Aleksa's Book Review: The Biology of Moral Systems
Probably the driest tome I've had to sift through on any subject, this absolute treatise on all things biological sometimes ventures into memetic territory but never quite spends the night there.
The information contained herein is plenty to work with: R & K selection, Eusociality, Extinction of genes and various other ideas are communicated clearly but it takes an ever-so-long time to get to the point on anything in the book.
Around the halfway point of the book, the idea of morality was still yet to be discussed. One can hear about the anthropological arguments for cooperation and the lack thereof only so many times before they become strenuous to hear a further time.
This book is by no means bad, but it is filled with so much academic bloat and diversion that it misses the mark on what I needed. It's solid, but so is stool.