Just a Tale to Tell

in #memoirsofablonde4 years ago


Let me tell you a story. You won’t believe me but listen anyway.

There’s a billboard in Los Angeles, California that says, “ Someone alive today will reach the age 150.”
I believe that. I believe that because I think I will reach 150.
And that billboard lets me know that I’m not alone.
My hubs is the genius. Long story short and our reasons being we that wanted to lose pregnancy weight, we saw the signs of aging starting and also wanted to know more about how vaccines worked as we’d just had 2 kids; basically we just wanted to know more about how our bodies worked so we knew what to do.
Google got us a going with a good start but we kept wanting to understand more. So, not withstanding the fact that my hubs is already a successful lawyer with 3 degrees/doctorate, we decided he needed to go back to school to get a 4th degree; a medical degree so we would know what the doctors knew.
He went through Pre-Med with high scores but realized that doctors weren’t learning what we wanted to know. They learned how to treat the problems after the fact, not how to stop them from happening in the first place. He took the classes that led him deeper into how the body works. Mastering Organic Chemistry 1 and 2, then cellular biology and onto and through Molecular Biology while also dabbling in learning Bio Chemistry. He applied his problem solving skills as a lawyer to science to get through a Molecular Bio degree. Not for money or a career but for knowledge we could apply to ourselves. He’s crazy genius and I’m so proud to be his wife but I digress. We now know what our bodies need exactly, why our cells age and how to not only to stop the damage from happening but also ways to heal or as some might say “reverse” past damage. I know other scientists at the top know this stuff too. None of it’s that hard to figure out but you have to look at the problem from all sides, not just one. It’s actually quite basic in so many ways such as our diet is absolutely wrong. Remember how people in the Middle Ages ate off lead plates with lead forks, spoons and goblets and slowly poisoned themselves? They didn’t know they were doing it to themselves. That’s what’s happening now. Our food is full of chemicals and undergoing processes that change the molecules in ways that disrupt our entire body. No wonder cancer is rampant once you understand what every molecule is doing. A few books are out about one part of the problem or another side of it and people know some things such as not to eat red dye 40 but they do it anyway; check your food labels, it’s in everything. The diet that does the least harm to your body (hello free radicals anyone?) is very limited. People think we’re nuts when we tell them how we eat. And that’s just one part of the problem (stopping the harm aka aging).
But I know for sure. Someone else out there has pieced it together also. I saw your sign and I’ll see you in 100 years.
I know it sounds crazy when you don’t understand the science but it’s so obvious once you know.
So for a moment let’s go with me on this ride. If we’re right and I can keep my health in prime condition and essentially stop aging (aka damaging my cells and systems)....some of us are going to start living a long time in great health. Most people won’t accept what I say unless they are as educated as us to understand hows and whys and wouldn’t follow my advice even if we tried, which we did at first.
But then came Trump and the Corona Virus/Covid and it opened my eyes further to truth of how people thought and viewed science. How they could denounce the scientific facts I knew through my husbands studies to be true without even trying to learn about it. How can you save those people from themselves. They insist on staying ignorant and not growing and instead believing lies and absurd conspiracy theories. They wouldn’t listen even if I tried so it’s a waste of our time even trying.


So if I’m right and people won’t learn and some of us live very long and continue to grow and prosper while others stay stagnant in their knowledge and die young at 60s and 70s, the divide will grow.
But those thoughts are for another showing in Higher Thoughts Theatre. For now, my next big birthday is 50 and it doesn’t bother me in the least. I’m proud and excited.


Moral of the story:
The knowledge is out there if you bother to look and grow yourself.

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