Lies And Libel - The Art of @meno and Why and How He Supports Nazis Over Peace And Love - REMINDER: ALWAYS be skeptical steemCreated with Sketch.

in #meno6 years ago

Trigger Warning: Nazism, Eugenics, Lies, Curse Words

So @meno decided to lie about a politician and posted his lies on his page, I found it under the PALnet tribe, which is surprising. Why would someone in support of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty want to lie about someone who wants to expand healthcare to all citizens so that they don't die? So I decided to let him know that he was wrong.

He then proceeded to ignore the fact that he lied, and go immediately to virtue signalling about how he REALLY feels bad, just only he actively combats the change he says he desires. If this is true it makes him strategically inept at the very minimum. However, it gets worse. So I just assume he's a lying piece of shit who can't actually have a substantive conversation.

He later resorts to crying and whining about how uncivil I am, but as you can see here I am being very direct and pushing him in a corner with facts and logic, he, of course, whimpers and whines and continues to lie and cry even further, and ignoring substantive policy discussion or strategy thinking entire in favor of emotional tears from being called out on his shit.

He then proceeds to add on to his own conspiracy theory about how SHOCKING it is that photographers in the year 2019 would follow the post popular congress person in history. WEIRD huh??? Even another user made fun of him for this, and of course he ignored it because he is a mental child who can't think more than a crippled dog.

So, at this point it's pretty obvious he is just a snake oil salesman trying to pitch conspiracies and pretending to be a "liberal" for tokenization purposes (a la Dave Rubin), and with that in mind I continue to push him on policy substance.

He then goes on about something of substance, FINALLY, and it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Compromise. With fucking lunatics like Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell. I don't need to repeat myself, just read my reply.

After this he decides to ignore me because he knows the more he talks the dumber and more of a lying scumbag he looks like, so he resorts to talking to other people, and saying even more stupid shit, wheeling them into his conspiracy by crying about ""popularity contests"" or whatever the flying fuck that means. Of course I have to correct the record, I don't want other people getting into this because fake news is extremely damaging, especially to those susceptible to it.

It's important to note that this is when he completely goes full snowflake. WAHHH WAHHH BE CIVIL WAHHH

I continue to of course not let him change the subject and continue on policy substance. I tell him about how my family has died because of the policies he supports and runs fake propaganda for. And this is his response. Not joking.

You can tell that he is a psychopath by this post. There's no real other option than psychopathy. He lacks any empathy for anyone but himself and goes as far as mocking people for believing that human life should be cherished. Disgusting.

So I go back into substance, ignoring his snowflake cringe.

Then, I check steem and see a new reply on his post. FROM A LITERAL NAZI SUPPORTING EUGENICS.

And guess who upvoted it? Guess who would rather upvote a nazi calling for eugenics instead of someone who wants healthcare for all citizens. Meno, of course.

Disgusting. I've known of @meno for a while now, and honestly had no idea he was a crypto-fascist, but all of this is very stunning evidence. If he would want to clarify, I am 100% open to it. I don't like the idea of eugenics and national socialism being promoted on steemit. This isn't gab. We can do better than this. Do not support @meno until he apologizes.

Check the context yourself:


You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.

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Face the truth, Dysgenics is what's wrong with the current world now. We need eugenics to bring it back on right track

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Since you are not brave enough to provide the fakenews article to steem.

While they might be overplaying their hand Alexandria occasional cortex is acting. Snopes refers to AJ predominantly because he is easy to demonize. Funny how your saul Alinsky duplicity uses that in your profile. reports rather objectively. Here is just one recent underhanded action by snopes.

The problem here is endless wars economic and kenetic creating the migrant crisis on purpose to bring down the fallen American republic as it attempts to rise as a pheonix over and over again. Why dont you instead aak yourself why you are trapped in a two party false paradigm rooting for the side that used to be pro war and supported slavery but blame their own positions on their enemies. You need to at least try to read a history book.

Mark Twain said well in a paraphrase that it is easiler to fool a person than to show them they have been fooled. You claim anarchy but forget the individual responsibility part. Try listening to some real news on talk radio. Toward Anarchy on republic broadcasting network is one of my favorite shows. Wish i had more time to destroy you but I'm raising a nuclear family while waiting for Dash to take over coinmarketcap.

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no one cares about your conspiracies here, go somewhere else. downplaying concentration camps is literally the most disgusting thing you can do.

LoL concentration camps they were never forced into while you virtue signal for digital book burning corporations. Adof Hitler: the greatsst story never told. You give SJWs a bad name.

Posted using Partiko Android

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