2010 reboot

in #memories7 years ago

(Serendipitously: A brief correspondence with Damien, Monk Earth Child Unity.Earth in 2010 (email no longer valid, so wherever you are Damien, trust your heart is still strong!)

Hello Damien,
My week has been busy and I see today is the day. Here is what I could manage:

Hermes, Thrice Great, call our thoughts and tongues towards truth and love so that we may find our way out of this dark night of the collective soul. Sophia, feminine wisdom within us all, we listen for your council in stillness and deep reverence.

We are one being, called to witness a wounding of great consequence to our kin living in and above the oceans. We are saddened and appalled by the extent of this plight and gather to comfort each other as we share in the horror. It may have been thought enough to send in trawlers to scavenge your riches. It may have been thought enough that our islands of plastic rubbish choke and pollute and that warships pollute with penetrating and distressing sound. It may have been enough that our rivers pour chemicals and poisons into you. Now you are adrift in our bullying greed for a fuel that really needs to stay inside the Earth where it is available to normal processes. You are gasping in human hubris and rank-pulling that denies alternatives, of which there are many.

The wound in the Gulf lies within us all, and our only hope is to heal our emotional life in the realm of dreams and visions. When hearts meet under the waves we encourage each other that there is a way to restore. We find the territory in ourselves that has been trained to be less than another and more than another. We find the territory of propaganda that makes you scared of your own mind and power. Our environment and bodies are polluted by the same mind-set that is polluting the Gulf of Mexico, Nigeria, Alaska; beautiful places across the entire world.

We have never been able to stand together in this way, united in voice, heart and mind, connected through our love for the oceans and our brothers and sisters living there.

Together in silence we join our passionate love for the songbirds of the oceans, their gardens of delight and all creation. Love builds with a deep smile from the heart, sends cascades of affection to those who suffer and those who are in dying. We also send cascades of affection to those whose unfortunate actions resulted in this tragedy. Let there be no more. Let this be the end of outdated technology.

We ask the waters of the world to convey our love and caring to our brothers and sisters in the oceans. Let water be the medium through which we send love into the earth and the air. Pray love into water as you drink, as you use, as you enjoy, as you carry in your body, as you eliminate. Pray love into the moist air that escapes when you breathe and use your voice. Pray love into water in cloud and mist. Through water the great love network spreads underground, in mycelium and roots, wells and subterranean streams ringing against crystal. Pray love through dew and ravines, wetlands and lakes, water that rises into the air to pass on the message of our love to swift clouds.


We are disgusted. Our thoughts withdraw from imagining the suffocation of beautiful creatures. But our only hope is to witness, to see and examine that black suffocation, and plant within it a spark to ignite a healing shimmer. To breathe that in and out through your immaculate heart and into your lightness of being that remembers that everything is possible to those who co-operate for the sake of solution. Be careful not to drown in feelings of sorrow and anger. Stay quiet and allow yourself to feel the waves of love and nurturance gathering for you. You may have been hypnotized into reaching for aggression, but now is the time for cool assessment and the gathering of those who know that a better world for all is unavoidable. We are eager to bring it about, to join what we know and persuade a fresh new world into being. Your weapon is to be watchful, creative and intelligent like never before. Your weapon is your genius that you now have no choice but to put into service of our Beloved.

Now is the time for SACRED RAGE, which fires our spirit to bring about what we want, which is a better life for all, lived in reverence for our planet. There must be justice, meaning cessation of outdated technologies and reparation of the damage done by drilling, mining, bombing, blasting, warring, poisoning. Show your commitment not just in prayers but in actions.

Suffer discomfort for the Beloved. Change habits of eating and drinking to reduce packaging and to preserve species. Change habits of pleasure and the sense of entitlement that uses up gross amounts of resources that belong to all. Live frugally, outside of systems of excess that only seek to pollute your mind and suck on your energy. It's not enough to feel the grief, to feel the love and compassion. Take responsibility for what runs down plug holes and drains; for what is used and discarded. Withdraw your support from the polluters and shine your financial, intellectual, creative and energetic resources on organisations and networks that are already engaged in bringing about a new Eden. We have the most incredible opportunity to join in a global voice that calls for an end to the war on humanity and nature and the beginning of sanity.