Memorial Day ... Another De Facto Sponsored Celebratory "Holy Day" To Keep The Minions In Line And A World In Terror

in #memorialday7 years ago (edited)

By ALL MEANS, let us remember and honor the fallen and all who served. But do not be derailed from the fact that many, if not most of them were DECEIVED into serving. There is an agenda veiled by all manner of verbal well-sounding deceit shrouded in patriot-speak. The agenda is not about the protection of a homeland, it is about gain through interference in the affairs of other cultures.

After many years of military service it comes down to this: I Was Used. It WAS a job alright, a horrid job, and NOT a worthy adventure.

Memorial Day may NOT be the celebration of something we have been dishonestly led to believe is a celebration of bravery and courage. The image that follows, though grimly themed, renders "the Truth, Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth" that backs the assertion of this post. This is what it appears is the actually ignorantly celebrated consequence on this "holy day" promoted by controllers and deceivers.

Desolate places02.jpg

I have discovered through my long tenure of experience in the US military that I defended NO freedom for you, for me, for family for friend, nor any American state national. Yet at the time I THOUGHT I was because I was TOLD I was. To be publicly thanked "for my service" conjures up within me feelings of ambivalence, knowing and realizing what I do now, and daily observing the ongoing defrauding of nations and their people in the name of freedom and honor.

My "service" was actually, (and certainly not disclosed as such), a massive lie to benefit only the invasive corporations and their affiliates, pretending to offer government services, but are actually controlled by greed motivated corporate hacks, banksters, media trolls and political puppets. Their stealth agenda is to invade foreign lands and collect the spoils thereof. I know by experience. The truth I wish to illustrate follows in the form of an image:

Danger Wrong Way03.jpg

It is obvious now that unaware and well-meaning "patriotic beings" have their heads in the back pockets of these miscreants, where all their worthless fiat paper is stored. That's why they claim to love and claim to "serve" us. I'm probably correct that they would have me to say "thank you" on their behalf to those who still "celebrate" their victories and those for none else.

We are beyond the need to "wake up". We, the whole planet, need to "grow up" as suggested by Augustus Blackstone in his excellent treatise, "Errant-Sovereign Handbook."

(Get it here:

Patriotism has devolved into a religious cult, celebrating that which appears to be one thing but is in truth another. The term "patriot" is the basis of a false region, a term of gross misinformation on behalf of a corporate takeover of this land mass called The De Jure and original united States of America and many others around the planet.

So, if this offends any alleged "patriots" missing the facts, please do immediately send me just one bitcoin at its current value and I will genuinely and joyfully forgive you. Trust me...I will joyfully forgive!

We CAN and simply MUST break out of the prison of deliberately blurred eyes.

Prison of the eye.jpg

YES! We can! YES! We must!! We can and must both WAKE up AND GROW up.

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