The Old Dog Asks: Why do we Say I Feel Blue? Meme Challenge 4 Entry 1

in #memechallenge8 years ago (edited)

“Feeling blue” has universally come to mean feeling sad or depressed but why?

photo credit:

A little bit of research brings up several possible answers:  

1.) Pre-death state:  To go blue in the 1800’s made reference to the medical state of persons and meant that they were at the last stage before death. This pre-death state has been linked with the emotional last stage of person in this phase.

2.) Navy Term: The term “feeling blue” may come from the navel practice of flying a blue flag or painting the entire hull of the shop blue if an officer or captain died during a voyage. 

Other unsubstantiated reasons can also be given but there does seem to be some contradiction when we check the psychological impact of the color blue:  

 What is The Psychological Impact of The Color Blue?  

  According to the site: blue has the following effect on us:  

  • calmness 
  • serenity 
  • cold 
  • uncaring 
  • wisdom 
  • loyalty 
  • truth 
  • focused 
  • un-appetizing  


What Are Some of The Things That Usually Make People Blue?

Often people will say they are blue when there are dark, gloomy, rainy days. 

My meme is based upon the generally accepted meaning of “feeling blue” based on the weather 

I hope that you enjoyed my meme!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


Entered , thanks! 😂😆😇

I'm William Wallace!!!

Nice one Old Dog! From where can I download the photo?
Edit: Never mind I find it!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

There are many theories. The one which I like the best is that Blues Music stems from Blue Grass Country and Blues Music tends to be dominated by laments. So, the connection leads to feeling the 'blues'.

I love that type of blues!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Many thanks indeed - You are very kind. I hope you enjoyed my meme - it had to be done and I certainly hope that you took no offence! One cannot be too careful at times. We need some whale support for the meme challenge! It offers such good opportunity for spreading the word.


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