An Existential Twist of the NPC MEME: The Fine Line Between Auto-Pilot and Cruise Control
There's a strange concept floating around the net, that only so many consciousnesses are in a cycle of reincarnation. The rest of us? Just scripted into reality without souls. If simulation theory wasn't enough to make you question everything around you—then the mind fuckery pertinent in the "NPC Meme" might just be the rabbit hole you're looking for. NPCs, or the "non-playable character"... Do they exist in real life?

The Majority of People Aren't Real
... Or at least that's how the story goes. I was browsing a certain paranormal image board a few weeks ago when I came across a series of intriguing yet mildly disturbing threads about identifying the difference between real human beings (with a soul) and scripted NPCs, that although may appear human are nothing more than a creation of the matrix.
Netizens all over have been in disputes, arguments, and heavy trolling in regards to conspiracies, political agendas, mass brainwashing, and otherwise the dehumanization of everyone when thinking that your friends and family may as well be programmed.
The Flaw of "Cogito, ergo sum"
French philosopher Descartes coined the iconic phrase; "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am." As an individual can only perceive their own thoughts and not those of others, there is no certainty that anyone other than the self exists. This theory/ style of thinking is known as Solipsism, and what a lonely place it is.
I've entertained the notion of "Extended Solipsism" last month right before the meme surfaced to a larger audience. While I've experienced people fully existing in the same level of reality I'm in, I don't believe that those not fully present in the moment are fakes—I'm not convinced.

The #1 Trait of NPCs
It's been stated numerous times that one of the main ways that you can spot an NPC is by asking them if they have an internal monologue, anyone who doesn't isn't real.

This is easily the most tragic piece of ignorance to plague the whole theory. Not everyone has an ever-persistent narrator by their side, regardless of how common it is. Each person possesses a different "learning style", and although this allegory is often quoted from Einstein, it remains anonymous:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid."
Not everyone thinks in sound, and whether a person says they do or don't, you can't actually hear their thoughts. How would you even know? This is a fallacy called; the fallacy of inconsistency. To state that "in order to have a soul, you must think with a voice," having no other thinking style considered.
A Plot Twist in Being an NPC
I have an amusing notion to entertain. What if those perceived as "auto responding" to things in their daily lives, are simply just unaware of their surroundings?
Furthermore, what if some of the people who are these NPCs
Are doing it on purpose?
I say this because...
...this is what I'm doing.

I Chose to be an NPC
So why exactly would I want to be predictable, single track minded... boring?
Simply for the fact that I've figured out that it takes far less energy to live your daily life this way. I stand behind the idea of living in the moment, and I think that I've stumbled upon the missing connection between three types of living;
- active thinking
- auto-pilot
- cruise control

Active Thinkers
These are the people who are providing conscious effort towards every task. At one point in my blogging journey, this is where I was. I was fully present in my past and future, everywhere—except now. Due to this, I was overthinking any task, or anticipated task with full effort. Living in this way created much anxiety and depression within myself, and lead to insomnia. When I think of those who are "on the lookout for NPCs" they are in this first group.

Toronto Star
And here are the "NPCs". Not pressing all of their energy into a different timeline, but just enough that their visions and daydreams overshadow the present moment. I wanted to be on auto-pilot for quite a while, yet needed to decode it first. To me, auto-piloting my way through life meant that most of the things I did day to day (habits), would be productive to my overall gameplan, but require far less energy since I wouldn't have to consciously focus on doing them. The trick with this though, is that the new skills and habits need to be developed first, before becoming automatic.
Much like how walking is technically a skill, but one honed to the point that no mental effort is used to accomplish it. I wanted to have my daily tasks come to me as if it were breathing.
I breathe a sigh as I write this however. My ultimate goal was to live in the moment, but can you even exist there if you don't think about it? Lack the awareness of it?

Right Attitudes
Cruise Control
Or a tweaked version of "going with the flow". I had put auto-piloting into practice, and at some point it hit me. Since my thoughts were purposely being concentrated in "the now" instead of anywhere else, I began to experience a heightened awareness of the moment. My thoughts wandered closer, only thinking about the current day, and whenever an opportunity appeared, I was fully capable of snapping out of auto-pilot, into conscious control of the situation. Guided focus if you will.
I enjoy being an NPC, full-blown with my set greetings, demeanor, and methods, but now based on the particular situation I can also channel my energy where it needs to be.
Being an NPC really isn't this horror story it's being made out to be. What do you think? Is living your life like a machine disgusting, or liberating?

