Top 5 stupidest memes
Number 1 Dat Boi ,it literally makes no seance, although usual memes don't, actual lineament memes have a nice little snappy phraze. what is completely dumb is people named there frog that.
what a waste of life
number 2, This random meme just because it did not blow up, and it is halarious
number 3, How To Basic Now this guy's channel is just a giant sized meme, its pretty disgusting how he makes food
give this a watch
number 4, Facebook memes In general, now I understand you might love facebook's articles and videos on how you will get cancer if you eat a cheeto, or how you can look at Pokemon go/ Hillary Clinton GIfs, But their memes are literal trash.
this meme needs do thrown into the sun
Number 5, the pokemon go meme, so lastly this kid or kid's parents must have forced him to make this song, cause by this kids expresion he probably is going to delete this video right after it get 120 million views, anyway this is so cringe I can't even explain like why.