Evolution of religious symbolism, Christianity, Zionism, the nation-state, and Online Pseudonym Parties

in #memetics4 years ago (edited)

Goat worship was a normal symbol of worship back before fish worship ("Ichtys", Iesos, Christos, Theos, Yios, Sother) took over. They have each been constant reference frames for roughly 2000 years each. Meaning "Baphomet" actually made sense as a religious symbol 4000 years ago.

Think incumbent/disruptor. The new religious symbolism 2000 years ago ("ichtys") disrupted incumbent goat worship like "baphomet". The Christianity hegemony dominated nation-state scene, lots of Christian nations. Zionists wanted to be on par and created the Jewish nation-state.

If there is also deeper more insidious Zionist agenda for world domination, idk. I know I aspire to world domination and I have designed and deployed a protocol for it already, and my relatives were Christians, so. Idk. Now we are in the age of Aquarius so fish worship is also going to become outdated now anyway.

contract OnlinePseudonymParties {

    uint entropy;

    function getRandomNumber() internal returns (uint){ return entropy = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number - 1), entropy))); }

    uint constant public period = 4 weeks;

    function schedule() public view returns (uint) { return 198000 + ((block.timestamp - 198000) / period) * period; }

    enum Rank { Court, Pair }

    enum Token { Personhood, Registration, Immigration }

    struct Reg {
        Rank rank;
        uint id;
        bool verified;
    mapping (uint => mapping (address => Reg)) public registry;
    mapping (uint => address[]) public shuffler;
    mapping (uint => mapping (Rank => mapping (uint => bool[2]))) public judgement;
    mapping (uint => mapping (uint => bool)) public disputed;

    mapping (uint => uint) public population;
    mapping (uint => mapping (address => uint)) public proofOfPersonhood;
    mapping (uint => mapping (uint => address)) public personhoodIndex;

    mapping (uint => mapping (Token => mapping (address => uint))) public balanceOf;
    mapping (uint => mapping (Token => mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)))) public allowed;

    function registered(uint _t) public view returns (uint) { return shuffler[_t].length; }

    function register() public {
        uint t = schedule();
        require(block.timestamp < t + 2 weeks);
        require(registry[t][msg.sender].id == 0 && balanceOf[t][Token.Registration][msg.sender] >= 1);
        uint id = 1;
        if(registered(t) != 0) {
            id += getRandomNumber() % registered(t);
            registry[t][shuffler[t][id-1]].id = registered(t);
        else shuffler[t].push();

        shuffler[t][id-1] = msg.sender;
        registry[t][msg.sender] = Reg(Rank.Pair, id, false);
    function immigrate() external {
        uint t = schedule();
        require(registry[t][msg.sender].id == 0 && balanceOf[t][Token.Immigration][msg.sender] >= 1);
        registry[t][msg.sender].id = 1 + getRandomNumber()%(2**256-1);

    function isVerified(Rank _rank, uint _unit, uint _t) public view returns (bool) {
        return (judgement[_t][_rank][_unit][0] == true && judgement[_t][_rank][_unit][1] == true);

    function dispute(bool _early) external {
        uint t = schedule();
        if(_early == true) require(block.timestamp > t + 2 weeks);
        else t -= period;
        require(registry[t][msg.sender].rank == Rank.Pair);
        uint id = registry[t][msg.sender].id;
        uint pair = (id+1)/2;
        if(_early == false) require(!isVerified(Rank.Pair, pair, t));
        disputed[t][pair] = true;
    function reassign(bool _early) external {
        uint t = schedule();
        if(_early != true) t -= period;
        uint id = registry[t][msg.sender].id;
        uint pair = 1 + ((id - 1)/(uint(registry[t][msg.sender].rank) + 1))%registered(t)/2;
        require(disputed[t][pair] == true);
        delete registry[t][msg.sender];
        registry[t][msg.sender].id = 1 + uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, pair)))%(2**256-1);

    function _verify(address _account, address _signer, uint _t) internal {
        require(block.timestamp > _t + (uint(keccak256(abi.encode(_t)))%24) * 1 hours);
        require(registry[_t][_signer].rank == Rank.Pair && _account != _signer);
        Rank rank = registry[_t][_account].rank;
        uint temp = (registry[_t][_account].id-1)/(1 + uint(rank));
        uint unit = 1 + temp;
        uint pair = 1 + temp%registered(_t)/2;
        require(disputed[_t][pair] == false);
        uint peer = registry[_t][_signer].id;
        require(pair == (peer+1)/2);
        judgement[_t][rank][unit][peer%2] = true;
    function verify(address _account) external { _verify(_account, msg.sender, schedule()-period); }

    function uploadSignature(address[] calldata _account, bytes32[] calldata r, bytes32[] calldata s, uint8[] calldata v) external {
        uint t = schedule()-period;
        for(uint i = 0; i < _account.length; i++) {
            bytes32 _msgHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_account[i], t));
            _verify(_account[i], ecrecover(_msgHash, v[i], r[i], s[i]), t);
    function completeVerification() external {
        uint t = schedule()-period;
        require(registry[t][msg.sender].verified == false);
        uint id = registry[t][msg.sender].id;
        uint pair;
        if(registry[t][msg.sender].rank == Rank.Court) {
            require(isVerified(Rank.Court, id, t));
            pair = 1 + (id - 1)%registered(t)/2;
        else pair = (id + 1) /2;
        require(isVerified(Rank.Pair, pair, t));
        registry[t][msg.sender].verified = true;
    function claimPersonhood() external {
        uint t = schedule();
        require(proofOfPersonhood[t][msg.sender] == 0 && balanceOf[t][Token.Personhood][msg.sender] >= 1);
        proofOfPersonhood[t][msg.sender] = population[t];
        personhoodIndex[t][population[t]] = msg.sender;
    function _transfer(uint _t, address _from, address _to, uint _value, Token _token) internal { 
        require(balanceOf[_t][_token][_from] >= _value);
        balanceOf[_t][_token][_from] -= _value;
        balanceOf[_t][_token][_to] += _value;        
    function transfer(address _to, uint _value, Token _token) external {
        _transfer(schedule(), msg.sender, _to, _value, _token);
    function approve(address _spender, uint _value, Token _token) external {
        allowed[schedule()][_token][msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value, Token _token) external {
        uint t = schedule();
        require(allowed[t][_token][_from][msg.sender] >= _value);
        _transfer(t, _from, _to, _value, _token);
        allowed[t][_token][_from][msg.sender] -= _value;

    function initialize() external {
        uint t = schedule();
        require(registered(t-period) < 2 && registered(t) < 2);

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