BEEP... BOOP... and all that jazz~
Oh my, what an interesting post. Myself, I've always doubted everyone else's existence. I'm the only one that's not an NPC 😮 I also ask people to prove that they exist and are not just a figment of my imagination. Nobody has been able to do this as of yet 😮
LMAO all this shade! I do like how everyone has a different view in these uhm... spirited debates!
To follow up on @cryptosharon, there was a time where I believed myself to be the only one to exist. I have changed stances since then, but I don't see any harm in believing it. Nobody's running around murdering clones over this <3
It's not that I believe it. I just have no proof that I'm not and therefore, as much as I assume that everyone is real, I cannot be certain.
Posted using Partiko Android
Heck, half the time I don't even know if I'm real. We can believe anything we want to believe ^^
Careful, you may be fragmenting your psych into split personalities by refusing to believe in your obvious reality.
I wish you the best, and with that wish I would ask that you stop and muse to youself :
"I think, therefore I am."
This is most definetely a true statement, thus proving your existence.
Well, I know I exist. I just doubt you do. 😊😊😊
Posted using Partiko Android
How would you know you exist?
Follow what Abraham Lincoln said: Me tink, me egg zist.
Posted using Partiko Android
What if you're not thinking yourself, but you're a mere vessel for someone else thinking. Like does my ethernet cable think when information is passing?
It could believe they are it's own thoughts.
I've thought of that. There are plenty of exciting and not-so-exciting possibilities. But I would exist nonetheless regardless of my nature.
Posted using Partiko Android
A very good answer. I was hoping you wouldn't think that far, but I'm content with this :)
What would you take as proof?
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Lol, I don't know. I don't think it's possible. We only perceive stimuli and these could be spoofed on the way to our perception Matrix-style. Everything could be spoon-fed lies for all we know.
Posted using Partiko Android
So, in other words, you're not really seeking for that confirmation because you are already convinced of the answer, granted that I don't know [what would qualify as proof] isn't the same as your perceived impossibility of such proof.
Posted using Partiko Android
Kind of. I always want someone to change my mind from a view of the world that I'm convinced of but do not like.
Posted using Partiko Android
And what's stopping you lol?
You know what's interesting about flat earth theory? When I ask people what the end game or the purpose behind such a vast conspiracy, nobody knows.
So let me ask you this: what is the purpose behind the completely monumental conspiracy which not even flat earth could compare to in its grandeur, of spoofing you to believe other people are as real as you?
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I don't believe anyone is spoofing anything, just that it's a possibility. And what's stopping me from changing my beliefs is the simple fact that you can't just change your beliefs whenever you want. You can't believe that the water in your glass is dark blue if you see it and it seems clearly transparent.
Posted using Partiko Android
I didn't ask if it was possible though but whats the purpose. You're saying that you don't see others as real as you, but you've no qualifier for what that proof would be or any idea of what would be a qualifier but you believe that they aren't really real based on what then?
Posted using Partiko Android
This made me instantly think of this:
It's kind of a masterpiece. Most of us do live a really boring life in the end, but we're happy in it. We might be thinking big and doing special things when only a few people see us, but the majority might see us as boring people who aren't special and aren't thinking very deep either.
But now to the being the NPC. It's really good if someone doesn't need to take stress about being something. Not everyone needs to be the hero of the world and that's usually enough to be a NPC for most.
It's a very fine line. I would be terrified if I would need to constantly focus on everything. Riding the bicycle home with constant focus on everything. "Ok now push down with left foot.. right foot.. left fooot... right foot... left foot..."
Would that be the ultimate level of not being an NPC?
If you know someone who is an NPC, let me go in their house, dig through their stuff, take their money and potions, throw their chickens in the yard and then run away.
Its impossible to pay attention to everything at the same time :( our flawedness makes me think we might all be NPCs where our NPC thought processes include not being NPCs.
Posted using Partiko Android
To be honest, I'm actually believing nobody is a NPC.
Deep inside, I'm a boring person like that.
I remember seeing that comic a while back—accurately describes my attitude towards being an NPC c:
I agree, we can't be exciting to everyone all of the time, I've been able to appreciate simplicity more as of lately. A person can do much more than get by, turning that autopilot on as a default mode. I think I would lose it if I had to ride a bike that way too xDD
But it does happen. Especially in things like public speaking and other performances, overthinking every step can be stressful, but incredibly beneficial at times.
Wait. Wouldn't the chickens already be in the yard already? Surely an NPCs programming wouldn't allow them to just keep chickens indoors lmao
Great post, good work as always. Forgive me if I missed it or have misunderstood, but with that said. I feel like you've missed the whole point of the npc meme. From my understanding it is one who reguritates what is told to them by the corporate media without being able to comprehend the validity, logic, or value of what they are being told. Thus making them a NPC. Yeh, sure its easy but thats not the point, they point is an NPC is ignorant and can only operate with their fixed programming.
PS: I also feel sorry anyone else who believes in the notion of "simulation theory". I can't imagine a worse way to go through life than belieiving your just a speck in the matrix.
Lol, don't feel sorry for people who doubt. It's good to be sceptical. And I think the NPC meme can have different interpretations on different philosophical levels.
Posted using Partiko Android
On the other hand, I love how people who constantly state how "the mainstream media is mind-controlling us" etc. and just repeating the same phrases they've read somewhere online "in reliable sources". Then blindly following everything stated on these websites.
lol @ you for confusing the source (internet) of open and free dialogue, that includes many varying viewpoints, with the corporate media.
(° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Oh my. No I'm not.
Hey there @millhouze, thanks for the love!
And your definition of what the NPC meme is actually intended as is correct... (However c; ) this meme has extended into the X (Paranormal) board from where it originally appeared on POL (Politically Incorrect), so I'm actually meaning the spirituality take on it. Great observation.
I'm actually a big fan of Everett's MWI (many worlds interpretation) approach. The thing is we can't be 100% certain that we aren't NPCs ourselves operating within a closed system y'know?~
Take it easy,