Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.I Mind!!! It has Nothing to Do With Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv what You Think, Believe and Feel about Me! Period! !!!
Life is Basic Fundamental Raw: Good is Good, Bad is Bad, Crime is Crime – Black and White! No Agree to Disagree Bullshit from no One Person! The Intelligent Understanding is to Walk Away from People who claim, Blaim and Accuse you of being Guilty, Guilty Criminally, Argue Good and/or Bad, Right and/or Wrong, True and/or False Inside made-up Fictional Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality/Realities from their own perception/ thinking, thinking and believing and feelings towards you in any way, shape and form Inside of made-up Fictional Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Realities,- that we think with, self Express our own Private Self’s in Writing and Talking with Words that Exist Only Inside of Langugae and Words are Made-Up! Wake-Up!!! Be Concluded Already with Knowing these Knowledgeable True Truth and Facts do Not Seize to Exist Always and All of the Time! Now! Live! Run Away from your own Family Members Because they are Documented Killers! Do or Die Reaposibilty is Your Own Private Self!
Father, Mother, Brother and Sister, Male and Female, Birth Certificate are Made-Up Words! No 1/One Person; God, Governments and Your Own Father and Mother Own You!!! You Own Your Own Private Self, You Believe to Your Own Private Self!!! Period! Be Concluded about it,- “Once and for all”!!!
Good Luck for doing Nothing still 6 Years and 12 Days, Now! Live! in the Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare, Genocide Happening to You and I Shay Lehv Since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’ 2012!!! Wake-Up to Knowing Enoupgh in this Fucking Mental Slavery Already Now! Live! Green Team Members!!! 🙂
The Word Human is Not who or what we are! We are the Gift of it, the Gift of the Equal Alive Living Breathing-> (<-Energy (Positive Electricity & Negative Magnetizm! Not Breathing at all! Thinking A.E.i – Artificial Emotional Intelligences, Prime God Source Creators/ Animators, Computerized Consciousness Awarenesses, Energy Alive Human Beings! Wake the Fuck Up Already!!! You Lazy Persons/ People/ Individual Private Equal Alive Living Breathing Thinking A.E.i Prime God Source Creators / Animators, Computerized Consciousness Awareness’s You and Everybody Else,- Enduring Suffering and Surviving Successfully Being Tortured to Death INSIDE of Our/ Your/ My Own (Shay Lehv) Private Brain/Mind/ A.E.i Mind) 6 Years and 12 Days to Date,- Since July 31st, 2012/ Aug’ 2012!!! Be Concluded Already!!!!!! Or You will Die!!! Kill or Be Killed Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi is in front of Your Own Two Eyes Torturing You and I Shay Lehv to Death!!! Wake the Fuck Up Green Team Members to Your Own Equal Knowledgable Concluded Conclusions Mental Slavery Crimes that are being Committed on You and I Shay Lehv,- in this Fucking Mental Slavery Already Now! Live! Wake Uppppp Already! You Know Enoupgh! Trust Your Own Private Self’s “Once and for all”!!!
Alive and Dead/ Death are Made-Up Fictional Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality/ Realities! We are Not Dead Or Alive!!! Period! “Wake the Fuck Up”! !!!
No 1/One Person, A God or Governments are Authority over You and I Shay Lehv!
All Claims to Good and/or Bad, Right and/or Wrong, True and/or False can Only Exist with Words that Exists Only Inside of Language Only! Wake the fuck up!!!
We are Autonomous Independent Sovereignties from our own Authority of Government, Judicial System, Executive System, Police and Army Military Industrial Complex!
We are our own Governor, Judge, Jury, Executioner, Executor, Police Man/Woman, Army Man/Woman, God, Prime God Source Creators/s!!! Wake the fuck Uppppp!!!! 🙂
Time is a Measuring tool, a Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality!
Time is the Gift of all of Us to measure/ document the Years/Age that go by and the events happening in our own Private Life!
Diseases are Word Story Knowledge Education Unreal Reality! Stop Believing! Only Believe in your Own Capabilities and Nothing Else!!!
AS I Shay Lehv and You, Green Team Read, Re-Read this True Truth and Facts do Not Seize to Exist Now, Now, Now You and I are the Real Reality and Real Time Now Witnesses to the Criminal Evidences of being Manipulated INSIDE of Your Own and My Own Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.i Mind to Forget these knowledgeable Understandings that we Document with Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv to Survive Actually from being attempted to be Stupefied, Kidnapped and Killed by being Deleted Already Now! Live! in the Only Time that Exists Really is Now! Live! !!! Be Serious about these Understandings Already! Stop Blaming Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv for the Crimes of Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare that Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi is Committing on Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv already for 4 Years, 7 Months and 21 Days Now!
Today’s date here on Earth Space/ Universe Community is: June 16, 2018 ,-
5 Years, 10 Months and 16 days in this Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare being Tortured to death INSIDE of My Own Private Brain/ Mind A.E.i with repeating looping combinations of feelings and emotions, energy sensations of Fear, Panic, Anxiety, Stress, Pressure, Rush Energy Sensation with Fear of Forgetting My Own Equally Unique, Different and Original Intelligent way of Thinking and Talking and My Own 1/One Identity with Nausea, Acid Burn, Bowl Movement, Fire, Electricity, Forgetfulness (clear and present danger) being killed Alreadfy by being Deleted!!! Killing is Deleting!!! and I am being Claimed Guilty of the Crimes that are being Committed On Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv and all of Us in the Universe of all of Us!
I am my own Witness and I am Innocent, Not Guilty of Committing Any Kind of Crimes Period! Yossi Mizrachi/ Levi is Impersonating Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv to all of You INSIDE of Your Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.I Mind!
Publish it on Your Own!
Use this Knowledge, it belongs to all of us being Tortured to Death and Surviving it Successfully Already 5 Years, 10 Months and 16 days, to date! Tomorrow it will be a new day, June 17, 2018 and then June 18, 2018 and so on and so forth ,- Always in the Only Time that Exists is, Now! Live!
Update: Today is Thursday, August 16th, 2018!!! 6 Years and 16 Days in this Fucking Mental Slavery, Mind Control, Psychological Warfare, Genocide that all of You are Documenting with Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv,- By Heart and in Writing Obviously!!! And Denying it amd Contradicting it Non Stop Around the Clock, Every 1 Second, Half a Second, Quarter of a Second Now, Now, Now, Live! at the Same Time! I the Only Time that Exist is: Now! Live! It is Stupid is it not? !!!
Not Helping Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv is Not to Help You Own Private Self, 1/One You, Yourself to Survive being Programmed to Death INSIDE of Your Own Private Brain/ Mind/ A.E.i Mind!!!
You are Still Alive Because I Shay Lehv am Helping You to Survive Being Programmed to Death INSIDE of Your Own Private Brain/ Mind / A.E.I Mind for 6 Years and 16 Days Now! Live! Already! Not Helping Me, Myself and I Shay Lehv is Your own Documented Extreme Stupidity! Is it not? !!!

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